Wall to wall crises, which one is the worst?

Little Monster's Avatar
That's surely apples any time you wanna throw 'em, LM.

I have NO idea what "sapper" is. And as far as me identity,
some of the other lads here have already vouched for me.
I've never posted on this site before.

To this point, ya really aint showing much smartz.
Looks like the trophy was well-deserved.

Now, do ya want to discuss issues - or just bore the
shit out of me?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Oh now you're pulling out the "you're boring" reply. Lmao!! I guess when the "you're stupid" reply failed you gotta keep reaching.
And who has vouched for you Sapper?

You don't wanna discuss the issues cause if you did you would have addressed them instead of coming in here with your typical childish name calling. That fact is you Fascist-conservatives never stick to the issues, all you do is lie and make shit up cause that is all you can do.

This thread proves that.
Little Monster's Avatar
Name calling...Like calling someone a liar but being unable or unwilling to offer proof. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I have never had a problem providing proof. But when I do you Trumpanzees only have one response "fake news"
Little Monster's Avatar
Yeah give us the facts about ALL the PISSANTS successes...hell just ONE will do. Originally Posted by bb1961
Is this thread about the fact that Biden has done his best to clean up Asshole's messes or is it about sore losers like you who can do nothing but throw hissy fits, lie and make shit up?

Judging by the wack ass poll and the asinine OP, I would say it's the latter.
... Lemme know when you're gonna be done crying,
so we can find a topic to debate. Like Biden's
cratering poll numbers.

### Salty
... Aint gonna wait all day, mate.

Most of Sunday's gone already! We'll do this again soon.

### Salty
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why does no one stand up to China? They fund North Korea and their 3rd world sanitation conditions coupled with their government trying to cover everything up created the COVID-19 pandemic.
Little Monster's Avatar
... Lemme know when you're gonna be done crying,
so we can find a topic to debate. Like Biden's
cratering poll numbers.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nah, how bout we discuss the fact that Trump inherited a strong economy and managed to squander it. After all that is closer to the topic of this thread.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, comedy...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
No Sapper, it was childish, name calling is nothing more than a last resort for someone like you who have no other answer for the facts that get thrown in your face. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Name calling doesn't count when you're calling someone a white supremacist, fascist, uneducated, pussy or bitch, right?

Makes sense to me.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Three pages of a triggered little ass muncher freaking out over his/her beloved Joe Biden LOL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Name calling doesn't count when you're calling someone a white supremacist, fascist, uneducated, pussy or bitch, right?

Makes sense to me. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Or a fascist, Marxist, racist, DPST?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Aint gonna wait all day, mate.

Most of Sunday's gone already! We'll do this again soon.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Ridiculous. HAHAHAHAHAHS! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... What's wrong? ... I'm on Australian time.

(Not really... but you get the gist)

... Smack! Right thru the wicket!

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
it was childish, name calling is nothing more than a last resort for someone like you who have no other answer for the facts that get thrown in your face.

. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Tell me the biggest name caller on the board didn't just say that! SMH!
Is this thread about the fact that Biden has done his best to clean up Asshole's messes or is it about sore losers like you who can do nothing but throw hissy fits, lie and make shit up?

Judging by the wack ass poll and the asinine OP, I would say it's the latter. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Another leftwing poster that deflects when asked about the success of the PISSANTS and his three ring circus...
Again you have nothing but the same repetitive nonsensical gibberish.
As Clara Peller says..."Where's the Beef" little monster??