Timely Reminder

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're the one who's embarrassing himself. Biden is a lost cause he's barely a year in and can't even maintain a 50% approval rating. He's a piece of shit and you can't accept it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Did Trump EVER have 50% approval rating?

NO. Not after one year. Not after two years. Not fucking ever.

Probably not even in the overcooked polls on dersturmer.com, or whatever fucked up propaganda rags you read.

Trump topped out at 49. Yet you continue to worship at his deformed bone spurred feet.

But who's counting, eh?


... No, I was here in the states by then.

... So who didja vote for in the primary?
I surely promise not to laugh very much.

But EVERY poll - they're out sometimes
3 a week - has Biden in the shithouse.
And he continues to drop.

You need to pay better attention.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... No, I was here in the states by then.

... So who didja vote for in the primary?
I surely promise not to laugh very much.

But EVERY poll - they're out sometimes
3 a week - has Biden in the shithouse.
And he continues to drop.

You need to pay better attention.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Only losers live and die by the polls.

As evidenced by some of the rage whiners on this board.

Again, your king never cracked 50%. I don't think that had ever happened before.

But enjoy your polls buddy for the next 12 years.
Did Trump EVER have 50% approval rating?

NO. Not after one year. Not after two years. Not fucking ever.

Probably not even in the overcooked polls on dersturmer.com, or whatever fucked up propaganda rags you read.

Trump topped out at 49. Yet you continue to worship at his deformed bone spurred feet.

But who's counting, eh?


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He did better than Biden. You don't fill up stadiums with 38% approval ratings. Biden couldn't fill up the average American living room, lol.
tman1847's Avatar
Same society that allowed the lunatic criminal Trump to ascend to the throne and now has no grip on reality at any level.

Oh the humanity. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The Republic can survive a Biden who is after all merely a fool.
It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
tman1847's Avatar
Only losers live and die by the polls.

As evidenced by some of the rage whiners on this board.

Again, your king never cracked 50%. I don't think that had ever happened before.

But enjoy your polls buddy for the next 12 years. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The Republic can survive a Biden who is after all merely a fool.
It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
tman1847's Avatar
The stupidity on the right is astounding. Originally Posted by royamcr

The Republic can survive a Biden who is after all merely a fool.
It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No. And if you can’t understand it, it’s on you.

But let me rephrase: Biden is president today because Trump was the worst piece of shit ever allowed into the Oval Office (except for maybe Kanye West).

I did not vote for Biden in the Dem primary. We had choices.

The Republicans fucked up in 2016 and went all in on the Big Lie. He proved you wrong every fucking day. And every day, you sunk deeper into fascism and anti-Americanism.

That’s why Biden won. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

fascism and anti-Americanism. exactly what you want. you want those open borders. you want far left socialism here. because it's worked so well everywhere else, right??

txdot-guy's Avatar
People look at Biden's poll numbers and think that surely Trump could do better. I beg to differ. I have a feeling that Trump's poll numbers would be worse than Biden's if he was in office now.

. Inflation would still be happening due to existing supply chain problems.
. Vaccination rates would probably be worse with Trump in office.
. Just as many people would be at the border trying to immigrate to America.
. The functioning of government would surely be worse than they are now with Republicans gutting government agencies.
. The number of cronies in government kissing Trump's ass would triple from what they are now where the sole value of a government employee is not competency but instead loyalty to Trump.

I'm not a Republican but I used to respect their willingness to actually govern. Trump however brought a new level of incompetency to the executive branch.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
People look at Biden's poll numbers and think that surely Trump could do better. I beg to differ. I have a feeling that Trump's poll numbers would be worse than Biden's if he was in office now.

. Inflation would still be happening due to existing supply chain problems.
. Vaccination rates would probably be worse with Trump in office.
. Just as many people would be at the border trying to immigrate to America.

here's the not even close part. no way under Trump this huge million plus surge would be happening. Trump forced Mexico to stop these migration herds at their border which happens to correspond with international law.

Biden is being forced to reinstate "stay in Mexico" a Trump plan. too late of course as he intentionally let in 1 million people who do not have any claim at all to amnesty. NONE.

being born in a shithole nation is not grounds for amnesty. none of these people have any legit reason to immigrate to the US.

. The functioning of government would surely be worse than they are now with Republicans gutting government agencies.

if you mean the pissass bullshit of the Democrats you are right. but that's just what the Democrats do. the Democratic party is an existential threat to democracy and should be outlawed like the NAZI party post WWII

since 1865 the Democratic party has been the party of racism, the KKK and Jim Crow. and social welfare slavery. they are still at it today.

. The number of cronies in government kissing Trump's ass would triple from what they are now where the sole value of a government employee is not competency but instead loyalty to Trump.

who's ass is Biden kissing? at least with Trump they'd be kissing his ass.

I'm not a Republican but I used to respect their willingness to actually govern. Trump however brought a new level of incompetency to the executive branch. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

not so. not even close. how exactly was Trump incompetent?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Only losers live and die by the polls... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

He kilt Speedy
winn dixie's Avatar
He kilt Speedy Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, but who kilt oeb and Rex?

Same guy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yeah, but who kilt oeb and Rex?

Same guy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I hear one of em was extracted outta their basement clutching a keyboard ranting xi commie DPST.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
not so. not even close. how exactly was Trump incompetent? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Did you really ask that question?

Try clicking the last box.