Share your best, worst, and funniest time with providers or clients

Peyton Daniella's Avatar
Worst: My first experience with a client ever, he walked through the door drinking a beer which I didn't mind but I guess he was a little drunk. He was so aggressive with me that I had to ask him to leave and I was so disgusted I didn't even take the donation. That's always the worst when you have to kick someone out. Thank goodness that only happened a couple of times in all of my experience doing this.

Best: I did an overnight last summer with a client and we got to romping around a few times before we hit a great Mexican restaurant in Fort Worth and then went down to the Stockyards and danced and drank the night away. Came back to my place and snuggled and slept together until he had to leave for work in the morning.

Funniest ( or not so funny to some) : A few years back in NYC I had accidentally dropped a glass right before I had an appointment with a regular. I thought I swept all the chards up until later on my regular stepped on a small piece! I felt so bad that I told him I could get the glass out of his foot for him. I got down on my knees ( insert jokes here) and took a pair of tweezers to his foot and actually was able to get it out! That was crazy! He wound up coming back. Accidents happen!