more rights to be taken away ?

Boredinop's Avatar
So Clarence Thomas is now going to push to not allow gay marriages.....does that mean he also thinks mixed race marriages should not be allowed??????? Oh wait, guess not. What a hypocrite.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trust me I wasn't elevating you to anything. I think you have a talent for misinterpreting information. So I always have to question it. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Shit! He would win the fucking Gold medal!
The VAST majority of the members here know that ALL to well!!
So Clarence Thomas is now going to push to not allow gay marriages.....does that mean he also thinks mixed race marriages should not be allowed??????? Oh wait, guess not. What a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Boredinop
You don't even know WTF you're talking about.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So Clarence Thomas is now going to push to not allow gay marriages.....does that mean he also thinks mixed race marriages should not be allowed??????? Oh wait, guess not. What a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Boredinop

What an idiot. As I have explained, you are mis-stating what Thomas said. He did not say he would vote against those issues but that the reason for those laws was cut from the same cloth as Roe and could theoretically be brought to the court where at least Alito and Kavanaugh and I suspect Thomas would all vote to affirm those "choices".

The Supreme Court entirely overturned Roe, a 1973 decision that declared abortion a federally protected right under the Fourteenth Amendment, which says states can’t deprive people of “life, liberty or property, without due process of law,” ruling abortion is not actually protected under those due process rights.

Justice Samuel Alito said in the court’s opinion that its ruling Friday should only be applied to abortion and not other rulings the court has made based on due process rights, like Obergefell v. Hodges, which affirmed the right to same-sex marriage, and Griswold v. Connecticut, which guaranteed a constitutional right to privacy and the right for married couples to use contraceptives.

In a concurring opinion, Thomas agreed that this ruling itself does not apply to other cases, as “the court’s abortion cases are unique” and justices only considered this one set of circumstances, rather than rights granted through “substantive due process” as a whole.

And what if they were all returned to the States for the people to vote on? Isn't that the very definition of a Democratic process? Where does it say that the SC can't be over ruled? It doesn't.

Bottom line, if it isn't written in the Constitution, "the people" in their states should make these decisions. That is what the Constitution says and that folks is what Democracy looks like. If any "right" is taken away, it will be the States doing it not the Supreme Court. Is that really so damn difficult to understand?

What a great fucking country we live in.
VitaMan's Avatar
Even other Supreme Court justices are talking about hypocrisy:

Justice opinion

"All rights that have no history stretching back to the mid-19th century are insecure. Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other.”
VitaMan's Avatar
The VAST majority of the members here know that ALL to well!! Originally Posted by bb1961

It's not surprising you and Hedonist would put a tag team together. Both of you have deflected and had your asses handed to you so many times...and caught lying...but you wont' admit good little Trumpites.

Is Donny asking you for money today ?
Boredinop's Avatar
You don't even know WTF you're talking about. Originally Posted by bb1961
Quite obvious you don't.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Even other Supreme Court justices are talking about hypocrisy:

Are they discussing the hypocrisy of insisting on "precedent" when precedent has been used several times to change what they didn't like ( Plessey ) but now find precedent sacrosanct?

Justice opinion

Which Justice? Let me guess, one of the 3 losers on this decision?

"All rights that have no history stretching back to the mid-19th century are insecure. Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other.” Originally Posted by VitaMan

All so called rights not enumerated in the Constitution are insecure and they loved that decision when Plessey was over turned, didn't they.
It's not surprising you and Hedonist would put a tag team together. Both of you have deflected and had your asses handed to you so many times...and caught lying...but you wont' admit good little Trumpites.

Is Donny asking you for money today ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Hmmmm... I'm GLAD and GREATFUL for the "Juneteenth" day.

America celebratin' the freeing of slaves... and NOW
thanks to President Trump - celebratin' the freedom
from the slaves of abortion. ...

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's not surprising you and Hedonist would put a tag team together. Both of you have deflected and had your asses handed to you so many times...and caught lying...but you wont' admit good little Trumpites.

You have quite the imagination.

Is Donny asking you for money today ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

Never gave Trump or any other politician a dime.

I just suggested that there may be enough evidence to prosecute Trump and I'm a Trumpite? Poor thing. I mean, I know it's all you've got got but damn, play a different tune how about it.

Do you even understand the difference in supporting a person and supporting policies? Silly question, of course you don't.
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg say Roe v Wade was not a good ruling. The Supreme Court pulled a right out of thin air and now they removed the right they invented. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Roe vs Wade was based upon a lie. Norma McCorvey Aka Jane Roe lied about being raped. The clip below shows her publicly admitting it. All these years Democrats guarded this bullshit and it was all a big lie. The Supreme Court should have dumped this made up crap a long time ago. Abortion isn't a Right never has been and never will be on a Federal level. If individual States want to enact such a crock of shit it's on them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do you know about the Moon landing, LeviQanon?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What do you know about the Moon landing, LeviQanon?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

the moon landing wasn't fake. neither is this bitch recanting her lies.
the moon landing wasn't fake. neither is this bitch recanting her lies. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This a short clip. Towards the end of her life she admits Abortion is wrong. Too bad she never saw Roe vs Wade overturned. She died in 2017 of Heart failure.