Trumps dismal presidency in a nutshell

Lucas McCain's Avatar
And 30 minutes ago NBC reported that 75% of the democrats don't want Biden to run again. ENOUGH SAID! Originally Posted by tman1847
Who would want Biden again? The only reason he won is because Trump was so bad. The only reason the orange fat man won was because Hilary was so unlikable. It's just rinse and repeat at this point.

Trump was just a failed experiment. I doubt many people were expecting much out of Biden. I assume many like me just wanted that con man piece of shit out of the white house and would have been fine with anyone as long as it was not Trump.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s fun reading these guys living in denial of the current state of affairs and trying to convince others, or themselves, that it’s ok because Trump was so horrible. Sorry fellas, anyone with a bank account knows what’s what, all the blathering in the world isn’t going to help.
I heard an interview on Doctor Radio about a month ago where Robert Redfield, the head of the CDC during the Trump administration, gave Trump a lot of credit for Operation Warp Speed. I think Trump got the vaccines approved a lot faster than Biden or Hillary Clinton would have. Partly for self serving reasons. Trump wanted a vaccine before the election, and he was willing to push the FDA to get it. It was the right approach though, regardless.

As to Afghanistan, I'm thinking about the Afghan citizens who helped us during the war but who we left behind, largely because the State Department was slow to issue visas. During Trump's administration it might have been because of the administration's anti-immigrant bias and overdone concern about terrorism. And given how slowly our government moves, that bias would have carried over into the Biden administration. Trump also could have done more to protect the Kurds in northern Syria who we left behind when we gave Turkey the green light to move in. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump administration deliberately broke the SIV processing system.
I don't think a real president would have even needed a vaccine as they would have acted much earlier instead of waiting for Covid to get out of control.

My opinion, Trump wanted a pandemic that he could manage. He let it get out of control early on, but underestimated how fast it would spread and how deadly it would be.

I heard an interview on Doctor Radio about a month ago where Robert Redfield, the head of the CDC during the Trump administration, gave Trump a lot of credit for Operation Warp Speed. I think Trump got the vaccines approved a lot faster than Biden or Hillary Clinton would have. Partly for self serving reasons. Trump wanted a vaccine before the election, and he was willing to push the FDA to get it. It was the right approach though, regardless.

As to Afghanistan, I'm thinking about the Afghan citizens who helped us during the war but who we left behind, largely because the State Department was slow to issue visas. During Trump's administration it might have been because of the administration's anti-immigrant bias and overdone concern about terrorism. And given how slowly our government moves, that bias would have carried over into the Biden administration. Trump also could have done more to protect the Kurds in northern Syria who we left behind when we gave Turkey the green light to move in. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're right.

He's just awful at playing dumb.