Texas active shooter...again

I am calling BS on the neo-Nazi narrative, especially since they have not shown the ethnicity of the victims. If the victims were people of color, that would fit the neo-Nazi narrative and the pictures would be all over social media.

Cartel false flag to push the gun control narrative in a conservative state that borders Mexico is more plausible. Originally Posted by dogfart
Which cartel uses a swastika as its symbol? You guys just make up shit and then believe your own conspiracies. The true sign of dumbness.
This was just another example of how, sad, dark depressed and unhinged the megas are. People that have no life's and only live or die or go to prison to worship their almighty trump.
All the unhinged people love and try to defend their orange mushroom hero
Precious_b's Avatar
You're not really from Texas are you? If you were, you'd know about those bright blue cities...sanctuary cities, liberal cities, with liberal mayors and liberal gun laws. What do you offer? Just more of the same that doesn't seem to be working in Chicago or New York City. Nine dead? That's what they call Wednesday night in Chicago.

I understand that they've outsourced "white supremacy". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Well, why don't you edgeyoumahkate me.
Tell me how the Great State of Texas is going woke under our wheely guv'ner? Tell me what Obama/Joey laws Austin has passed and abbot signed that is defunding the police, taking away guns from citizens, and is all out funding of social programs et cetra, et cetra, et cetra?

It sure ain't in the schools. Dollars been lacking there. Even with the legal gambling we have.

Don't give us the little piddling ratatat. This is TEXAS son! Give us the BIG LAWS that have been passed of late that supports what you say.

We're all listening pahtner.
Precious_b's Avatar
Been damn near a business week pass by and you can't show me this woke legislation that Austin has passed.

I remember a squid once saying "You're better than this."