What toys or tool is a complete... Must have?


Pinwheel spinnin' clothespins clacking, where be you?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I am overly confident that I would totally love the pinwheel. Seems a bit scary, but I can tell I’d like it.

Clothespins is my number one, top rated accessory. Not in my goodie bag are dildos or vibrators. Vibrators are too rough and dildos are just plain ole fake cock to me. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I had a pinwheel used on me last month for the first time. I almost froze in fear when I first felt it, especially when it was rolled on my private areas, but it is something.

I agree with what you said about vibrators and dildos but I believe that they're good to have for the men to enjoy. And to be used on them as well!

(This online flirtation that you have going with PPE is rather hot. You know that, don't you?)

mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 03-23-2010, 09:48 AM
A swing
MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 03-23-2010, 10:29 AM
Olivia, I have a pinwheel hehe. and I am closer than PPE. hehe

Mietk, I used to have a swing. difficult to move from place to place.

My bag varies, hell I used to keep a good basic supply bag just in case but I've gotten lazy and let it disperse about. time to reorganize and resupply it.
So far I've just been reminded of what I need to restock.
I cant live without any of the following .... The most important one is the Big brown one its my fav.

Jacrny2000's Avatar
>>>>Pinwheel spinnin' clothespins clacking

Sounds like playing cards in bicycle spokes!

I call fowl... Not fair to throw the location card.

I cannot compete, Guess I should bow out... NOT...

I can do a pinwheel throwdown. I am lose, but I will go down floggin....