Bidenomics still working.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. If it's that Trump caused the pandemic, well, that doesn't make a lot of sense.

If it's that the USA suffered disproportionately during the pandemic, let me know. I'll look at and post the GDP decline in all G5 nations during 2020. My guess is that the USA declined the least. Originally Posted by Tiny
Wasn’t directed at you. Someone idiotically compared the past 3 years to some prior 3 year period. Idiotically of course forgetting that there was pandemic recently which adversely affected their 401 which did not exist just prior to the other 3 year period they idiotically referenced.

As for the rest of your posts, they are getting absurd. I will say though you’ve gone all in on the absurdity and that takes a lot of dedication. You arguments can be summed up as “any Republican policy is responsible for good democratic results”. “Positive gains under a democrat today can be traced back 45 years to Reagan.” And my personal favorite “Bad results under republicans (the last 3 have taken us into a recessions) have nothing at all to do with their policies.”

I can’t take your positions seriously and they are even losing entertainment value because you seem to have actually tricked yourself into believing it.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Put another way, Republicans are mostly believers in supply side economics. Provide the conditions for the private sector to grow and prosper, and the country will do well. Originally Posted by Tiny

Message me and we can make a side bet on who's going to call you out for "trickle down economics" first.
No need for a side bet on that. I’ve called it what it is many a time. It was voodoo economics when I was a wee lad and remains so today.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 09:10 PM
Wasn’t directed at you. Someone idiotically compared the past 3 years to some prior 3 year period. Idiotically of course forgetting that there was pandemic recently which adversely affected their 401 which did not exist just prior to the other 3 year period they idiotically referenced.

As for the rest of your posts, they are getting absurd. I will say though you’ve gone all in on the absurdity and that takes a lot of dedication. You arguments can be summed up as “any Republican policy is responsible for good democratic results”. “Positive gains under a democrat today can be traced back 45 years to Reagan.” And my personal favorite “Bad results under republicans (the last 3 have taken us into a recessions) have nothing at all to do with their policies.”

I can’t take your positions seriously and they are even losing entertainment value because you seem to have actually tricked yourself into believing it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
As to the bold text, absolutely! While Reagan wasn't a small government Republican in terms of spending, he helped rationalize the tax system, and helped bring the cold war to an end. That brought a huge peace dividend which admittedly was kind of squandered by George W. Bush and the neocons. Anyway, today the private sector is a larger % of our economy than it would have been without Reagan. Partly as a result of that, we're on average more prosperous than citizens of any other large country in the world.

You're a univariate kind of guy Blackman, living in a multivariate world. That is to say you believe the current state of the economy depends on one variable and one variable only -- which party the current president belongs to. It's not that simple.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2023, 09:12 PM
Message me and we can make a side bet on who's going to call you out for "trickle down economics" first. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
And the winner is .... BLACKMAN!

Enjoyed your video. Indeed, contrary to what our friend Blackman believes, Joe Biden is not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!
There’s plenty of variables but your ability to sing the same off key song with the wrong words regardless of background music and the karaoke words scrolling is impressive. Reagan would be proud.

Last three republican presidents crashed three economies. Last three democratic presidents took those shit economies and created economic booms. In you mind, it’s purely coincidental like who won the Super Bowl. And you believe it’s a serious position to take.

I’ll take a more sensible position, Clinton, Obama and Biden - all with similar economic policy - were are better stewards than republicans. Trickle down works fine for me but it’s shit economic policy.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2023, 12:12 PM
There’s plenty of variables but your ability to sing the same off key song with the wrong words regardless of background music and the karaoke words scrolling is impressive. Reagan would be proud. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This is probably why companies pay you the big bucks to defend them in court. You can take a simplistic line of silliness and make people believe it. I bet you do use background music and scrolling karaoke words in your final arguments, when the judges let you get away with it.

Last three republican presidents crashed three economies. Last three democratic presidents took those shit economies and created economic booms. In you mind, it’s purely coincidental like who won the Super Bowl. And you believe it’s a serious position to take. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Say I tell you there are two political parties. Three presidents are from party A and three are from party B during a period when there are three recessions. What's the probability that all three recessions will occur while someone from party A is president? The correct answer is one out of eight. As long as I didn't tell you A is the Republican Party and B is the Democratic Party, you'd agree that number, 1 out of 8, is correct. And you wouldn't think it's much of a coincidence.

How would a Democrat President possibly have prevented the 1991 recession, which was caused by high oil prices and the resulting effect on inflation and Fed policy? Or the 2020 recession, which was caused by a worldwide pandemic?

And why is Bush any more responsible for the 2008 recession than Bill Clinton or Barney Frank? Yeah, if Bush and his Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and regulators they appointed were omniscient, maybe a recession would have been avoided. But it's unlikely Democrats would have done better. Most of the blame should go to the banks and other financial institutions, and people who thought they could buy $500,000 houses with $50,000 annual income and no money down. And the Fed which probably should have more aggressively cut rates early on. But Bush was a bit player.

Your contention that the "last three democratic presidents took those shit economies and created economic booms" is borderline comical. Bush and Paulson did the heavy lifting in the fall and winter of 2008 to get the economy back on track, with bailouts and by cajoling financial institutions to merge. The Obama administration just followed along with what the Republicans started. And did have the good sense to wait to raise tax rates, which unfortunately Democrats always feel compelled to do, until 2012.

Trump, Pelosi and McConnell provided plenty of stimulus to the economy in 2020. Maybe too much. What Biden et al followed up with in 2021 mainly served to ignite inflation and run up the national debt.

As to George H. W. Bush, the economy was humming along when he turned the reins over to Bill Clinton. GDP growth was 4%+ in 1992.

Obama and Biden coincidentally look good, due in no part to their policies, as a result of being in office during rebounds which always occur after recessions.

I’ll take a more sensible position, Clinton, Obama and Biden - all with similar economic policy - were are better stewards than republicans. Trickle down works fine for me but it’s shit economic policy. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You're blinded from your Stockholm Syndrome. First, there is no trickle down. Our tax system is the most progressive in the developed world. Second, you fail to realize how the leftward shift in your party is bad for America. Clinton did very well in his second term, when he governed alongside Republicans in Congress. Obama didn't screw things up too badly. He was happy to take credit for rising oil and gas production in America. Now you've got Biden, and the Elizabeth Warren acolytes and other Progressives who are calling the shots in his administration. Thank goodness for Republicans and Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who saved the Biden Administration from its worst impulses.

I don't want to hijack your thread. So I shall return with another thread that will show how bloodthirsty Democratic presidents were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young American men in foreign wars. It will make just as much sense as your contentions about recessions and the party affiliation of presidents. So this is your sarcasm alert, in advance.

To be continued...
matchingmole's Avatar
For the Biden supporters, can you you name any particular Biden policy enactments that have contributed so mightily to our blockbuster economic rebound? Other than easing Covid restrictions?
Please show your work. Originally Posted by Ducbutter

Biden's policy to take out the trash.......


I’ll take a more sensible position, Clinton, Obama and Biden - all with similar economic policy - were are better stewards than republicans. Trickle down works fine for me but it’s shit economic policy. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You are wrong as a 3 dollar bill blackman. Clinton's first two years were economically wrong and the same as Obama and Biden. Newt Gingrich and Republicans took over the House and Senate and Clinton pretended to lead the parade.
Ducbutter's Avatar
As expected.
  • Tiny
  • 06-06-2023, 08:42 PM
As expected.
Nada. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Hot damn Ducbutter, I think we're going to convert him! This is what he wrote in another thread,

As any replies in the Bidenomics thread, I’ve simply given up any real discussion with you on that topic because I find your view getting about as sensical and based in reality as those of Ripmany, Bambi, Salty and others. At least I know in my heart of hearts that you know better, whether you wanna one day admit it or not. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Reading between the lines, Blackman realizes the Progressive politicians' views on the economy are bankrupt so he's not going to defend them any more. All that part about giving up any real discussion because I'm spouting nonsense is a smokescreen. That's just his pride speaking. He doesn't want to admit he was wrong. He's on the verge of becoming a full fledged believer in classical liberalism. I can feel it!

Reading between the lines, Blackman realizes the Progressive politicians' views on the economy are bankrupt so he's not going to defend them any more. All that part about giving up any real discussion because I'm spouting nonsense is a smokescreen. That's just his pride speaking. He doesn't want to admit he was wrong. He's on the verge of becoming a full fledged believer in classical liberalism. I can feel it! Originally Posted by Tiny
... ... ...

#### Salty
Ducbutter's Avatar
Hot damn Ducbutter, I think we're going to convert him! This is what he wrote in another thread,

Reading between the lines, Blackman realizes the Progressive politicians' views on the economy are bankrupt so he's not going to defend them any more. All that part about giving up any real discussion because I'm spouting nonsense is a smokescreen. That's just his pride speaking. He doesn't want to admit he was wrong. He's on the verge of becoming a full fledged believer in classical liberalism. I can feel it! Originally Posted by Tiny
From your lips to G-d's ear. Forgive me if I don't share your optimism. From the jump this thread was nothing but empty hyper partisan moronic cheerleading. "Bidenomics" is nothing more than being in office as the country naturally rebounds from the pandemic shut down, engineered by whom?
adav8s28's Avatar
"Bidenomics" is nothing more than being in office as the country naturally rebounds from the pandemic shut down Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Investorpedia disagrees with you. In the link The Biden and Trump economic plans are compared.