DOJ/Jack Smith just admitted to Evidence tampering

Yssup Rider's Avatar
She’s a Trump appointee and will always be a Trump sympathizer.

He’ll be busting rocks in Sing Sing before that trial get set.
adav8s28's Avatar
This may nave become important because it has become evident that NARA coordinated with the White House and the FBI on a transfer of a couple pallets worth of boxes that had been in temp storage in DC w/ NARA. The documents were transferred to Mar-a-lago w/o being processed by NARA. In effect, if any documents are found in the cases that were transferred by the govt to be evidence against the defendents, the argument could be made that the govt. placed them in the boxes, forced the transfer and then raided the place to find the boxes they transferred. ie. a set up. It's not conclusive of course, simply a defense, but that's why chain of custody is important.

There's a word for lying to the court about evidence, but I can't recall what it might be.... Originally Posted by texassapper
Why is it important to keep the same sequence? Trump had documents that went from the floor of his bathroom all the way to the ceiling.
texassapper's Avatar
I read through the pdf at the link you provided in the first post. In the provided document I found no evidence or statements indicating that the DOJ or any of its agents or contractors added or manipulated the documents in each box Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Do you really think that if the DOJ ADDED or MANIPULATED the contents of the box to incriminate Trump they would document it?

It has NOTHING to do with evidence that the FBI screwed with things in a criminal manner. Because even the FBI isn't STUPID enough to document themselves in the process of committing a crime.

But they ARE STUPID enough to swear that they left everything as they found it... which isn't TRUE.

Only in your fevered imagination is there any actual evidence of wrongdoing that would be necessary to scuttle the case. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
So just to be clear, you think the FBI would NOT lie in order to frame Trump?

In my opinion I think she is going through the motions to stall the trial until after the election. In other words she is the corruption you are looking for. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Why would delaying the trial be corrupt? What possible argument could you make that delaying the trial until after the election demonstrates corruption, but not having it during the election isn't? When should this case have been brought to trial?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Do you really think that if the DOJ ADDED or MANIPULATED the contents of the box to incriminate Trump they would document it?

It has NOTHING to do with evidence that the FBI screwed with things in a criminal manner. Because even the FBI isn't STUPID enough to document themselves in the process of committing a crime.

But they ARE STUPID enough to swear that they left everything as they found it... which isn't TRUE. Originally Posted by texassapper
Absence of evidence isn’t itself evidence. Just because you believe that the DOJ would lie and manufacture evidence certainly doesn’t mean that they did!

So just to be clear, you think the FBI would NOT lie in order to frame Trump? Originally Posted by texassapper
No I don’t believe that the FBI would lie to frame Trump. The reasons why are obvious, the scrutiny on this case is overwhelming and the likelihood of getting caught in a lie increases. They don’t need to lie because Trump did the crime they are prosecuting him for! The man is as guilty as a cat in a goldfish bowl!

Why would delaying the trial be corrupt? What possible argument could you make that delaying the trial until after the election demonstrates corruption, but not having it during the election isn't? When should this case have been brought to trial? Originally Posted by texassapper
The longer the delay the more it helps the defendant. I think that she is deliberately delaying the trial and giving biased rulings because she is a Trump supporter who should never have been allowed to try this case. Either that or she is just a very poor judge. An idiot of the first order.

Things said about Judge Aileen Cannon:
Once again, Judge Aileen Cannon does NOT have magical powers. She can't just decide to delay a trial forever. If that's indeed what she's trying to do with today's ruling, Jack Smith will get the 11th Circuit to overrule or remove her."

Judge Aileen Cannon has "slow-walked to death" the classified documents case against Donald Trump, experts say

The judge in Trump's classified documents case just gave him exactly what he wanted — again

Former White House attorney Ty Cobb criticized Judge Aileen Cannon after she indefinitely postponed former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago documents case.
“All she’s really done today, though, is make official what everybody — including Jack Smith — already knew, which was she had no intention of getting this case to trial,” Cobb told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Tuesday.
But it’s ok for flagrantly anti-Trump judges to proceed over a trial?
txdot-guy's Avatar
But it’s ok for flagrantly anti-Trump judges to proceed over a trial? Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
As long as they follow the law then yes it’s OK. I’m not sure that’s what Judge Aileen Cannon is doing here.
What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander.

No I don’t believe that the FBI would lie to frame Trump.
They’ve done it before, of course they’d do it again. The stakes are much higher now, so the likelihood of it happening definitely increases. Everyone, including Trump, now knows the shit they pulled circa 20015-18, and fbi executives will be fortunate to only lose their job if/when Trump gets back in office.
texassapper's Avatar
As long as they follow the law then yes it’s OK. I’m not sure that’s what Judge Aileen Cannon is doing here. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You’re not sure? You just claimed she was postponing the case until motions are completed.

How is that illegal?
texassapper's Avatar
No I don’t believe that the FBI would lie to frame Trump. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
how do you explain the
Lies about Russiagate, the pee tape, the lies to the FISA court to wiretap Trump and the lies about hunters laptop? Were those simply miscommunication?
ICU 812's Avatar
I do not see this trial moving forward in an y substantive way any time soon,
It's all on dark Brandon to put false shit out there. Brandon loves fucking with the orange mushroom. Dark Brandon loves to see broke ass magas sending stupid money to trump.

It's like the 2020 rigged election. Wtf are maga moron cult members going to do about it??? Cry for 4+ more years