trump calls Trudeau a "governor", and Canada a "state"

HDGristle's Avatar
Yes, and there’s plenty more where that came from.

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Be sure you want to start a Trudeau vs Trump meme war. The war chest of content is vast
trump's obviously just jealous of Trudeau. I mean, nothing has ever been this transparent. Melania wants Trudeau's cock and trump's hasn't worked since the Bicentennial. Clear case of game envy.
Charlie Angus isn't having it...
eyecu2's Avatar
Trumps a moron- and his stupidity of referring to Canada or Mexico as states- is similar to him asking who the president of the Virgin Islands was!

Cucktards think it's him playing 3d chess, and in reality he couldnt even play checkers without throwing the board down and beating his fists when he loses. It's him always referring to himself in the 3rd person, which is about how close he gets to being a 3 d chess player. His stupidity combined with his narcissism is just the beginning of the dumbasses who drink up this level of dumb during new conferences,...the guy just loves to be on tv or in front of the camera- since his whole world is about feeding his ego. FUCK HIM.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s called trolling, Trump’s well aware that Canada and Mexico aren’t states. He does this to irk people, it obviously works like a charm.
It’s called trolling, Trump’s well aware that Canada and Mexico aren’t states. He does this to irk people, it obviously works like a charm. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
But what good does it do? Why would anyone want the POTUS to "irk" our best, most trusted allies?

Serious question: what good could possibly come from it?

If he wasn't such a fucking cuck for Putin, he'd "irk" our adversaries. But it's obvious to anyone paying attention why he'll never do that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Charlie Angus isn't having it... Originally Posted by tommy156
Love that guy’s first thoughts that Trump is ‘seriously undermining the democratic process in the United States’. Maybe he was asleep, but Trump just won the election, by a lot. I’m fairly certain that IS the democratic process. He loses all credibility in the first 10 seconds.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
But what good does it do? Why would anyone want the POTUS to "irk" our best, most trusted allies?

Serious question: what good could possibly come from it? Originally Posted by tommy156
They’ll bend the knee and put on the border controls that Trump wants.

If he wasn't such a fucking cuck for Putin, he'd "irk" our adversaries. But it's obvious to anyone paying attention why he'll never do that.
Putin endorsed Harris.
Love that guy’s first thoughts that trump is ‘seriously undermining the democratic process in the United States’. Maybe he was asleep, but trump just won the election, by a lot. I’m fairly certain that IS the democratic process. He loses all credibility in the first 10 seconds. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lots of credibility was (and a few jobs were) lost following 2020, for the exact same reason, too.

Still, nothing good can come from the POTUS trolling Canada or Mexico like this. If he wants to troll someone, make it a country that isn't one of our best allies and biggest trading partners.

Make it a country worth trolling. Of course, we all know why he won't.
They’ll bend the knee and put on the border controls that trump wants Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
And this is definitely the best way to accomplish this? JFC. Bend the knee? Lol. Pathetic.

Putin endorsed Harris. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh gee.. I wonder why. Besides, even if it wasn't a complete sham of an endorsement, that should give trump even more reason to troll him.

Again, we all know why he'll never speak ill of Putin.

But no good could possibly come from trump calling Canada a state, and Trudeau a governor. It makes him sound senile, at best.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Best way (in your opinion) or otherwise, if his methods work they work. They’re also far more entertaining than a bunch of bureaucrats sitting around a table.
The only knees bending will be Melania's next time she sees Trudeau.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Oh they’ll do what he wants, they can’t afford not to.
Oh they’ll do what he wants, they can’t afford not to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lol. OK.

Point is, there are literally hundreds of better ways of getting things accomplished than childish trolling of a longtime, trusted ally.
HDGristle's Avatar
Lol. OK.

Point is, there are literally hundreds of better ways of getting things accomplished than childish trolling of a longtime, trusted ally. Originally Posted by tommy156
That's how we got the USMCA. We pretend NAFTA was the worst deal ever. We make minor tweaks. We tell people it's sooooo great and the best deal ever.

Very little changed.

J's all about that kinda shit