Panama, Greenland, Mexico and Canada!

Bjorn Ironside's Avatar
You are so clueless, Biden actually signaled weakness and basically funded Russia's invasion of Ukraine by helping Russia get more money from Fossil Fuel Energy sales before the invasion. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Wrong again. Biden slapped sanctions on Russia, tRump did nothing but kiss Putin's ass the whole time he was in office, and now tRump is already dusting his knee pads off and getting them ready for another four years of sucking his bf's cock.
texassapper's Avatar
Wrong again. Biden slapped sanctions on Russia, tRump did nothing but kiss Putin's ass the whole time he was in office, and now tRump is already dusting his knee pads off and getting them ready for another four years of sucking his bf's cock. Originally Posted by Bjorn Ironside
LOL... your jingoism is showing. When are you planning to take your lazy ass over to UKR to do what you are advocating others do?
Bjorn Ironside's Avatar
LOL... your jingoism is showing. When are you planning to take your lazy ass over to UKR to do what you are advocating others do? Originally Posted by texassapper
What happened to ending the Russia/Ukraine war on day 1? Just one more empty moronic campaign promise people like you fell for.
texassapper's Avatar
What happened to ending the Russia/Ukraine war on day 1? Just one more empty moronic campaign promise people like you fell for. Originally Posted by Bjorn Ironside
Unlike you , I understand ending on day one is not a literal statement. I didn’t think Trump would deport 11 Mil illegals on day 1 either.

Do you often have difficulty understanding the English language?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wrong again. Biden slapped sanctions on Russia, tRump did nothing but kiss Putin's ass the whole time he was in office, and now tRump is already dusting his knee pads off and getting them ready for another four years of sucking his bf's cock. Originally Posted by Bjorn Ironside
Lot of good it did. Years later people on both sides are still dying. This ends when Ukraine concedes Donbass and Sevastopol, or Zelensky can just keep throwing his people into a meat grinder until there aren’t any left.
Bjorn Ironside's Avatar
Unlike you , I understand ending on day one is not a literal statement. I didn’t think Trump would deport 11 Mil illegals on day 1 either.

Do you often have difficulty understanding the English language? Originally Posted by texassapper
I can read the English language just fine, I can also read through people's bullshit, the fact that you think tRump will be able to bring anything other than his shit show of a presidency to an end tells me you are incapable of doing the same. At least you're not alone, if that's worth anything.
Precious_b's Avatar
You've heard of the Republic of Texas I presume? Originally Posted by texassapper
Responding as a deflectionist rightwing nut would.

Are you talking about surrender monkeys, their bastard cousins and contemptable jack rabbits?