many less would have died if trump would take it seriously from the start. Originally Posted by drluv1Oh a masker....should have guessed
You still wearing it too......
many less would have died if trump would take it seriously from the start. Originally Posted by drluv1Oh a masker....should have guessed
Oh a masker....should have guessedwere you a bleach drinker? fool
You still wearing it too...... Originally Posted by lilylivered
He renamed it because doofus bidumb signed an order to stop drilling in the gulf a mehico.Yeah, drill baby drill. And burn baby burn more fossil fuel. His head is down an oil shaft. Brilliant indeed.
He's just gonna drill baby drill in the gulf of murica.
He's freaking Brilliant Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Yeah, drill baby drill. And burn baby burn more fossil fuel. His head is down an oil shaft. Brilliant indeed. Originally Posted by brasilSo I guess Einstein over here is going to live in a teepee and ride a horse.
So I guess Einstein over here is going to live in a teepee and ride a power, you fool. Carter was powering the white house with solar power, that asshole Reagan stopped it for some reason, probably because he was a complete whore to big business.
Get rid of his modern conveniences. How you gonna log into Eccie and educate everyone? Originally Posted by R.M.
solar power, you fool. Carter was powering the white house with solar power, that asshole Reagan stopped it for some reason, probably because he was a complete whore to big business.What do think Iphones are made of?
If The country had invested the money we spent with Reagan's defense buildup or the money wasted in Iraq and afganistan on solar power, we'd be way better off. in case you didn't notice Russia couldn't win in Afghanistan either, they at least were smart enough to cut their losses after about 5 years. Originally Posted by drluv1
looks waited for mmmm nothingWaiting Originally Posted by Capt. Hooker
Seeing as Trump will likely rename everything as ‘America’, I’ll continue my post as if he’s already done it:let us know which ya moving to ????
America America America America, America America America. America America, America America America America. America! America America America America America America. America, America America America America, America America America America America America America America. Originally Posted by Presj22
looks waited for mmmm nothing
let us know which ya moving to ????Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Hold up! Didn’t all you Jan 6 lovers (no longer using MAGAs) say that before that you were gonna move out of the country cause of Biden…Hell, even before that “F NYS” “If Hochul wins, I’m moving out”sorry I'm not MAGA SirI’ve never said I would move out of NYS
Don’t let the door hit ya on your way out of NY Jan 6 lovers
Btw I’m case you forgot, it’s the 4th of July you celebrate, not Jan 6 Originally Posted by Presj22