Trump Explains Obamcare.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obamacare is shorthand for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)I thought you knew that.
Ok, This whole thing got really twisted around. Trump wasn't really talking about Health Care. what he really meant to say was Hair Care.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Not one of you has explained what is wrong with Trump's statement. You've bashed Trump, even said it might have credibility if it didn't come from Trump. So where is it false? Cite to the facts, please. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Cite? Do you mean Site?

What is wrong with Trump's statement?

Other than it isn't his? Read the posts.

Here is another. For benifits that have already started,

Earliest reference on first page of a google search

et me get this straight.? - Yahoo! Answers › ... › Politics & GovernmentGovernmentCached
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7 answers - Oct 21, 2009
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, written by a committee whose "author" says ...
Hey Munch! These guys are punch drunk! They just slide off all the errors we hit them with and ask, "but what about this?" Then, they simply cite some other manifestation of congenital idiocy. Uh oh, I used cite properly. Do you think we should tell these loons there are two other spellings pronounced the same way? (sight/site)

Did you notice how CuteOldGullibleGuy never addressed the error I highlighted for him (and that you also mentioned) on the number so he wouldn't have to do any real research?

Hey, maybe I could earn come extra hobby money from Rove by writing dumb emails and forwarding them to these Tea Terrorist Zombies!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I didn't refute your sources for those other Trump quotes, because I think the Donald is a liar much of the time. I did agree that Trump did not say the quote in question. If you refuted anything about the quote in question, whether from Trump, Maxine or Charlie Brown, I missed it, and I will apologize for missing it if I did.

I'm not defending Trump.

Oh, and Munch, here's a CITE for you. SITE is a location, CITE is referencing an authority.

Nice try. You just exposed your ignorance par excellence.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here is a cite to site.

Now, will you admit that you were wrong? This will be fun.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
This is getting way off topic from the original post but Munchmaster, Libya was supplying oil to China. When the U.N. started their bombing campaign against Libya to include our nation the Chinese oil producer that was there was forced to shutdown production and leave the country because of instablility in the region. They weren't getting all of their oil from Libya, but they did have a vested interest in the region. The only thing that could have possibly stopped the efforts in it's tracks is if they would have sent a large ground force to the region ahead of the campaign. Thats the way I see it. China has a vested interest in the African continent as well as other powerful nations for its resources. They want to strip Africa for what it is worth, all in the name of greed. Unfortunately a lot of the leaders on that continent will sell out to the globalists to enrich themselves. Zimbabwe is a perfect example. The elites wanted the Libyan oil fields and to do that it requires bombing a nation back into the stone age. Put the people into bondage.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ok, Maxine said it. Maxine is smarter than Trump anyway. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
+1 And she is just as funny as Jon Stewart.
CuteOldGullibleGuy, Trump did not write, compose, utter or send that email. Originally Posted by Little Stevie

The same one was being sent all over web to the same clueless Republican email lists a year before and it was supposedly penned by "Maxine", the cartoon character.

Go Google it and quit posting like you know something! Trump didn't say it AND WTF completely debunked Trump's credibility by showing the Truth-O-Meter on some of the other idiotic statements he HAS made! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Saw it last year. It’s made the rounds several times. It’s still funny.

This morning, when Ol’ Munch identified the source as “Maxine”, he left the impression that he had never seen or heard of her before. How sad it is that you on the left have been missing out on some real funny shit all of these years.

But here’s the really funny part, if you Goggle “Maxine – cartoon – political” you get entry after entry about Maxine Waters . . . reckon she’s a joke in her own way.

And now a little Maxine for you liberals who may not have met her.
Boltfan's Avatar
I thinck I am losing my sight. Someone told me about webMD on the web. Is that a website? Please someone, cite your source on here.

Thats is some damn funny irony there and if you can't see it you must be as blind as a black piano playing singer.
Regardless of Trump's kitchie reasons for not liking Obama care, the real reason not to like it is that it is a debasement to the citizens of America and an over all abortion that caters to industry not Americans. The comprises made were not comprises that benefit the people of the United States, but rather for the pharma, insurance and medical industries.

Further, the break point to not be taxed by Obama care if one does not buy insurance is $14,400 a year. Wow, how is someone that makes minimum wage or $15,080 supposed to make insurance premiums. The answer is, he can not. So in the end, this bill with its tax of $2,500 will bring this minimum wage earner down to $12,580 a year. Rock on Prezzy Obama.
Olivia, if the MAROONS fighting health care had shut up and let us have a single-payer system, we'd be as healthy as some of the other countries who figured this out long ago.

Now, because of the corporate and insurer-funded protests, we have a system that probably won't work well. Back in the beginning, if we had gone ahead and done what we should have done, the insurance cartel wouldn't have control of BOTH sides of the coin like they do now.

Medicare Part D was BUSH'S gift to big Pharma and I don't disagree that this COULD turn out badly for America under Obama as well.

Single-payer systems are not over-crowded (the VA is a single-payer system and is usually rated by patients as far better than private care facilities). Administration costs worldwide are under 6% on average while here insurers charge 23% or more to administer the plans!

While American medicine can do marvelous things, private care is RATIONED by prices. Not one other country rations its care so heavily that medical bills are the chief reason for filing personal bankruptcy. Other countries laugh at our willingness to do that to our own sick people.

Bottom line to the knuckleheads who argue with where we are going:

What is coming may not be that good but people forget one thing while they are bitching.

Where we were going was UNDOUBTEDLY UNSUSTAINABLE!

Even the very, very wealthy and the largest employers with "Cadillac Plans" could not stand a 25%-35% inflation rate in medical insurance premiums.... PERIOD.

And before the Tea Terrorists chime in... Selling insurance across state lines and tort reform will not make it affordable either!

Both California and Texas did almost exactly that with property insurance by changing the policy and severely restricting coverage and okaying new companies to enter the market several years ago and premiums STILL increased almost as much as they did before the concessions to the insurance cartel.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-05-2011, 10:54 PM
I knew I could count on you WTF. Originally Posted by Boltfan

Ok, This whole thing got really twisted around. Trump wasn't really talking about Health Care. what he really meant to say was Hair Care. Originally Posted by acp5762
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're not losing your sight, Bolt, a webSITE is a location. When you refer to a webSITE you are CITING to it. So you can cite to a site, but you can't site to a cite. See?
waverunner234's Avatar
some of the other countries who figured this out long ago.

[/B] Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Lol there are a lot of things that USA is finding out now very slowly, that were standard in Europe when I left there 10 years ago.
Bank robberies? Almost non-existent
Identity theft? Almost not-existent, and it is soooooooooo easy to solve that once and for all.
Check fraud? Almost non-existent
Sex crimes? Yes they do exist but nowhere compared to the numbers is USA.
Drug crimes? Yes they happen but its way less than in the USA.
Useless shooting to kill and then take your own life? Almost non-existent.

The answers are so easy, maybe too easy for a nation that loves to be complicated?
Olivia, if the MAROONS fighting health care had shut up and let us have a single-payer system, we'd be as healthy as some of the other countries who figured this out long ago...........................
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I couldn’t agree with you more. However, I do believe in limiting heroic measures for the elderly, terminally ill, sever trauma cases where the patient is clinically brain dead and other such extreme cases. I just do. In the current climate, insurance companies try to mitigate costs, but they aren’t effective enough.

And the keystone question in today’s healthcare is this. Does everyone deserve the same health care as those with more financial means. That is the crux of the problem right there. In theory the answer is yes, and we are bankrupting the system trying to prove it to ourselves. In practice it isn’t doable and further, it isn’t being done.

Lol there are a lot of things that USA is finding out now very slowly, that were standard in Europe when I left there 10 years ago.
Bank robberies? Almost non-existent
Identity theft? Almost not-existent, and it is soooooooooo easy to solve that once and for all.
Check fraud? Almost non-existent
Sex crimes? Yes they do exist but nowhere compared to the numbers is USA.
Drug crimes? Yes they happen but its way less than in the USA.
Useless shooting to kill and then take your own life? Almost non-existent.

The answers are so easy, maybe too easy for a nation that loves to be complicated? Originally Posted by waverunner234
European countries are finding that they are struggling with their social programs including healthcare even before the current financial crisis.

As to you crime statistics, which countries are you speaking about, and do you have statistical evidence that supports that claim? I assume you are referring to Western Europe and not Eastern Europe, but beyond that, I don’t recall ever reading the there is virtually no crime in say France.