Rest In Peace

budman33's Avatar
Rest in Peace,I wonder if Apple is still lobbying Congress for that massive tax holiday to bring back Billions of Profits sitting overseas. ummm yep.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2011, 01:02 PM
In regard to the Dalilama...I'm sure he was just joking. Originally Posted by tia travels

He was joking about everything but this...

I confess.
I've been drinking and don't feel like googling... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We can't seem to sober him up since his boyfriend left him for another goat.

Was he gay? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Oh an this, he is looking for another life partner.
TexTushHog's Avatar
No, an army of slaves. Another word is employee or serf, thats the nice way of saying it. When Buffet opens up his pie hole and says the word "tax payer" who do you think he's reffering to?

Apple employees in China are committing suicide because of the lovely benefits and pay. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
So you're saying that they needed a union?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 10-06-2011, 04:58 PM
Love peace and hair grease RIP Mr Jobs...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He was joking about everything but this...

We can't seem to sober him up since his boyfriend left him for another goat.

Oh an this, he is looking for another life partner. Originally Posted by WTF
I heard you ate some mushrooms, took your clothes off and followed Ron Paul over a sand dune. Welcome back.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
So you're saying that they needed a union? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Nope. Now that Mr. Jobs has passed the real interesting thing is going to be if Apple can hang on as being one of the biggest corporations in the world via innovation and market capitalization. Or will the company recess back into the depths from which it came when Mr. Jobs took his leave of absence and was replaced by the CEO from Pepsi many years ago. I personally believe that you can only reinvent the phone so many times.

The next 5-10-20 years will be very interesting for Apple, will the star shine so bright into the future? I wouldn't be surprised in the coming years ahead if the stock price plummets!

Mr. Jobs was an innovator in his field. Wozniak doesn't have the vision that Jobs had and he isn't the voice or the salesman of the company. No doubt that Steve took care of his family on the way out. Maybe he left what vision and direction he wants the company to follow in the upcoming future. After the whole iphone buzz dies out the company will be swimming on their own. Actually, they already are.
jamiejo's Avatar
Originally posted by DOLLIE OSAMA >>

I heard you ate some mushrooms, took your clothes off and followed Ron Paul over a sand dune. Welcome back.

that's all you got??

better to keep your mouth closed and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Steve's body is not even cold yet, but some of the nut-jobs are already trying to derail this thread with personal insults, lame-ass jokes and parading their ignorance?

Let's show a little respect for the man who revolutionized the computer industry.

The world lost a giant yesterday.

. . . I think we should take a minute to mourn that significant loss.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No, an army of slaves. Another word is employee or serf, thats the nice way of saying it. When Buffet opens up his pie hole and says the word "tax payer" who do you think he's reffering to?
Apple employees in China are committing suicide because of the lovely benefits and pay. No doubt the liver he bought extended his life a few more years on this planet. Depending on who you are you go straight to the front of the line, or you go to China if you got the cash. I don't think that was a problem in his instance!
It's great that people pay more attention to their phones now then they do their kids or friends. Instead of getting a 3 minute conversation over the phone people would rather play text tag back and forth as if a conversation is out of the norm now. You see these kids and adults everywhere addicted to there damn phones.
Damn good idea though on the iPhone, it is an ingenious way to bring a few industries to their knees while they have an army of wage slaves at their disposal. A lot of people are sending their money straight to Apple, not me. It'll be interesting to see if the company can survive without the direction of the brain. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
To quote a distant relative.

"You can rob me, you can starve me...and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."

You bore me.
Some people can't take a joke and for that I am sorry. I in no way take back my joke seeing as in I was JOKING. Good god., everyone gets their panties in a bunch on here for no reason. Everyone has their own opinions but to me I don't view death all that seriously. It's not something to mourn but his existence is to be appreciated.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Steve's body is not even cold yet, but some of the nut-jobs are already trying to derail this thread with personal insults, lame-ass jokes and parading their ignorance?

Let's show a little respect for the man who revolutionized the computer industry.

The world lost a giant yesterday.

. . . I think we should take a minute to mourn that significant loss.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
the world lost an exploiter of the poor & middleclass. profit hungry bastard, burn in hell.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Af, you are amazing! Does the night orderly know you're out of your room and using the computer?
Af-Freakin's Avatar
LOL! Af, you are amazing! Does the night orderly know you're out of your room and using the computer? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
apparently u got permission first.
budman33's Avatar
Steve's body is not even cold yet, but some of the nut-jobs are already trying to derail this thread with personal insults, lame-ass jokes and parading their ignorance?

Let's show a little respect for the man who revolutionized the computer industry.

The world lost a giant yesterday.

. . . I think we should take a minute to mourn that significant loss. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

He was a great designer and a great capitalist. I'm not going to laurel him more than that. Apple offshored jobs and profits and while yes the iphone and mp3 player are cool, I am not going to place him on a pillar alongside Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, etc.

Seriously, When Gates dies we should build a monument to the moon then.

For me? Cool guy, made very expensive yet cool gadgets and made an ass ton of money. Well done. I enjoyed playing Wizardry on my appleOne.

Who else could make people happy to pay 2-3 times as much for a product they can get elsewhere..and be happy about it? Brilliant.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
HBO showed "Pirates of Silicon Valley" after Steve's death.

I don't how closely this very interesting show follows history, but it does give you a glimpse of how fanatical these guys were about their work.

According to the show, Bill Gates wormed his way into Apple (pardon the pun) to work with Steve, but really only to steal his software.

It is amazing how ruthlessly these guys pursued their work.

Before finally parting company, Steve finally tells Bill that working with him was like working with a praying mantis.

. . . Of course, Bill had a few choice words of his own to hurl down Steve's throat!