1 ben for a picolo and 2 for a flute but a french horn is worth 1 k
*snickers and crackers* plus the .50
now belly button fun is always a freebie *winks and blinks*

Btw you hunky lovers... I'm a grad now... yayee! Dropped the 3rd major for now and finished up with 2. Been making my money and dating in the real world and enjoying some normalcy, safety and lack of paranoia. I still drop by the site here occasionally to check up on ya though. Have lotsa fun and be careful. I'll be on some throughout the holidays as you know I have a ylimaf... it's family backwards for you retards that don't get it... heeheehee. I quit trying to keep the miserable smux together since the X busted me out. They can't handle my success and I cut miserable from my life. It chaps their ass that I don't need to be in their friggin will... ha friggin ha... couldn't ask for a better Christmas. My big brothers marriage and killer job fell apart; and he's hatin on me too now to suck up to the parents. He can have it. If they only knew his bones... but I keep secrets, even if I am pissed. Yes I still have my babies and they are as beautiful as ever. I got a lil designer dog now too. Lotsa bells ringing at my house and the fireplace is full of lil stuffed stockings. I got my dream property but can't buy it til next year, unless my step mom passes away. It's pretty nice and full of lotsa furry love. Boys have their own rooms and girls have theirs too; all with ceramic tile. They get to rotate coming out and spend time with me after dinner unless I go out. Saturdays I clip the girls' nails and Sunday I do the boys. I know not everybody can do what I do and most wouldn't want to but I do and I do it well. It's rewarding to me and they are my family. They keep me in good spirits and they deserve to be together.

Back to skin flutes, picolos and .50 bjs... lol. Tear it up Dallas. And give everybody a holiday hug for me.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--Lacey I will!
happy holidays to you!