whatever happened to the 50 dancing smiley faces and about 10 "you're stupid"'s and a long diatribe against what was never said and ascribing ills and false desires to your perceived opponents and it all culminates in one gigantic FUC you?
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I love fuc'n with you righties.
You think liberals are feelers and ya'll are thinkers no matter what the science says.
A couple of insults to ya'lls brain power and bad mouth baby Jesus and you cats are emotional wrecks! Cracks me up.
I know, I need a new hobby! .....I do like the ladies but one has me tied down at present , so you boys are stuck with my second hobby, pulling you neanderthalic righties tail and trying and drag you into the 21rst century thinking....the one with science and all.