For Republicans life begins at conception and ends at birth

I'm not a Repub. But Roe v Wade was a godawful decision. And much as I hate to say it, the Court came down right on Bush v Gore. Don't always have to agree to know they did the right thing. It's just rare when they get one right. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
One of my college apt mate's father worked as an assistant Dallas DA. He said Wade slept a lot in his office during business hours. Just sayin'.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
See we just do not agree, on either....and that is ok. Originally Posted by WTF
Kum Bah Ya

WTF - chances are, if the conservative spent more time at home rather than planting seeds in the providers, we'd all have a little more money and a little less to talk about. Kinda ironic - we spend billions to find two cells that divide in space and call it life, but so easily end a life here on earth by denying it exists...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Damn, cog!

. . . If you could only reverse the polarity of the circuits in your brain, you might be operational again!

I'm not a Repub. But Roe v Wade was a godawful decision. And much as I hate to say it, the Court came down right on Bush v Gore. Don't always have to agree to know they did the right thing. It's just rare when they get one right. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
See we just do not agree, on either....and that is ok. Originally Posted by WTF
whatever happened to the 50 dancing smiley faces and about 10 "you're stupid"'s and a long diatribe against what was never said and ascribing ills and false desires to your perceived opponents and it all culminates in one gigantic FUC you?
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  • WTF
  • 12-28-2011, 07:17 AM
whatever happened to the 50 dancing smiley faces and about 10 "you're stupid"'s and a long diatribe against what was never said and ascribing ills and false desires to your perceived opponents and it all culminates in one gigantic FUC you? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I love fuc'n with you righties.

You think liberals are feelers and ya'll are thinkers no matter what the science says.

A couple of insults to ya'lls brain power and bad mouth baby Jesus and you cats are emotional wrecks! Cracks me up.

I know, I need a new hobby! .....I do like the ladies but one has me tied down at present , so you boys are stuck with my second hobby, pulling you neanderthalic righties tail and trying and drag you into the 21rst century thinking....the one with science and all.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whatever happened to the 50 dancing smiley faces and about 10 "you're stupid"'s and a long diatribe against what was never said and ascribing ills and false desires to your perceived opponents and it all culminates in one gigantic FUC you? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Marshall does that sort of thing. he's banned ya know
joe bloe's Avatar
I love fuc'n with you righties.

You think liberals are feelers and ya'll are thinkers no matter what the science says.

A couple of insults to ya'lls brain power and bad mouth baby Jesus and you cats are emotional wrecks! Cracks me up.

I know, I need a new hobby! .....I do like the ladies but one has me tied down at present , so you boys are stuck with my second hobby, pulling you neanderthalic righties tail and trying and drag you into the 21rst century thinking....the one with science and all. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not surprised to learn that you enjoy being "tied down". Does she beat you? She should force you to watch old episodes of "Firing Line".
Marshall does that sort of thing. he's banned ya know Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

WTF was the precursor...he had the throne when i arrived in the old ASPD
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WTF was the precursor...he had the throne when i arrived in the old ASPD Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ah, I gather WTF resented him for grabbing his throne.

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  • WTF
  • 12-28-2011, 05:15 PM
Marshall does that sort of thing. he's banned ya know Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm not surprised to learn that you enjoy being "tied down". Does she beat you? She should force you to watch old episodes of "Firing Line". Originally Posted by joe bloe

WTF was the precursor...he had the throne when i arrived in the old ASPD Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Me thinks you boys hate getting the shit you throw, thrown right back atchya!


You boys say the exact same thing but try and sugar coat it. Not my style. If ya want I can get ya'll some pacifiers.

Being nice to a group of folks that do not know the meaning of Compromise is a lesson in futility.

Google the lyrics to "One Tin Soldier" .... that is what I think of you righties.

Did you all catch a case of pussy-ites at the exact same time? WTF?

Tell me how I should talk to you want me to change your diaper before having a political discussion? Play three lil piggies with ya? WTF you three want outta me? Speak up! We burning daylight!

What movie that last sentence come from?
ranging from lunacy and extreme illogic to quiet meekness and brotherhood and then perhaps some innocuous thing, as simple as the wind blowing the pages of his comic book closed, sets off another head banging, lip curling, drool spewing, rant...WTF continues on his wild ride of extremes
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-29-2011, 08:05 AM
ranging from lunacy and extreme illogic to quiet meekness and brotherhood and then perhaps some innocuous thing, as simple as the wind blowing the pages of his comic book closed, sets off another head banging, lip curling, drool spewing, rant...WTF continues on his wild ride of extremes Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You have your view of reality and I have mine.

You have no problem denigrating me and I have no problem laughing at you while doing so.

I am a science guy, I believe in research , not what Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh report.

That is the biggest difference I have with all you righties that post in here....well that and you are cry babies and hyporcites.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is probably why the decision remains controversial to this day, JD.

Women have certain rights to their own bodies and the State has an obligation to protect the sanctity of life.

The country need a tough decision on the polarizing issue and the Supreme Court was courageous enough to make it.

. . . Personally, I think they rightly divided the opposing interests and made a wise decision.

Fast gun, the times have changed. What the SCOTUS said in the 1970s is no longer operative. What would have been fatal in 1970 is something that can be corrected now envitro. A four week premature baby in 1970 was pretty much dead but it is a common occurrence to save them today. What the SCOTUS did was to make federal law on what should have stayed a state issue. That decision was also based on something that does not appear in the constitution. There is no constiutional right to privacy.

For comparing the death penalty to abortion; are you willing to go 100%? Will the accused (the unborn) get an attorney, due process, and constitutionally protected rights? If convicted will they get an appeal process? If you put that in place then you can make the comparison. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A fetus is a fetus until it can survive outside the host body. Until then, it is any woman’s prerogative to have or not have an abortion. Period. It’s our bodies and not the States; It’s our lives and not the States. No one but that particular woman can decide what is good for her and what is bad for her. However, if she never gets pregnant in the first place, there really isn’t anything to talk about is there. I think the real atrocity is the Republican stand or birth control. It should be free and handed out on every corner as far as I’m concerned.

Why should the State be involved in killing people. How do we know for sure the convicted is guilty? If someone is convicted of raping to death a young woman or any other capital crime, lock them up in general population, and let them get raped themselves for the rest of their miserable lives. Let their own kind dole out the sentence.

Doctor assisted suicide is a merciful gift. If someone wants to not torture themselves and their family while they waste away from cancer or some other terminal and horrible death, it should be their choice. I promise you, I will haunt anyone to his or her dieing day that hooks me up to life support.