You misunderstood my post, I was talking about eugenics via abortion and not a woman's right to choose to terminate the life of her unborn baby.
Sop forced abortion because of population cotrol based on gender or race is considered genocide but voluntary abortion is not.
Of course the topic of genocide wold only be discussed because of the old "we need more gun control" issue that keeps rearing its ugly head instead of we need to figure out why these people are committing these heinous crimes and how to stop them before they make a decision on what choice of implement they will use to carry out their lunacy. Maybe the problem is that we have become so afraid to express oursleves in a ormal fashion without being ostracized for our opinion or point of view has made some people unhealthy especially when it comes to their mental health.
Typically with the leftist, incrementalism is their goal. If they can group a handful of firearms and attach a "name" to them they feal that with that name they can have those banned; at first. Then it will be something else, like remember the "Saturday night specials". Now it is "Assault WEAPONS". What will teh call them next; BABY KILLERS?