hookers be sensitive these days...

Mr Blonde's Avatar
Actually... Take that scenario...two consenting adults...and add a bottle of wine... Sounds like a pretty good Saturday.

ThreADs shouldn't contain medical advice. Just sayin...
governmentguru's Avatar
Can everyone just Fucking Be Nice, Already????????

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Seriously doubt it...
sixxbach's Avatar
The term hookers or prostitutes has been around before we were. No need in sugar coating their chosen occupation.
Its only disrespectful if used in a disrespectful nature. Other than that, calling a prostiture a prostitute is the same thing as calling a dentist a dentist. Originally Posted by atxbrad

1000% correct!

I have no problems being called a trick or john. I have CHOSEN to participate in this world. If one doesn't like the terms, well.......

Look guys all this name calling ...and I am now enjoying my ass in Las Vegas .....a word does not define us .......sexy can be subjective but narrominded is not....

This is the "secret life" we chose .....I have fun with it......nothing should be taken too seriously ......life is too short for that ......

Be sensitive to others, be respectful, be helpful.....Karma is a bitch !!
My patience is really wearing thin with the defenses of the various positions none of which matter in actual practice.

The position that matters is that of the Owners that is spelled out in the Forum Guidelines that each and every one of you agree to every time you sign in.

Just because some of you don't care what you are called does not mean that others have those seem feelings.

General disrespect is not going to be tolerated so before anyone gets themselves sideways with Staff, I am going to close this one.
