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Nothing but red x's dumbass. Try again.
I'm ignoring everything after "TP, you win"

Okay, TP, you win. It's exhausting trying to hold an intelligent dialogue with you libtards, but I'm going to throw out a couple more things, then I'm done with this thread.

First, absent the incompetence of the Feds, I am confident Texas would do a substantially better job of handling border issues.

Second, try to remember that this all hypothetical. In the event of an actual collapse of the U.S. economy, leading to secession, or whatever, NONE of your precious government entitlements would be in play, period. No VA, no SS, no Medicare, no Medicaid, you name it...gone. Typical of a libtard to bleat like a lamb over the very thought of his government paycheck going away. If you want to hear some serious bleating, stick with your man O'Blunder, he'll give the country plenty of reasons if left unchecked.

On the military base issue, of course there would be some pain, and some adjustments to be made. O'Blunder came up with the sequester in 2011 for the express purpose of tearing down the military. So, many of those installations aren't safe for long, anyway.

All that being said, long term, I stand by the premise that Texas could make it on its own...IN THE EVENT OF A COLLAPSE. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
cpt, thanks for all those pics of Texas girls with big puffy titties, I like the one third down best, she can create growth any time she wants, baby, best thing about Texas girls is they are not ashamed to be proud of their bodies and what that does to a man.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'd put my money on Texas doing just fine. They wouldn't have a Federal Reserve, and no income tax. If they based their money on something of value, they would thrive when the remaining US falls.

And ICE isn't really allowed to protect the border now? If the Feds were out of the way, you can be sure that thousands of Texas volunteers would be happy to greet anyone coming across their border uninvited.

And your comment about Medicaid and Medicare is ridiculous. No one is going to let people go without health care when they know it depends on them. People are by nature compassionate and generous. You think people are lazy and selfish because you are lazy and selfish. You're willing to put other people's money where your mouth is. The rest of us will take care of each other, even more so if government gets out of the way. We're not all lazy and selfish like you are, Timmy, hiding in the skirts of big government. We're better than you.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nothing but red x's dumbass. Try again. Originally Posted by timpage
I see them, 2Xdumbass
I'd put my money on Texas doing just fine. They wouldn't have a Federal Reserve, and no income tax. If they based their money on something of value, they would thrive when the remaining US falls.

And ICE isn't really allowed to protect the border now? If the Feds were out of the way, you can be sure that thousands of Texas volunteers would be happy to greet anyone coming across their border uninvited.

And your comment about Medicaid and Medicare is ridiculous. No one is going to let people go without health care when they know it depends on them. People are by nature compassionate and generous. You think people are lazy and selfish because you are lazy and selfish. You're willing to put other people's money where your mouth is. The rest of us will take care of each other, even more so if government gets out of the way. We're not all lazy and selfish like you are, Timmy, hiding in the skirts of big government. We're better than you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're a laughable retard. You and the rest of the GOP zombies here wouldn't give one dollar out of a hundred to help anybody. All you do is cry and bitch right now by virtue of the fact that the government makes you give one dollar out of a hundred to help anybody. The very idea that you would do so voluntarily is fucking joke. You're out for yourselves, nobody else. That's what being a republican and a libertarian is all about. Fuck everybody but yourselves. And you know it. Your argument is stupid, you've refuted it yourself many times. Fuck off.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nothing but red x's dumbass. Try again. Originally Posted by timpage
upgrade from your TRS 80 Computer
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You only think that way, Timmy, is because that is how YOU are. Statistics show that non-liberals donate much more to charity than liberals do. We've discussed that here.

Like I said, Timmy, we're not all lazy and selfish like you. That you wouldn't lift one of your own fingers to help another does not mean that others wouldn't. Your dim view of yourself is reflected in your knee-jerk reaction to all issues. More and bigger government, less personal responsibility. I'm sorry you life that way. It must really suck to be you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
upgrade from your TRS 80 Computer Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I've got a Commodore, and still can't see them.