No, no, no, no, no....

jbravo_123's Avatar
Strongly agree with the ex-NYer on this one.

Nepotism works out poorly much more often than not. Same thing in the business world. Clients of ours were occasionally small companies where an SMU frat boy took the reins of daddy's company. Others who were in many cases smarter or better qualified got squeezed out and became resentful. Good way to fuck up a company.

Looks like people get pissed off easily on this site, so hope I don't offend anybody with the following!

I thought Daddy Bush was a decent man who always wanted to do what was right and was perhaps a better president than most, or at least many. But W was sort of like a spoiled frat boy who never grew up. He just had no business being president. Originally Posted by WWII NavyVet
Yeah, I think this is generally historically true as well in monarchies. Oftentimes, you get a strong ruler starting off well but then his kids have to come in and fuck it all up.

Bush Sr. did what was best for the country and compromised to get things done and it got him booted from office for it, unfortunately. I would say that while W is was indeed like the spoiled frat boy, I don't think he (or really any president) is actively malicious (as much as the right would love to demonize Obama). Everybody who takes that office believes what they're doing is for the good of the country. Now whether or not the results actually turn out to be true is another thing entirely...
If Hillary had beaten Obama in the primaries in 2007 and gone on to become president, it would have been 22 straight years of either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House.
Actually, it would have been 24 years (Bush Sr. won in 1988). And if she won re-election in 2012 (likely against Romney), it would eventually be 28 fucking years. And there are some people (BigTex, are you listening?) that wouldn't have a problem with that. There would be 30 year old people who would have no remembrance of a President who was NOT a Bush or a Clinton. Dynasties would seem normal. It is sick.

And she would have won, too, 'cause Dubya fucked it up so badly, Hugo Chavez would have beaten McCain. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I don't care what your party is, if you love your country you would NEVER re-elect out of the same family.

Even if you knew to a mathematical certainty that Hillary was the best choice for President, you still should never do it.

Even if Hillary was the best, she would be only a tiny bit better than whomever was second best. It is not like it is a choice between Albert Einstein in first place and Kim Kardashian in second place.

Whatever tiny marginal improvement Hillary would have over the second best choice is NOT enough to justify the harm done by nepotism to our politics and civil society.

Any time you are face with a choice that presents very little upside and a potentially large downside, you do NOT take that choice - in politics or in life.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I don't care what your party is, if you love your country you would NEVER re-elect out of the same family.

Even if you knew to a mathematical certainty that Hillary was the best choice for President, you still should never do it.

Even if Hillary was the best, she would be only a tiny bit better than whomever was second best. It is not like it is a choice between Albert Einstein in first place and Kim Kardashian in second place.

Whatever tiny marginal improvement Hillary would have over the second best choice is NOT enough to justify the harm done by nepotism to our politics and civil society.

Any time you are face with a choice that presents very little upside and a potentially large downside, you do NOT take that choice - in politics or in life. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I completely agree with what you say, except one thing. You don't have to love your country to make the smart choice for President for the reasons you stated. If you live here and tolerate the obviously fucked up liberal hegemony but long for freedom from its oppressive yoke, you still don't want a dynasty of the left or the right making it easy for those feeding at the trough to keep robbing the treasury.
Other than those of us with modest means living comfortably, what's to love about America anymore? As a conservative, I think the country is FUBAR!
If I were a liberal, I would love it here. I'd like to leave but what country accepts old white people?
Since I'm stuck in this shithole, thank God for hookers and beer!
Obama has it in his power to fix this. He can resign and appoint a former bus driver to replace him. That's how they do in Venezuela. We are close to that now. When senator Biden road that train everyday to Washington he failed to mention that he got to wear an engineers hat and sit next to the driver. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now that's some funny stuff right there...I don't care who you are!!??!!
Sandsailor's Avatar
Family dynasties that would resemble Monarchies is just one of the reasons some Founding Fathers were against the incorporation of political parties. #Clinton/Bush succesion.