It just want go away. Now the nuns are guilty of voter fraud.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess it is my fault for using large words. I put no party affiliation with the (oops, another big word)...I did not say the pretend FBI agent was of a political party. What I said (wrote) was that like voter fraud it was difficult to investigate voter fraud because the people in charge of the system were also the same people who would initiate (start) an investigation. If oursiders like our pretend FBI agent came to investigate they found themselves having to investigate the local investigators to get to the truth. The evidence is that poll worker who voted six times in the last election (turns out that she is not the only one). She is the first line of defense against voter fraud. If she doesn't think what she did was wrong then who is going to identify a problem? Multiple that by ten thousand times.

I'm glad that my injuries bring joy to the hearts of Timmy and Candy. Just goes to show how low they can go. FYI, no head injury. More like blunt force trauma to the hip and legs since I mentioned that it affected my running (surprised you missed that little gem).
I'm glad you think you know some large words. Self-esteem is important for folks like you.

I guess it is my fault for using large words. I put no party affiliation with the (oops, another big word)...I did not say the pretend FBI agent was of a political party. What I said (wrote) was that like voter fraud it was difficult to investigate voter fraud because the people in charge of the system were also the same people who would initiate (start) an investigation. If oursiders like our pretend FBI agent came to investigate they found themselves having to investigate the local investigators to get to the truth. The evidence is that poll worker who voted six times in the last election (turns out that she is not the only one). She is the first line of defense against voter fraud. If she doesn't think what she did was wrong then who is going to identify a problem? Multiple that by ten thousand times.

I'm glad that my injuries bring joy to the hearts of Timmy and Candy. Just goes to show how low they can go. FYI, no head injury. More like blunt force trauma to the hip and legs since I mentioned that it affected my running (surprised you missed that little gem). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I guess it is my fault for using large words. I put no party affiliation with the (oops, another big word) the? big for you, maybe...I did not say the pretend FBI agent was of a political party. What I said (wrote) was that like voter fraud it was difficult to investigate voter fraud because the people in charge of the system were also the same people who would initiate (start) an investigation. If oursiders like our pretend FBI agent came to investigate they found themselves having to investigate the local investigators to get to the truth. The evidence is that poll worker who voted six times in the last election (turns out that she is not the only one). She is the first line of defense against voter fraud. If she doesn't think what she did was wrong then who is going to identify a problem? Multiple that by ten thousand times. or, by 4 - sinced we're making sh*t up.

I'm glad that my injuries bring joy to the hearts of Timmy and Candy. The only injury I give a sh*t about is your obvious mental one - you're the dumbass who's pining away for the good ol' days of yesteryear - you know, when you began to become a legend in your own mind - since you insist on continuing on a line you invented in a reply to me stating you had better run faster intellecutally than a day and a half 40, idiot Just goes to show how low they can go. *sniff*sniff* if I were a bleeding heart, you might get a little traction with that one. FYI, no head injury. Hmmm, that's debatable, but the doctor couldn't see enough difference in which end to slap when you were born. More like blunt force trauma to the hip and legs since I mentioned that it affected my running (surprised you missed that little gem). If only there WERE gems to miss.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's just GOTTA be the damn floor stripper.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you expect anything different, JD?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey, I have to try. Of course they have zero math skills. A couple of poll workers multiplied by (pay attention) 10,000 to 14,000 voting precincts around the country. You can take your foot off of your dick again.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Francis Corneyhole and Francis T. Grits, you guys broke an arm patting each other on the back so YOUR math skills deteriorated by 50% due to the loss of the use on 1 hand.

Which is it? 6 times 10,000 (Door #1) or 2 times 10,000 (Door #2) or 3 x 14,000 (Door #3) or 2 x 14,000 (Door #4) or 3 x 10,000 (Door #5)? Damn, boyz, no wonder you are never able to keep your sh*t straight.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2013, 10:09 AM
I guess it is my fault for using large words. I put no party affiliation with the (oops, another big word)...I did not say the pretend FBI agent was of a political party. What I said (wrote) was that like voter fraud it was difficult to investigate voter fraud because the people in charge of the system were also the same people who would initiate (start) an investigation. If oursiders like our pretend FBI agent came to investigate they found themselves having to investigate the local investigators to get to the truth. The evidence is that poll worker who voted six times in the last election (turns out that she is not the only one). She is the first line of defense against voter fraud. If she doesn't think what she did was wrong then who is going to identify a problem? Multiple that by ten thousand times.

I'm glad that my injuries bring joy to the hearts of Timmy and Candy. Just goes to show how low they can go. FYI, no head injury. More like blunt force trauma to the hip and legs since I mentioned that it affected my running (surprised you missed that little gem). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

"If oursiders like our pretend FBI agent "

oursiders is big word ... be proud !!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So Candy admits that multiplier is at least 6,000. Good to know that you recognize all that voter fraud that is of yet unindicted.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2013, 12:30 PM
So Candy admits that multiplier is at least 6,000. Good to know that you recognize all that voter fraud that is of yet unindicted. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

tell ya what teach, since your so math oriented, (to hell with 6000), extrapolate those multipliers X 10 or 20, 000 and give everyone the total/s of voter fraud vs number of votes cast in the last election from a percentage standpoint ...

the board waits .............................. ......................
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
tell ya what teach, since your so math oriented, (to hell with 6000), extrapolate those multipliers X 10 or 20, 000 and give everyone the total/s of voter fraud vs number of votes cast in the last election from a percentage standpoint ...

the board waits .............................. ...................... Originally Posted by CJ7
The number of people who break into your house is an insignificant percentage of the population - so why should we worry about the sanctity of your home? Hot checks are a small percentage of all the checks written - so fuck it, if I give you a check will you cash it, knowing I might not be punished?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The number of girls I have fucked (for free) is an insignificant percentage of the population of the United States, but I enjoyed almost every one of them - it was significant to me!!!
So here is a compromise I offer to you liberals: Let's prosecute the mother fuckers who are cheating in the voting system, no matter how mother fucking insignificant it is to you, if you won't make them show an ID. Fuck, I'll support a tax increase for that!
EVERYTHING requires a TDL except voting. Every time I vote I show a TDL....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-14-2013, 09:35 PM
The number of people who break into your house is an insignificant percentage of the population - so why should we worry about the sanctity of your home? Hot checks are a small percentage of all the checks written - so fuck it, if I give you a check will you cash it, knowing I might not be punished? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That is not the point dickhead.

Say you owned Macy's. If you had a small % of theft, would you

1) Start frisking people as they go in and out of the the store, thus running off potential customers and killing sales?

2) Just tighten up security?

Another question...why are you supporting voter supression? Why would you support say closing the voting booth the Sunday before the Tuesday election? Would it have anything to do with the GOP you support knowing that more Democrats vote during that day? Do you really want all eligible voters to vote...or just the one's that vote the way you like?

. Fuck, I'll support a tax increase for that! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Sure you would...

How about you support laws that punish voter supression!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That is not the point dickhead.

Say you owned Macy's. If you had a small % of theft, would you

1) Start frisking people as they go in and out of the the store, thus running off potential customers and killing sales?

2) Just tighten up security?

Another question...why are you supporting voter supression? Why would you support say closing the voting booth the Sunday before the Tuesday election? Would it have anything to do with the GOP you support knowing that more Democrats vote during that day? Do you really want all eligible voters to vote...or just the one's that vote the way you like?

Sure you would...

How about you support laws that punish voter supression! Originally Posted by WTF
Remember, I voted for Obama, though mainly because I hate Wall Street company wreckers who ship jobs to China. I'm a libertarian, beholden to neither major party.
Sure, I will support laws that punish voter suppression, when directly proven, if in turn you people will support prosecution of voting fraud, and change the immigration laws to require equal immigration between Republican demographics and Democrat demographics.
Republican demographics: Rich, self supporting , will invest and pay taxes - i.e. net positive to USA.
Democratic demographics: Poor, dependent, and prone to blame their problems on others, and lie, cheat, steal and tolerate those that do.

P.S. Fuck you, dickhead.
FBI statistics indicated an average of 2.2 million burglaries a year in the US. Around 6,000 per day. Hot checks are so numerous, there's no reliable national database. Millions and millions. Your analogy is....silly.

Remind me again how this relates to the dozen or so voter fraud cases you guys continuously cite as evidence that voter fraud is so pervasive that the Republicans need to pass legislation designed to suppress the votes of the poor?