WTF...I DID NOT call you a communist. Go back and read it again. Someone erroneously said that Hitler was a right winger and I pointed out the truth that Hitler started as a socialist and was a left winger. Then I said IF you think Hitler was to the right are you admitting to being a communist. So the operative word is "IF". Do you feel that the left winger Hitler was to the right of you? You can either admit that Hitler was a left winger (and there is much to prove it) or you can admit the latter but only if you think Hitler was to the right of you. So clarify it for us WTF. Which are you? Where do your politics lie?
As for the other, ever hear of the phrase "playing the part of the devil"? Common business sense says that all networks will be the target of the new network including Fox. However, based on conversations with student, there are some who are very reluctant to admit that they watch Fox (and this is Kansas not California). A new network that is not Fox and conservative would appeal to them.
As for Whatzup's stupidity, I wish I could reveal my knowledge and further pound his esteem. (he can pound his own dick)