Anyone recognize this Rochester landmark?

jokacz's Avatar
No, Jack, I think you are right. The disclaimer actually says no nude photos posted or linked. Go figure.
This thread just seems to be a bad idea.

Especially the face shots.

I would hope the providers with their photos posted had an opportunity to first give their permission to having them posted in this forum, in this context.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-09-2010, 07:31 PM
I agree Bob, unless they are public photo's, and proof is available they are public.

Maybe our 2 brand new mods could do something about this?
jokacz's Avatar
The Rules according to lap: 1.. no kids 2.. no animal acts 3... no pic of drug stuff. So just to keep this thread alive in the spirit of "Fun" here's a softball. If this offends you go read an ROS review.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The ones I posted where all Ad shots. But I deleted them anyway. Not being sure. The only pic's that I took and ever posted where Ad shots also. One it was to late to do so in this thread. But still can under "user cp", "Attachments".
You forgot with my fat butt in the pic. Oh that would be #2
1sunday_cowboy's Avatar
I am making this easy, who this beatiful and brainy, lady? If no one knows, I must be the luckest guy alive, to have met her. Beautiful, classy and more beautiful.

Jokacz, I never met Lynde before, but I am guessing that is the lady in the pic. It said so in the label next to the picture. Sorry, I cheated.
The rules are jokacz posted I told him.

I am going to remove the pics of the provider you said retired, because...she's retired.

Also, be very careful about posting pics of providers without their permission, especially face shot and pics with specific identifying marks (i.e. tatoos, birth marks...etc.) Last thing you want to be accused of "outting" someone.

jokacz's Avatar
1Sunday, sorry not her name only the file name of the jpeg.
Whatever you say lap - believe me she couldn't care less and is only semi-retired anyway. How do you out a Canadian provider who used those photos to promote herself on a public board? Last time I checked outcalls were legal up there.
I'd rather err on the side of caution when it comes to peoples security.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
After someone gets the name right. Delete the pic. Just to keep it going? The one I still have in this thread I can still do so in "user cp" long after the edit time is up.
And I do like the longer edit time.

I did just delete as a test, it works. And long after edit time. Just noway to put back with the edit time long gone unless repost.

Just looking to keep the fun without the problems.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-11-2010, 08:02 AM
ok, this thread is all screwy now with all the edits makes no sense LOL But I do agree!
1sunday_cowboy's Avatar
Most of the members , of upstate ny are from aspd. It is obvious some are uncomfortable with the new freedom of posting pictures. Eccie has rule before any new aspd member converted. It is ok, we don't need to change the rules. We just need to adjust to them. I, also admire some members sense of right and wrong- a sense of justice, to protect the girl. It's almost parental. Please rest assure that I have not dishonor or taken advantage of any persons, I have posted pictures of. With over 1000 viiews, someone must like the thread. Unfortunately, it the few uncomfortable ones, I keep on hearing. All the pictures are orginal, and never seen before. I will give a slide show of ladies of upper ny and surrounding region this Sunday, from 9pm to midnight. After the show, I will take down all of my pictures. This include the pictures in this thread. These pictures will never be seen again, any where. Please, do not copy the picture. I would feel responsible/bad if it appear somewhere else on the internet. I always plan to take down the picture after the thread ended, anyways.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-12-2010, 06:03 AM
Please, do not copy the picture. I would feel responsible/bad if it appear somewhere else on the internet. I always plan to take down the picture after the thread ended, anyways. Originally Posted by 1sunday_cowboy
I do not think you are being realistic with this request.
jokacz's Avatar
Sunday, I can't believe you are posting such filth. All this stimulation may actually lead to the hiring of escorts. I just see no good coming from this. (Keep up the good work)
It is obvious some are uncomfortable with the new freedom of posting pictures. Eccie has rule before any new aspd member converted. It is ok, we don't need to change the rules. We just need to adjust to them. I, also admire some members sense of right and wrong- a sense of justice, to protect the girl. It's almost parental. Originally Posted by 1sunday_cowboy
That picture cracks me up.

Point made.

We've talked about this in PMs.

Initially I didn't know you were a professional photographer.

I also didn't know if you had some background business going on. For example, if I were a provider, it might be worth it to me to have some photos with you so that you could bump my reviews with a picture after they've aged down the page a ways.

Hearing that you are a professional and that you were posting for fun and not profit changed my attitude, at least as far as your posting them goes.

As a professional, you appreciate the issues around data privacy rights and property rights around the ownership of the images. You appreciate the need to protect the provider's real-world persona.

In short, I dropped my concerns about what you were doing.

For the amateurs though, some may lack your nuanced understanding of the rules of the road and it could lead to an unbridled picture posting that could end badly. So I voiced some caution.

Was I doing it out of "parental" concern?

No. I was being selfish.

I want the providers to be comfortable here, comfortable that their privacy and business interests are respected.

I'm as visual as the next guy. I just think that when it comes to posting, it's healthier to do it 'with' the provider instead of 'to' or 'for' the provider.

[Mods: We need a /soapbox/ icon. I needed one just now. ]