Is it just me....

All this patting each other on the back seems a bit ridiculous. We all know that you saw her too and also had a great time. Originally Posted by viviantonight
Vivian, everybody appreciates a little bit of feedback and comparing notes.
If you say so's YOUR site!!!! L O L
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If you say so's YOUR site!!!! L O L Originally Posted by viviantonight
No its are site hobby guys and the providers. But we are not the owners. And it is the owners that give us the place. There house there rules. Just like when we where all kids. And they give us the right to have this chat.
No its are site hobby guys and the providers. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OSD, you are revolutionizing the English language!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
English is the only foreign language I know LOL
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  • 01-08-2010, 04:40 PM
LOL, I would love to see your native language
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I would like to add that from that other site where the providers can read all of review. Is that the providers like my reviews better than the guys. And reading my own reviews and old love letters that I have done in the past. Yup they read the same.

My bad luck that my style is pointed to the wrong group. I do them for the other guys. They are not to you. They are about you and are time. Some day I will be like normalbob and eli and do reviews that the guys like.. naaaa not my style Have to be true to self. Sorry guys but will try to get it right.

LOL, I would love to see your native language Originally Posted by Goin Postal
sorry to say this but it is the same Ae lol
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If the review process were ever to be opened for providers to participate, I think it would be mandatory that the anonymity of the client be guaranteed. Piss off a provider and get outed, not a good thing. Also, does anyone really believe that providers have never seen BCD or ROS portions of their reviews? I don’t think the Canadian boards are perfect, but I do think they can be a lot of fun when there are lively dialogs between the men and women. Regarding my distain for graphic BCD portions of reviews, I will leave you with an anonymous quote from one of the most respected providers in this area when we exchanged emails on this topic:
"...I guess the way I feel is that whatever happens between 2 people should stay between those people. Its no-one else's business what goes on behind closed doors. Its an intimate closeness that I think should be considered private. It about tact and I'd like to consider myself a classy lady."
I think this place is more friendly than the old one. I think it could be even more friendly if it adopted a review format more like GTERB where the providers actually interact with the clients. I think the whole concept of BCD or ROS or whatever you want to call it ought to be relegated to its own section and be labeled "Crank Yankers". I don't know what it brings to the table other than to provide thrills for guys too cheap to come up with the 2 or 3 bills to experience life first hand. Originally Posted by jokacz
If the review process were ever to be opened for providers to participate, I think it would be mandatory that the anonymity of the client be guaranteed. Piss off a provider and get outed, not a good thing. Also, does anyone really believe that providers have never seen BCD or ROS portions of their reviews? I don’t think the Canadian boards are perfect, but I do think they can be a lot of fun when there are lively dialogs between the men and women. Regarding my distain for graphic BCD portions of reviews, I will leave you with an anonymous quote from one of the most respected providers in this area when we exchanged emails on this topic:
"...I guess the way I feel is that whatever happens between 2 people should stay between those people. Its no-one else's business what goes on behind closed doors. Its an intimate closeness that I think should be considered private. It about tact and I'd like to consider myself a classy lady." Originally Posted by jokacz
This thread has sort of bounced around a bunch of issues that I think are worth pondering as this new community solidifies for upstate NY, and many of them are in some way found in jokacz's posts.

For me, I think the review process should stay as it is (ASPD style, FWIW). I, like some others (although not jokacz), find the review interactions on some of the other sites a bit strange, and no doubt hobbyists are more apt to review differently and be less forthcoming in those situations. I also agree with cnym's observations about the provider comments on While it's nice to get a thank you from a provider after submitting a review, it seems perhaps more appropriate for that to come in the form of a PM, IMHO. Sure, it's rewarding in a sense to get a public thanks from a great provider. However, for some guys I'm sure it can also be very offputting to see a provider making lots of "can't wait for next time" kinds of comments to an array of other hobbyists, as well. Something to think about, anyway...

I think the thing that works best about the current review setup is that it leaves room for different approaches and hobbyists can (at least in theory) discuss things among themselves in ROS portions of reviews and comments. Take away the ROS idea and you have a profoundly different board, to say the least. Also, the mods and other hobbyists can easily call out BS reviews and put things in perspective when needed, so providers are already protected in that sense.

Lastly, while I again support the idea of different approaches and appreciate the general contributions of our diverse group of hobbyists, I concur with some of the things expessed by jokacz and others in this thread. While there is no right or wrong (and hey, we can just ignore what we don't want to read), some questions/comments as we start things up on this site:

*What is the appropriate amount of detail for ROS comments?

Obviously this varies a lot in terms of taste/style. My own reviews have varied somewhat here depending on the situation, so I guess I can relate to both sides, although I have tended to stay more general. However, like jokacz, I can say for sure that many providers and hobbyists do not care for overly detailed comments. Should that matter? I don't know, but understand that many will find them silly and/or even offensive. (Little doubt the "crank-yanker" following really is out there, as well. LOL)

*What is the purpose of a review: Information sharing? Entertainment? Ego boost?

I think this gets right at the idea of different approaches yet again, and there is room for all. For me, though, the main thing I am really looking for in a review is information. Some additional questions that follow from this:

What is the purpose of lengthy, descriptive reviews? Are we trying to "one-up" each other's tales as if in high school? Are we writing directly to the "crank-yanker" crowd at that point? Does it make sense to spend several hours (or much longer) to review a one-hour meeting? If so, what does that say about the role meetings, reviews, and time on the board plays for us? Didn't we all get into this for the *experiences* in the first place?

What is the purpose of reviewing the same provider or few providers a bunch of times, even in a short time span? Why would one take that approach? Does that really benefit the provider(s) in some way? Could it actually harm the provider(s) in some way?

Anyway, it seems like a good time to bat things around a bit now that we are in a new place. Again, personal preferences aside, I'm glad we have room for variety under this format. In my view, there is no right or wrong answer to many of the questions raised in our community. I do think there are good times to ask questions, however.
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  • 01-08-2010, 07:50 PM
I think everyone is going to have a different definition of why they are in this hobby. But in the end, it is a hobby and it is supposed to be fun. KEYWORD=FUN:

Fun for one person might be the time and activities with the escort. For another, it might be the sharing and camaraderie among your peers. It could be the ego boosts and pats on the back. For another person it could be the actually writing of the review. Each and every one of us defines the hobby in our own little (or big) way. Who are any of us to say whether or not another persons vision of the hobby is right or wrong.

Just my humble opinion

edit: Just wanted to add, I think the ONLY time we should speak up about another persons idea of what this hobby is or what they consider "fun" is if it compromises the safety or health of a provider or the community.
Not sure I like that idea. It will be like ecom and the ladies will give you something like this “Thank you sweetie, looking forward to seeing you again, I had a great time” blah... blah... blah
And when you think that she is saying that to you genuinely and you love it, you will quickly realize that she is saying something similar to all the guys.
No matter what escorts say or how well they treat hobbyists, it is all about the money. It is sad, no loyalty.
Sometimes someone else’s money is better than yours, go figure!!
(You have an appointment, it gets cancelled on the day off with “good reason”, and then you find out that she met with someone else)
I learned the hard way.
Thank you to all the Ladies that I have met over the years that still respect me and trust me, it is mutual.
Why would a companion say anything negative? Originally Posted by cnym
This is not a dating site. That is what escorting is all about. It's a business. It's a business helping others find satisfaction. There is nothing sad about it. There is plenty of loyalty and the loyalty is keeping your secrets. If you want to hear sweet nothings only for your ears and no one elses, you have to find a girlfriend, not an escort. AND, If you are a married man and are looking for the loyalty of one lady, you are asking a little too much. Not even an escort wants to date and get involved with a married man. Most women don't, escort or not.

I do agree with you that cancelling an appointment with you in order to see someone else is not right. I don't see many "emergencies" in this biz where you have to cancel an appointment to help someone else!!! LOL

If you start to blur what this is and get too emotional and attached you are going to get sick.

If I seem hard on you, I am being hard on you! You must not blur the reality of what this is with your emotions and needs and get overly attached to your escorts.
...a hobby and it is supposed to be fun. Originally Posted by Goin Postal
Seems like I've read this somewhere before...LOL
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  • 01-08-2010, 08:10 PM
Seems like I've read this somewhere before...LOL Originally Posted by InfiniteDream22

LOL, I just expanded on it a little
edit: Just wanted to add, I think the ONLY time we should speak up about another persons idea of what this hobby is or what they consider "fun" is if it compromises the safety or health of a provider or the community. Originally Posted by Goin Postal
I appreciate your overall post, but have to disagree with this part. Just like there is room for all styles/approaches of reviews or whatever, it's perfectly appropriate for folks to have preferences and raise questions about things on the boards, particularly in a thread like this one. Aside from the alerts forum, the entire board is largely opinion based and has little to do with health/safety.
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  • 01-08-2010, 08:19 PM
That's what I was basically referring to. I guess I didn't make it very clear. I was in a rush to edit before anyone else posted. I don't like to edit after someone has posted a reply.