There should be no question that the American public can be much better protected. The question is how much is the public willing to give for the protection.The idea that the bombings were a set up or frame job, is commonly known as " False Flag Terror" it has happened all over the world. I know the idea of it is very disturbing and hard for most to even want to consider ever happening in our country. This is a short clip of Webster Tarpley who is a well-known historian who explains what False Flag Terror is and how it is carried out.
If L.E. blocked off the public areas with entry only for those who had passed airport level security, and nothing carried in, this could not have happened.
New York does much more for Time Square at New Year's Eve. The protection includes moving mailboxes, welding man holes, etc.
All of this not only has an expense in dollars, but also in time. It is another cost of freedom.
I will never understand how some can suggest this was a set-up or frame job.
Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus