The past is a bitch and so are our words

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-17-2013, 08:31 AM

Yes, that's right. The NSA was still spying on you, people were still being indefinitely detained, the Obama administration was still targeting political opponents, Obamacare was still proving to be an even bigger debacle than we dreamed, Eric Holder remains AG, the US is arming Islamic Jihadists in Syria, the National Debt spirals out of control - but the government-controlled media want you to focus on the Zimmerman trial. Why?


Mindless simpletons. You deserve the police state. Stay blind, but be sure to feel good about yourself, whether you stand with Trayvon, and against racism, or with Zimmerman, and "justice". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Getting feisty down there, are you texasjohn?

If you want to avoid the rain of insult that are surely coming your way, you might want to add some substance to your arguments, such that they are.

If you believe that the Zimmerman case was a victory for conservative, freedoms-loving patriots over evil, mooching, liberals and their controlled mainstream media, then please explain how.

Thats what your little jabs indicate you think.

if you're about to turn into a 1,000 green rage monster, again, please let us know so we can batten down the batches.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Getting feisty down there, are you texasjohn?

You post 40-50 times as many posts in here as I do. If I'm feisty, you are certainly nuclear.

If you want to avoid the rain of insult that are surely coming your way, you might want to add some substance to your arguments, such that they are.

Silencing you opposition is the favorite tactic of the left. Your quantity does not equal quality.

If you believe that the Zimmerman case was a victory for conservative, freedoms-loving patriots over evil, mooching, liberals and their controlled mainstream media, then please explain how.

I believe the average citizen has the right to use force (lethal if needed) to protect oneself, as long as it is down within the boundaries of the law.

Thats what your little jabs indicate you think.

if you're about to turn into a 1,000 green rage monster, again, please let us know so we can batten down the batches. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I will never invest the time and energy into this board that you do.
Well for them, this was a great victory.

Can't understand why it was a win for them and a loss for others, but I guess to some of these droolers, that's the only way it can be. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why would anyone, anywhere, except for those directly involved, have so much vested in this so called "Great Victory"? Because the professional racists said Zimmerman was a racist because a black man died in a bi-racial confrontation? Because the professional victims unit of the Liberals to the Rescue said it was important to fry an innocent man because Martin got involved in a bi-racial confrontation and lost?

The whole situation was one gigantic bad judgment cluster fuck. Why, just because one of the combatants was black, does someone have to pay when Lady Liberty says that's not the case? Sometimes bad things happen to good people. That's just the way the world is.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I fucked up? How, JD? By stating an opinion?

Let me tell you what is fucked up. This Martin/Zimmerman scenario is replayed every day in cities across America. While it is a tragedy, nothing that happened that night in Florida has ANY EFFECT on anyone other than the families involved. However, the media runs with it, and since that night it has been practically wall-to-wall coverage. Seriously? Look at this board. The longest and most heated threads are about the Zimmerman case. Pompous piety on parade. And it means NOTHING!

While you are all arguing over who was more righteous, Trayvon (the arrogant, wannabe gangsta punk) or Zimmerman (the self-important, whiny, ignorant "neighborhood protector") guess what?

Yes, that's right. The NSA was still spying on you, people were still being indefinitely detained, the Obama administration was still targeting political opponents, Obamacare was still proving to be an even bigger debacle than we dreamed, Eric Holder remains AG, the US is arming Islamic Jihadists in Syria, the National Debt spirals out of control - but the government-controlled media want you to focus on the Zimmerman trial. Why?


Mindless simpletons. You deserve the police state. Stay blind, but be sure to feel good about yourself, whether you stand with Trayvon, and against racism, or with Zimmerman, and "justice". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Public ignorance of truly important issues and misdirected public concern for relatively unimportant issues is a symptomatic of the modern "Yellow Journalism" as spewed by the lib-retard MSM. Deceit, misinformation and misdirection has become the lib-retard MSM's mainstay inorder to keep the lib-retard Kool Aid drinkers under the influence of lib-retard charlatans. Hence, what you perceive to be tangential issues is actually one issue, and it's the intentional product of the same deceivers.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 11:18 AM
poor IB
Mindless simpletons. You deserve the police state. Stay blind, but be sure to feel good about yourself, whether you stand with Trayvon, and against racism, or with Zimmerman, and "justice". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Just saw this. You know why? It's easier to get all worked up about this bogus outrage than to admit you're being targeted by the largest empire ever in the history of the world. That's why. But you're right, the larger picture is the systematic attack on our Liberties.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 11:55 AM
Just saw this. You know why? It's easier to get all worked up about this bogus outrage than to admit you're being targeted by the largest empire ever in the history of the world. That's why. But you're right, the larger picture is the systematic attack on our Liberties. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

so describe how the attack on our liberties has had a direct impact on your life, and will change your life TODAY.
I B Hankering's Avatar
poor IB Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7's canned, ad hominem response for those occasions when he is intellectually incapable of creating an intelligent, substantive retort. He uses it quite often.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 01:24 PM
poor IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
poor IB Originally Posted by CJ7
Still another brain fart from CBJ7!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 01:59 PM
poor fecal IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
poor fecal IB Originally Posted by CJ7
Yet another signal from CBJ7 to inform the forum of his inabilty to formulate a cogent thought.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
CBJ7's canned, ad hominem response for those occasions when he is intellectually incapable of creating an intelligent, substantive retort. He uses it quite often. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Want to see another canned ad hominem response from our resident dipshit ? It will come soon... Look out IB here comes your lover.