Not A Good Week

coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-29-2013, 05:10 PM
Well said Lookie and I agree. I wish more people would see that it is about the content of our character and not the pigmentation of our skin. It goes back to that Sunday School song I learned as a child... "Red, yellow, black & white, their all precious in his sight"..... Originally Posted by LittleRockLover
Sweet Baby Tebow
pyramider's Avatar
Well said Lookie and I agree. I wish more people would see that it is about the content of our character and not the pigmentation of our skin. It goes back to that Sunday School song I learned as a child... "Red, yellow, black & white, their all precious in his sight"..... Originally Posted by LittleRockLover

Like I say ... taint knows no colors.