Obamacare will ease the burden of health care costs for the uninsured in Georgia

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I will not give my business to those companies/corporations/resturant chains who purposefully cut back hours on their employees to avoid giving much needed health care to them. Bottom line is they are making record profits, and are "raping" the little guy at the bottom who works for them. They want to blame the ACA, but this is all their doing and they will quickly see that cutting back hours might actually hurt their business in the long run.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
This has become a nation of givers and takers. It will not stand. Originally Posted by txoilngas

Yea the takers are the big corps! They are making record profits and still want government hand outs and subsidies, and on top of that use so many loop holes in tax laws to avoid paying their "fair share" in taxes.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Oh here is a post from a friend of mine who is in middle management in a major Health Insurance Corporation, he posted this on another site to all those whining that their insurance is going up:

Quoted from Sobenji:

My 2 cents. Just so you know, I work in middle mgmt of a huge individual health insurance and have been here for 26 years.

There isn't a single person here who knows what the exact cost for INDIVIDUAL health insurance thru their state exchange will cost them next year. So all the "my parents premium is skyrocketing or mine is now $4000/month with an $18,000 deductible" is bullshit. Come back after Oct 1 and if you are pursuing insurance through the ACA exchange your premium will probably be lower if your older, probably the same or a little higher if you're younger-middle age. Understand the difference between group health insurance and individual before you comment.

If your group health insurance is raising your premium/deductible/out of pocket, then blame your employer or the insurance company. The MAIN change to group health insurance is that your insurance has to have a minimum required amount of benefits, and that the group health insurer has to maintain an 85% loss ratio (only 15% of total premium received can be used for admin expenses) or refund your employer the difference. And before bitching, check out what the premium growth rate has been for the last 10-20 years. (131% from 2003-2009).

To those who decide to just wait to buy insurance until you get sick - you better hope it's during the open enrollment period, or you will not get coverage and you will be on your own. (Open enrollment this cycle is Oct 1, 2013-Mar 30, 2014) Not far behind, expect medical expenses to be not discharge able under bankruptcy laws if you choose to not buy insurance. (My opinion).

If you think you are NOT paying for the uninsured's medical expenses now, then pull your head out of your liberty loving ass. You pay in increased taxes, increased medical charges (you think they just forget those outstanding unpaid for charges). It's part of the reason you pay $60 for a Tylenol.

If you are a small business and have 50 full time employees then quit your bitching and take care of them. If your business pays 2 million/year in salaries then I imagine you can take a small hit to help your employees be happy and healthy. And sorry if your 500k/yr salary drops to $475k/yr. I'm sure you will figure out how to survive. Or, be a greedy dick and fire a few people so you can fuck over the other 48.
flghtr65's Avatar
Just to give me something to think about, if you know, what is the price for the same male who is 27?
At 25 they can still be on there parents plan. Originally Posted by thisguy23
You will be able to figure out the price of a policy purchased from Obamacare in this link. The price of a policy will vary by state. You did not say which state you were from. The link has an estimator, fill in the parameters that apply to you.
