Police use Taser on 95 year old man in retirement home, then use bean bag round to his gut, which killed him.

LexusLover's Avatar
I don't want to weed out the spunky old bastards like this guy, just the selfish old fucks that want the younger generation to pay for their end of life care no matter the costs! Originally Posted by WTF
Using that philosophy the "old fucks" should be able to decide they don't want to pay for the "end of life" decisions of the younger fuckers who waste time and money hanging around schools accomplishing nothing and contributing nothing, but increased costs in the juvenile justice system and LE who has to deal with their sorry ass attitudes ....

until they start posting on hooker boards whining about "old fucks"!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
As opposed to drilling them with a .40 round, yes, .......... or bean bag ..

......... if the criminal is engaged in aggravated assault with a non-firearm-explosive weapon. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How hard is it really, to pull a cane out of a feeble old mans hand really?
How hard is it for two young strong officers to easily grab a feeble old man and restraint him to a bed?

Orderly's in hospitals do it all the time.
I don't want to weed out the spunky old bastards.... Originally Posted by WTF
Says the Jerry Sandusky Fanclub President.

How hard is it really, to pull a cane out of a feeble old mans hand really? Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
According to WTF, pretty easy. Taking their wallet, even easier. Thanks, Obama.
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  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 09:23 AM
Says the Jerry Sandusky Fanclub President.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
When did you resort to lying gnadfly? I'm a fan of Joe Paterno, not Jerry Sandusky. Did you want Sandusky to take a shower with you? Play with your peepee?


According to WTF, pretty easy. Taking their wallet, even easier. Thanks, Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What wallet...those old bastards did not save up for end of life care, they/you want our grandkids to pay for it.

I am an advocate of these old fuckers getting supplemental insurance or to pay out of pocket for futile end of life care. Once they and their family start paying for the actual cost instead of them depending on others, maybe they will look at other options.

In my family we pay for our elders. We do not rely on the government to keep us alive on some breathing machine that others have to pay for. That is in fact wtf Paul Ryan was advocating. I was for it but knew it was a political loser, just as McCain's taxing Caddy insurance plans was a loser to the general public. Unlike you and LexusLiar, I understand the issue and do not just argue the partisan political position of the day.
When did you resort to lying gnadfly? Originally Posted by WTF
If I "resorted to lying" it was decades after you.
I am an advocate of these old fuckers getting supplemental insurance or to pay out of pocket for futile end of life care. . Originally Posted by WTF
They did. Its called Medicare.
LexusLover's Avatar
How hard is it really, to pull a cane out of a feeble old mans hand really?
How hard is it for two young strong officers to easily grab a feeble old man and restraint him to a bed?

Orderly's in hospitals do it all the time. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Unfortunately for an informative discourse, folks, as yourself, inject "opinions" into the scenario in order to confirm the point desired to be made ...

as for this particularly individual I have no clue as to how "easy" it might be to grab the cane ... or "restraint him to a bed" .... and I assume neither were you, so you ask.

There is a rather worn out saying: "Easier said than done." It applies here.

But that's the reason why you are here posting ... to demonstrate your prowess. Right?

Which reminds me of another worn out phrase ... something about walking in someone else's moccasins.

Generally speaking there is no standard response to every ... "man in a rest home wielding a cane" .... there are guidelines in most state's penal codes (or related codes) regarding force continuums for response to threats, which includes LE officers, that gives them some guidance in how to respond generally, along with departmental policies that are often written to protect the agency and not the officer.

It's always easy to critique after the fact. In fact, had this guy not died we probably wouldn't have this thread. Are there instances in which LE over responds? Of course. Could they have been avoided? Yes. Sometimes with a good result ... sometimes not. If they don't respond effectively and gain control over the situation, and a bystander gets hurt, then they get blamed for not taking sufficient efforts to immediately gain control of the person causing the problem .. and they get trashed on hooker boards for being incompetent ... and not responding "effectively."

If you want and expect people to be "perfect" according to your standards...

........... then take a long hard look in the mirror ... EVERY DAY!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 09:37 AM
Using that philosophy the "old fucks" should be able to decide they don't want to pay for the "end of life" decisions of the younger fuckers who waste time and money hanging around schools accomplishing nothing and contributing nothing, but increased costs in the juvenile justice system and LE who has to deal with their sorry ass attitudes ....

"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
. I think that folks that have kids are the one's that should pay for their schooling. I do not have any kids and have paid for all you people that have had kids, schooling...

Kind of fucked up if you ask me. But kids were not asked to be born, you old fuckers (who had others pay for your schooling) had a lifetime to save up for your end of life care and didn't do it. Why are you asking me to pay for it? You sound like a whiny liberal now!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 09:42 AM
They did. Its called Medicare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Liar...that is most old folks only insurance. Learn the issues before making a fool of yourself.

If you had learned the issue , you'd know that they haven't paid enough in for the care they seek. Munching MoFo's. Why are you ok with that? Were you for Paul Ryan's plan? If so that is exactly what he advocated. Vouchers would pay for basic care and those that saved would have the option of more care.

If I "resorted to lying" it was decades after you. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Now all your proving is that you were to ignorant to know when you started lying...
LexusLover's Avatar
. I think that folks that have kids are the one's that should pay for their schooling.

.... you old fuckers (who had others pay for your schooling) .... Originally Posted by WTF
Either you didn't attend school or you had someone else pay for it.

Lately I'm inclined to believe the former. If you did attend school, someone needs to cough up some more door and finish the job.
LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=WTF;1053851883]Liar...that is most old folks only insurance. [QUOTE]

That is a lie. The problem with such conversation .. by folks like you ... is ...

..... they lump Medicaid into the category of "medicare" ....
Demintica. FUCKERS... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That would be "dementia".

I see you've got it.
LexusLover's Avatar
That would be "dementia".

I see you've got it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Contrary to suspicious belief ... it is not sexually transmitted.
as for this particularly individual I have no clue as to how "easy" it might be to grab the cane ... or "restraint him to a bed" .... and I assume neither were you, so you ask. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes. You DO have a clue. Several in fact.

For starters, he was 96. NO ONE that age has fast reflexes or any significant strength. Post a link to someone if you can find one.

As befits someone his age, he was mostly bedridden and, when he did get out of bed, he used a cane or a walker to hobble round.

Clearly, this was a feeble individual who needed to be in a hospice because he could not take card of himself.

And he appeared to have been losing his mind from dementia. There are tens of thousands like him in this country and, by and large, when they get cranky and act up, nurses and hospital orderlies are easily able to restrain them.

I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to call the cops. Maybe they were shorthanded. But they wound up calling some "by the book" asshole with no sense of compassion who did not care to have his "aw-thaw-i-tay" challenged, even by a decrepit, senile old man.

To top it off, they made up some bullshit story about the old guy having a kitchen knife to cover their tracks.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2013, 10:54 AM
Either you didn't attend school or you had someone else pay for it.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just like you LexusLiar, just like you. Unless of course you went to private school. I did not.

I do not have kids, yet pay school taxes. So at least I paid mine back with interest. People that have kids have not even done that. They had others pay for their school and have had people like me pay for their snotty nose kids schooling.

And to top that off you white old farts have set up a Medicare system where you are taking out on the whole much more than you put in. Unless of course you are black and have a shorter life span. Welfare for the ''old about to die'' and you think that is the best bang for the limited buck! Typical Tea Tard...cut government spending, EXCEPT FOR THE PART GOVERNMENT SPENDS ON ME AND MY WANTS.