What's in your price range?

gman45's Avatar
Dam some Lady's are Priceless.....
I can only speak for myself, but the current economy not only makes it harder to spend money, it also makes you afraid to spend money. You see people around you getting laid off, and you think that could be me sooner or later so you end up cutting back on everything and trying to put more into savings.

I've never seen you, but your pics. look great, and you seem to have a good reputation. The sad fact of the matter is people have less money to spend now so lowering your prices might become a must at some point. Good luck, and I'll keep your birthday discount in mind when mine comes up.
I can only speak for myself, but the current economy not only makes it harder to spend money, it also makes you afraid to spend money. You see people around you getting laid off, and you think that could be me sooner or later so you end up cutting back on everything and trying to put more into savings.

I've never seen you, but your pics. look great, and you seem to have a good reputation. The sad fact of the matter is people have less money to spend now so lowering your prices might become a must at some point. Good luck, and I'll keep your birthday discount in mind when mine comes up. Originally Posted by thundarr28
yes lowering my prices did become a must almost a year ago. Again, my normal 60m rate was 300... So now I'm at 240... The question is how many times am I going to have to lower them lol? I think I've come to a conclusion... Check out mt weekend ad on thurs/fri!
I'm right there with you babe... I've been around for 5 years..and this recession takes the cake... And I feel I'm in the appealing and skilled crowd... Just doesn't matter... Luckily I have a close circle but when you want extra...its still difficult. The more I make the more I have to spend (not want to spend) sometimes I worry its karma...lol...since I can't consider this a very time consuming hardworking job etc. But yes this time around sucks. Hopefully... Our luck will change. Xoxo
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 01-12-2010, 06:26 PM
Some of my best encounters were at 2 bills or less. I personally will not go over 250 and that's rare. I also like finding a provider I groove with and get a regular rate which benefits us both. The economy still hasn't recovered so you will know when you hit the right rate and feel you are busy enough. Great topic MM. I hate it when my birthday is so far away.......
Whispers's Avatar
Seems more like a ad the further the thread goes.... Previews of coming attractions and all....

I do hope everyone is wise enough to consider the fact that a poll of this nature in the Coed section is going to be "skewed" a bit by female responses.....

i would bet AGAINST much female responses in the lower threads and venture a guess that more than 50% of the male responders feel $250 to be top dollar for a HIGH QUALITY session.....

Just an observation....
TexRich's Avatar
Austin is probably the only place I pay 300 or more.
I do not limit myself on a set rate, it depends on what I want at the time, and if the lady catches my eyes. This does not mean I don't do my research, I do, but closing a door due to rate (or as I see it limiting myself) only reduces the chance of finding a true gem. I remember Monk stating something similar to this once. It is about averaging not about a ladies rate. Some will be less and some will be more, but it all averages out.

Ok I have played with rates... I travel so some markets are definitely different... but I know what I am worth and what I will or won't do... most times the higher rate weeds out the asses... sorry but true... if we click and you want to continue a working relationship I am not opposed to giving you a lower grandfathered rate... I am giving you my best and if it clicks I am not opposed to making it more comfortable for you to see more regularly... That goes to say if you paid a high dollar price and it sucked... if she offered you a lower rate would you truly wish to repeat the experience?
txtraveler07's Avatar
What's in your price range?

It's not just you MM. I was wondering the same thing. I thought the novelty had worn off! A lot of our local girls have seen a big decline since aspd went dark. Thank god for those gentleman whom we connect with regularly. Some of us have another means of income, but for those who rely solely on the hobby it's a scary time. I know I don't just speak for myself when I say this.... Get P411 guys! P411 totally rocks, and makes things so much easier for everyone Imo. Screening has become a nightmare for many of us.
I agree. With A*P* gone, many gals have been on the decline. Some girls have drastically lowered their prices as to increase their exposure. Each provider has a different way as to *market* themselves.

Personally, I have been as low as 150-250, for the hour within my year + as a provider.

This is the time that we all come together, reassure ourselves through screening and *market* ourselves like we never have before!

Prior to the demise of A*P*, I *only* advertised there. Now, I not only have a website but am a member of many communites merely to advertise. Just as we are in direct need of income, so are the hobbyists. It goes both ways. It's not just our *needs* financially, but also the needs that a *hobbyist* maintains within their lifestyles.

To play is to pay and to pay is to play.
Well...I know that posting accruate availability is about as important as rates. One of the things I have noticed since before aspd went dark is certain providers advertising availability that they already know they can't handle.
I know...I can't believe that happens either!! (being silly)
I know things happen too. But what I am talking about is deliberately posting wrong availiability.
This is NOT directed at anyone. I am simply stating this based on what I have heard and read.
A provider can not expect to command a decent rate if she gets the reputation for posting inaccurate availability no matter how talented she may be BCD.
Just my additional $0.02
ewm76903's Avatar
Under normal circumstances, when I was living in Austin, $$ was the max.

But, I am now in West Texas.

Just a Suggestion, but you wonderful Austin providers could make some trips out here.
With this economy it's less about what you're willing to pay, and more about what you're able to pay.