Wakeup's attitude and demeanor make me sad.

Not sad for him, I wouldn't waste the emotional energy on it.

Sad for society, as more and more people forget that polite behaviour is the lubrication that allows people to bump into each other and not strike out.

Being polite and avoiding unnecessarily rude comments costs nothing. Those like Wakeup that think that the raw truth must be told, regardless, are a symptom of a sick society. Originally Posted by LNK

Thank you!

I wish he had his own private forum. Just one titled, "I love reading what I type if you care to listen to me debate any topic, here is the place."

It's beyond obnoxious to constantly filter through, but a selflish view aside, what you said is just on point.
Goddess Athena's Avatar
I think "alerts" and "reviews" need their own discussion but since both were brought up here; here is my .02. Any person that has been harmed, raped, mistreated should post an alert to spread the word to her fellow provider unless she is in eminent danger and being threatened by the attacker. In other words, if the perpetrator is an active board member or has access you may have to send your info. privately and do it BCD, so to speak.

Concerning reviews; entirely up to the benefactor. Some people just don't like to kiss and tell but I expect that a person would answer a question honestly if he was contacted directly. Reviews are not required but are helpful as long as they are a truthful account of what happened and not a personal attack.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I mostly write reviews for the 6weeks premium tacked on.

I've also seen some ladies who don't have much history on here as far as reviews, for some their history was mostly hearsay and reputation stuff, so me reviewing does a service to the community on both sides. She gets business, or better chance at quality business from here and the guys know she's legit and if she's their cup of tea.