New to this sport, with just turning the 65 last month. ... Typically I lean to calling girls over 30, but find many over 40 to be more mechanical and not into it as much.. Younger seem to be more enthusiastic at times. Maybe older women prefer younger men better??
Maybe I am old fashion, but I get a bigger kick out of satisfying my partner. ...
Originally Posted by sexsenior
sexSenior, there's your answer - go visit w/ women who enjoy all aspects of the encounter, esp the sensuality, the erotic stimulations, the satisfactions. much like what you enjoy in an encounter. this is a case where opposites dont attract so well.
I don't think age has anything to do with initial choice in provider. I am willing to try out anyone. It is "skill level", that will make me repeat with anyone, regardless of their age.
Originally Posted by Bancroft1957
It is not so much the age but the attitude.
Originally Posted by Truly Passion
I personally prefer older gentleman because the young ones can be hotheads ... I would make an exception as long as he is respectful!
Originally Posted by London Bridge
... I still prefer a highly reviewed provider over 40, but I've had my share of 20 year olds. Never really had a great one under 30 though.
Originally Posted by pssymnchr2
55 here, and been hobbying almost ten years.
The younger ones (early twenties) just don't have the TCB and BCD skills that make my experience as enjoyable, but that of course is my opinion and true as anything else, YMMV.
Find the ones with patience and a very good mix of TCB and BCD and they can be the right cup of tea regardless of age. ...
Originally Posted by Doglegg
Mid 60's here, hobbying for 18 years. ...
As others have said, finding someone who is good both BCD and at TCB is what you want regardless of age. Whatever you prefer in terms of age, looks, body type, and personality is up to you.
... As a generality, my personal experience is that the young ones are less passionate lovers, less technically knowledgeable, less good at TCB/reliability, and with lesser conversational skills and less knowledge about life.
... Treat the ladies with respect, and you will likely have a wonderful time if you take your time identifying ladies with the qualities you seek.
Originally Posted by spice-is-nice
... Younger ones make great eye candy, but the things I like as mentioned above are sometimes missing. Every now and then I'll come across a young lady who "gets it" but it's more the exception than the rule.
Originally Posted by Zhivago52
i'll be 60 this year. i've visited w/ women from 19 to 52.
after all is said and done and i'm back home thinking about the encounter and deciding whether i will want to go visit her again,
her overall approach toward the encounter [TCB, attitude, skills, ambiance, friendliness, fee consideration, etc.] is way more important to me than her age or her looks.
if she appears to have run me thru her place as one in her long line of quickly "satisfied" clients, if she texts or takes calls during the encounter, if she is rather bitchy about my suggestions for activities, if she looks strung out or emaciated, if she goes on and on about the problems in her life [none of which are her fault], you get the idea.
if she acts that way, then i believe/conclude she's in it for the money and not the pleasures.
and i'm here for delites and pleasures.
and that's the kind of provider i look for - a women who enjoys providing an appt filled w/ delites and pleasures.
I turn 62 this month. I've tried providers from 19-44. Love 'em all.
"Civilian" girlfriends in the last five years have run from 24-50.
The world is your oyster, fellow senior hobbyist. Go shuck some.
Hell, shuck a bunch!
Originally Posted by Jeroboam
that's the nice thing about this sub-culture we play in.
if you just want to get in, get off, and get out [yep i do that sometimes], then loosen your criteria and just get what you want that day/nite.
I am soon to be 60 and just started hobbying earlier this year. ... a 53 year old ... a 20 year old ... a 37 year old ... a 40 year old. My next in line is 37. ... Believe me, they are all more interested in what is in that envelope than how old you are. ...
Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Welcome to this sport SS.
Age gaps around here are not a problem generally, and you should not be intimidated whatsoever.
If you have cash - you are good to go. And, if you can satisfy a woman - then you are golden. ...
Originally Posted by Squarenot
My benefactor is almost 40 years my senior. When people see us they say, "there's LilMynx and her own personal J Howard Marshall." [the guy who Anna Nicole Smith married back in 1994]
I love the power and money that come with being with an older wealthy's my aphrodisiac.
Originally Posted by LilMynx69
.... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ BINGO!! we have some winners.
see, it's like what bill clinton said
"It's the economy, stupid."
and what Rod Tidwell [Cuba Gooding Jr.] said to Jerry Maguire [Tom Cruise] in that movie
"Show me the money!"
in my opinion, if we showed up w/out any money, we wouldnt get very far w/ the providers in this sub-culture.
[yes, sometimes they'll go out to eat or party w/ us, or let us stay a little longer, but in general....]
the providers have something we want [themselves, their minds, their bodies] and we have something they want [our money].
just find the kind of provider you want to be with [whatever your pref in age, shape, skill set, etc.] and let your "Alexander Hamiltons" help you out [i usually leave her fee using twenties, not hundreds]