What are we looking for on ECCIE?

Indiana Bone's Avatar
What Introuble said. I lost my BCD on aspd primarily because i wasn't able to write reviews because of the crash. I love the site ya'll have built and i hope to be a major player on the board. IB
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Random thought: ECCIE mods tend to catch and delete threads that aren't friendly...case in point a provider got on here late one night and started posting behind some guy's non-flattering review and it got really nasty, happened in the wee hours of the morning. Later on that morning the whole thing was cleaned up but some of the remaining posts still alluded to the running battle, probably causing some members to scratch their heads. Doesn't matter...that crap should be nipped in the bud in the open board, let them fight it out in PM's if they wish.

Just wanted to share that I appreciate the actions of the mod who did this...let's try to keep "this thing of ours" drama free as much as possible!!!
T.O.B.'s Avatar
ECCIE mods tend to catch and delete threads that aren't friendly...case in point a provider got on here late one night and started posting behind some guy's non-flattering review and it got really nasty, happened in the wee hours of the morning. Later on that morning the whole thing was cleaned up but some of the remaining posts still alluded to the running battle, probably causing some members to scratch their heads.

fortwortholdguy's Avatar
It looks like T-Bone did the "cleansing"...there were a whole lot of posts from the provider that were deleted Becky...

TBONE's Avatar
  • 05-12-2009, 09:12 AM

Thanks for the kudos, but in a sense, they're undeserved.

Drama goes with the territory. We've never professed ourselves as a "drama-free" board, nor are we naive enough to believe drama will not rear it's ugly face here on ECCIE. Not much drama in our first month? I consider that luck, and nothing more.

Furthermore, I need to correct your random thought that ECCIE has a tendency to catch and delete unfriendly posts.

Untrue. ECCIE will not censor posts, with the exception of the forbidden subject matter. "unfriendly" has nothing to do with that. In the example you referenced, a provider had replied on a review. That's against policy and her comments were removed. Same policy over on our 'sister' board. Providers are not allowed to reply to reviews, simple as that. If it happens, we will remove it. It wouldn't matter if she said, 'have a nice day'...it would be removed.

I just wanted to clarify that point, so our readers didn't misunderstand our point of view... To us, that's a BIGGIE....everyone deserves to know how we feel about that.

Thanks all for the valuable feedback..
Olesweetie's Avatar
My two cents! I like the friendly nature of this site! We need more members that like all it's features, i.e.-Sandbox, Comedy Central
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
T-Bone I stand corrected...I honestly did not know it was forbidden for a provider to post in the review section.

With all of the wonderful modern computer technology we have it shouldn't be an issue, just set the program up that way. If a provider tries to post in the review section it should hit some kind of block (firewall?).

But what do I know I used to have a slide rule hanging from my belt...computers intrigue and dazzle me but I know very little about their inner workings...LOL
TBONE's Avatar
  • 05-12-2009, 04:39 PM
T-Bone I stand corrected...I honestly did not know it was forbidden for a provider to post in the review section.

With all of the wonderful modern computer technology we have it shouldn't be an issue, just set the program up that way. If a provider tries to post in the review section it should hit some kind of block (firewall?).

But what do I know I used to have a slide rule hanging from my belt...computers intrigue and dazzle me but I know very little about their inner workings...LOL Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Yes sir! I actually think we did get the Provider's ability to post in the review sections turned off as a result of that little incident..lol. I guess time will tell if that feature works or not...or whether I did it right or not too!!
LatexLover's Avatar
I am glad to hear that I can post reviews again without fear of getting flamed by a provider. I , for one, appreciate honest feedback regarding experiences other have had. That being said, I just wanted to clear one thing up about the out in the open discussion. I really did only see her the one time and because I didn't receive the services I had expected I simply told the truth. I in no way want to malign anyone but I will not sugar coat a bad experience. At the end of the day its only one guys opinion right?
I am glad to hear that I can post reviews again without fear of getting flamed by a provider. Originally Posted by latexlover39
Is she allowed to post a rebuttal in the Coed discussions? If so, you could still get flamed.
LatexLover's Avatar
Is she allowed to post a rebuttal in the Coed discussions? If so, you could still get flamed. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Sad but true. The good news is as long as I post an honest review without malice aforethought, I guess I'll still sleep ok at night. We do want the truth right guys? I'm curious FMH, have you ever made a negative comment about a provider and had to suffer any consequences from it?
Absolutely. Celine went crazy when I reviewed her despite giving her a Yes recommendation. She did not like that I pointed out that she answered her phone, left the TV on, etc. It was an honest review but I still caught hell.

Now I only post positive reviews. If the experience was not to my liking, I just keep quiet. It is not worth it. If ECCIE put something into practice that objectified the review process, I would consider changing my position.
Now I only post positive reviews. If the experience was not to my liking, I just keep quiet. It is not worth it. If ECCIE put something into practice that objectified the review process, I would consider changing my position. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
So you want to borrow someone else's balls so you don't have to defend yourself?
Ah, I knew my testicles would come into play here. My positive reviews stand as an endorsement of the provider. I am under no obligation nor compensated to deal with the retribution of an angry provider. My life is not all about seeing prostitutes. I am not interested in having them 'get even'.

For the peace of this board, how about you and TRJR just stay off my ass. You banned me from ASPD, just quit while you are ahead. No need to attack me here.
LatexLover's Avatar
Now I only post positive reviews. If the experience was not to my liking, I just keep quiet. It is not worth it. If ECCIE put something into practice that objectified the review process, I would consider changing my position. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
If you are worried about retaliaton you might consider giving out a yes recomendation and then posting the real deal in the rest of the story. That way you can share your not so positive experiences with us but not let on to the ladies that you were less than satisfied. Just my $.02 And for the record can we please leave FMH balls out of this EWWWW!