How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Biden Pressures OPEC To Produce More Oil Even As His Administration Tries To Limit Fossil Fuels

Your characterization of my beliefs about climate change is not correct. I've defended fracking and the U.S.A. oil and gas industry more than anyone on here. I do not believe in lockdowns. Originally Posted by Tiny
You say that like it's a good thing. Listening to NPR (Left-wing drivel?) this morning I heard a discussion on OPEC and this administration. From what I remember, the chemical cartel is experiencing a happy medium. A grey area between squeezing too much petroleum money from consumers and doing their part to curb inflation.

I wish I could debate money and numbers, but I don't care about money and I'm a "words" guy.

Another video because you enjoy my eye for the medium.

I found it.

This video puts it into context.

"I need it, but it's not important for me."

Helmet Lampshade

You still haven't explained what you think the word "IF" means. Originally Posted by texassapper
A wise man once told me there is no such thing as if.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right ,,,, Because its a cheap drug , big pharma mo-money ,,
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You can't convince everyone to take a vaccine.

This was at one point understood by most people.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Interesting use of actors.

Over 70% of US has received at least one dose, and one dose of vaccine offers protection similar to that of two doses 6 months after the second dose.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Dr DVM PHD Geert Vanden-bossche explains the disaster this vaccine is to well people
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Welcome back.
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For those who don't know how to play this game, just watch and try to learn.
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How bad is COVID-19 in kids? See the latest data and charts on kids cases; hospitalizations; deaths

Of the 73 million children in the U.S., fewer than 700 have died of COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rauch puts the figure into context using the number of people who can typically fit into a sports venue.

"Think about it in terms of football stadiums," Rauch said. "In 100,000 kids, one of them is not going to make it with COVID. Everyone else who walked in is going to walk out."

rexdutchman's Avatar
Next the PUDDENS variant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,death to anyone that doesn't comply with the supreme leader
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Participate in the poll or better yet give us a number. My number is 260,000. That's from assuming a 20% infection rate and 0.4% mortality rate of people infected:

327,000,000 people x 0.2 infection rate x .004 mortality rate = 260,000 deaths

You've got experts in epidemiology and public health predicting everything between 10,000 and 1.5 million deaths, so none of us nimrods is going to blow a hole in whatever estimate you throw out. Originally Posted by Tiny
Your premise is flawed you assume that everyone will be exposed and that no one is resistant. As for 20%, we don't have Intel to know that. It is pure conjecture. As we go on it seems the fatally rate is decreasing as we get more information.
After everything is done you have to ask how many will die from normal flu and other underlying illnesses? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I'll be closer if the number is over.

It's gonna go from 15 down to zero, right? I hope Friendly Fred is right. And I hope you "revive" this at the right time. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No. 2%. regardless of risk factors. so you agree the math makes that about 62-63k which is what i calculated based on Italy

so let's play Death guess. i say < 63k. anyone else? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We have one year and three quarters left until D day. Or V day? Anyway.

As per the NPR article, 100,000 in mere months. So by the last day of NEXT year, it's going to be closer to a quarter million people! Way passed your measly 63K. You want to stick with that? For 21 months?

If teeny Tiny allows me to revert back to my comical guess of over (The Price is Right rules, remember) 260K. Afterall, he wants to revise his guess. Whatcha say, Tiny? I'll go ahead and say . . .

260,001 + 1 + your 63K = 323,001

Closest without going over. The "Greatest Generation" (you bet your ass I put it quotes), and their older booming offspring, plus those variable deaths due to pre existing immuno defiencies will be dispassionately erased. Cataclysmic? This will be studied for generations. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Gracias senor Originally Posted by Tiny
so it's 323,001 to < 63k.

if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
X is going to be > than 323,001 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
April 8, 2020 Update
Predicted Deaths from Covid-19 in the United States of America

University of Washington IHME Model: 60,415 (1)

The Waco Kid Italian Extrapolation: greater than 95,413 (2)

South Korean Extrapolation: greater than 1,280 (3)

(1) Assumes four types of social distancing occur throughout the United States. Deaths projected to August 4, 2020

(2) Covid-19 deaths to date in Italy increased by the ratio of the population of the USA (327.2 million) to Italy (60.5 million), or 5.4X

(3) Covid-19 deaths to date in South Korea increased by the ratio of the population of the USA (327.2 million) to South Korea (51.5 million), or 6.4X

Death Game Estimates, to 12/31/2021:

Jacuzzme: 41,806
Friendly Fred: 50,000
Dilbert Firestorm: 80,000
Dr. Anthony Fauci: 150,000 (4)
Dr. Deborah Birx: 172,000 (4)
Tiny: 260,000
eccieuser9500: 323,001
Dr. James Lawler: 480,000
adav8s28: 1,569,600

(4) average of high and low estimates

Dilbert is also predicting 90 million infected.

Looking better! The current IHME estimate of total deaths is down from previous estimates of 81,766 (April 5), 93,765 (March 31), 83,967 (approximately March 28), and 81,114 (March 24). New York deaths are expected to peak tomorrow. Hospital bed shortages (all beds or only ICU beds) are now anticipated only for New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. Originally Posted by Tiny

united states coronavirus stats

I think the good doctor has it over me. Is Fauci a valued member?

Do we have to wait until the end of day? Can you do the math?

There can only be one winner Chiquito.

Eight hundred and twenty-two FUCKIN' THOUSAND!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
united states coronavirus stats

I think the good doctor has it over me. Is Fauci a valued member?

Do we have to wait until the end of day? Can you do the math?

There can only be one winner Chiquito.

Eight hundred and twenty-two FUCKIN' THOUSAND! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you believe the "official" numbers then you also believe China's numbers .. the source of the scamdemic and a nation of 1.4 BILLION .. 4 times the US easily .. that only 4,636 deaths? at the very epicenter of the outbreak? in a city with 8 MILLION people? yeah, that's believable, right??

those numbers are as cooked as you leftanistas claim Trump tax returns are

bambino's Avatar
For those who don't know how to play this game, just watch and try to learn. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Who from? You?