Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

Medical expenses are only deductible to the extent that they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. So it appears your expenditures on sugar babies are significant.

This shows you're a wise man. While >7.5% sounds like a lot, your circulatory system is important for your health and longevity. If banging those sugar babies gives you an extra 3 or 4 years before you croak, I expect the net present value of your future earnings, after tax, will actually be greater. It depends on how much you're spending on the sugar babies and what discount rate you use though. Originally Posted by Tiny
Well, damn! You would have to ruin my fanciful daydreams by reminding me of details like that.

I'm also into multi-tasking and loved the idea of cramming high-intensity interval training and pleasurable, erotic encounters with hot women into the same few hours per week!

Oh, well.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I see O'Biden is taking (was likely given to him by the author) a page out of the O'Bammy's playbook by sending Janet Yellan on the apology rounds tour and exotic review circuit.

Lael Brainard was out just earlier today with a statement apparently intended to "clarify" the Bostic statement to which I alluded yesterday, lest there be any perceived uncertainly about the Fed's commitment to combating inflation. Brainard insinuated that, yes indeed, they would "do whatever it takes" to stamp out inflation, and that three or more 50-bippers will likely be on the agenda in short order. (To those who think we'll go beyond a 2.5% effective Fed funds rate in pivotless fashion during this tightening cycle, I'll take the under on that!)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
lustylad's Avatar
What do you think the effect will be on interest rates of letting the bonds mature, versus what we'd see if they'd never bought the bonds in the first place? In other words, will just letting the bonds run off have a similar effect to boosting the Fed Funds rate? Originally Posted by Tiny
What would have happened if the Fed hadn't doubled its balance sheet during the pandemic? It seems safe to say bond market rates would have been higher, for both treasuries and MBS, without the 800-pound gorilla in the room lapping up everything in sight!

During the pandemic, many businesses avoided the private debt markets by borrowing under the PPP loan program, once it became widely available. This probably lessened upward pressure on rates. But now we're back to letting private money & debt markets evaluate risk and match up supply & demand for funds. I would keep an eye on not just Treasury yields, but also on their spread versus non-investment grade/junk bonds. That spread signals rising recession risks as surely as the S&P 500 index.

Going forward, if the Fed merely lets its balance sheet shrink naturally via maturity runoffs, this is encouraging inasmuch as it means it has finally switched to a more neutral policy stance with respect to QE.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm also into multi-tasking and loved the idea of cramming high-intensity interval training and pleasurable, erotic encounters with hot women into the same few hours per week! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Dayyum... if you weren't way down in Texas I might consider hiring you as my lifestyle coach.
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  • 06-02-2022, 03:02 PM
Translation: I'm a simple-minded simpleton who is incapable of reflecting on anything deeper than my gay boyfriend's butthole.

Thanks for your candor! Originally Posted by lustylad
So go ahead lusty....please reflect on the meaning of your pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board.

Show bambino how deep you are capable of going
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  • WTF
  • 06-02-2022, 03:07 PM
Dayyum... if you weren't way down in Texas I might consider hiring you as my lifestyle coach. Originally Posted by lustylad
Now're gonna have to wait for bambino's return...the Captain does not swing that way!
lustylad's Avatar
So go ahead lusty....please reflect on the meaning of my pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board. Originally Posted by WTF
lustylad's Avatar
Try Tony, maybe he'll bite Originally Posted by WTF
You're insinuating that Tony Fauci is gay?

I knew he worked hard to develop a cure for your HIV infection back in the '80s, but I had no idea you two were romantically involved!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But I do appreciate your candor... Originally Posted by WTF
Here's how I broke it down by source and date published:
  • Oliver North testifying 7/8/87
  • Purported letter from North saying it was Nidal 11/28/2001
  • townhall 1/22/2002
  • workbench.cadenhead 2/13/2003
  • Snopes undated <-- much like their pole dancer
  • democraticunderground 1/19/2006 <-- seems to indicate Snopes article around this date
  • factcheck 4/30/2009
  • urbanlegendsonline 2/17/2010 <--- still says it was Osama
  • Youtube of North testifying 3/9/2013
  • truthorfiction 3/15/2015
  • truthorfiction 8/9/2016 <--- needed to reinforce it or slow news day?
So it would seem that no one really cared much until after Sept 11, 2001. Though someone must have asked the question or brought it up to cause North to write it up (purportedly) some 14 years after the fact. I did not find the actual letter or in-print column anywhere.

So it was either my 25 years ago fuzzy memory or the BetaMax or the above search and findings. And I dang sure was not going to invest further time using the way back engine to validate original pub dates, so f*ck it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... but I had no idea you two were romantically involved! Originally Posted by lustylad
He calls him: His Little MonkeyPox
lustylad's Avatar
He calls him: His Little MonkeyPox Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They're both kinda cute little monkeys, aren't they? To quote Mercutio, "A pox on both houses!"
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
....please reflect on the meaning of your pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board.... Originally Posted by WTF
He says from his own pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So go ahead lusty....please reflect on the meaning of your pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board.

Show bambino how deep you are capable of going Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so

posts: 46,595

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They're both kinda cute little monkeys, aren't they? To quote Mercutio, "A monkey pox on both houses!" Originally Posted by lustylad


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  • WTF
  • 06-02-2022, 04:02 PM
He says from his own pitiful life on a gawd damn hooker board. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Not with lustylad....all his fingers are pointing in his ass!