Political Discussion thread

Just listen to the news or Limbaugh, Hannity or Dana Perono and be objective. Just ONCE. You will see the light. For the record I haven't seen or heard these guys in a few weeks but catch the national news a bit and it truely astounds me just how misleading stories are.Doove watch the NBC's, ABC's and CBS JUST ONCE with the mindset they are lying or pushing a Liberal agenda and you will be set free. But I don't think you can be objective. Another side of me thinks you listen to Rush and believe most of what he says and you are on here just to be a ballbuster.Either way you make me laugh.

Your right GP about not being able to have a discussion with Doove. His responses always fall back to "thats what Rush said". But that makes me believe he may be a closet Conservative. But there is one thing we can all agree with. As in the words a wiseman said in this thread:

"at least we all agree pussy is best wen paid for cash money yo! Peace"

Peace out. Originally Posted by montana1958
I see hannity a lot, he's a complete idiot. Either has wrong facts or distorts them. He might have a little credibility if he was whining about deficit spending and the debt 10 years ago, But then that is true of most " fiscal conservatives". But coming from the man who cries about the end of the 2% social security tax break and the 85 trillion (btw, I don't think that number is accurate) in unfunded liabilities in the same paragraph, it doesn't surprise me that you watch hannity.
The idea of the liberal media is total BS. I've worked in the media and have many friends who still do. It doesn't work the way you think. The only study I've seen regarding the liberal media is from O'reilly about 5 or 7 years ago. They looked at headlines in newspapers and decided if it was a lib or cons headline and they tallied them and decided the media was liberally biased based on that. If you don't understand why this is a rediculous way to conduct a study of the media, you have no understanding of how the media works.
Here is how the liberal media works. They mock and over publicize conservative views in negative light or Saturday night live skits to put down conservatives why totally neglecting to publize the socialist views of obama. A a survey was done, and a huge amount americans thought palin really said "I can see russia from my front porch" which was the result of overplaying the SNL skit on national news. By the way, the numbskulls that can't tell fictional news presented in the media from fact, are the one that voted for obama the first time around.

The mainstream media saying it is not liberal biased is like a mobster saying there is no such thing as the mafia.
Here is how the liberal media works. They mock and over publicize conservative views in negative light or Saturday night live skits to put down conservatives why totally neglecting to publize the socialist views of obama. A a survey was done, and a huge amount americans thought palin really said "I can see russia from my front porch" which was the result of overplaying the SNL skit on national news. By the way, the numbskulls that can't tell fictional news presented in the media from fact, are the one that voted for obama the first time around.

The mainstream media saying it is not liberal biased is like a mobster saying there is no such thing as the mafia. Originally Posted by lostforkate
Saturday night live skits? What's the ratio of republican mocking and democratic mocking?
what percentage of the public thinks Al Gore said he invented the internet? he never said that. How many people realize the Howard Dean's " YAHOO" or whatever he said was amped up by a soundman? Isn't it amazing this huge liberal media machine couldn't get the message out. It seems you see what you want to see.

I heard republican strategist Mark Mackinnon this morning refer to fox news as "the republican entertainment network" and not in a flattering way. He said that if we could get those idiots out of the way, maybe we could have a real political discussion in this country.
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  • Doove
  • 11-29-2012, 04:21 AM
By the way, the numbskulls that can't tell fictional news presented in the media from fact, are the one that voted for obama the first time around. Originally Posted by lostforkate
Yeah, that's why studies show that people who get their news from FOX are the least informed in the country. Numbskulls, indeed.

what percentage of the public thinks Al Gore said he invented the internet? he never said that. How many people realize the Howard Dean's " YAHOO" or whatever he said was amped up by a soundman? Isn't it amazing this huge liberal media machine couldn't get the message out. It seems you see what you want to see. Originally Posted by drluv1
Thank you.

And let's not forget, the only reason "I can see Russia from my house" became mainstream was because FOX (on FOX & Friends) tried to suggest that Alaska's proximity to Russia made her a foreign policy guru.

Perfect example of FOX's attempt at misleading people backfiring on them. And then numbskulls try to go around blaming the "Liberal Media" for FOX's stupidity.

Gotta love the irony of it all.
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  • Doove
  • 11-29-2012, 04:25 AM
If you don't understand why this is a rediculous way to conduct a study of the media, Originally Posted by drluv1
HlavinKitheri's Avatar

I mean, just look at this: GDP goes up and they simply *say* that it went down. No slip of the tongue, either: they do an entire segment and sit there talking about how it has gone down. (For extra Bizarro points, they're talking about a period of growth preceded by a genuine contraction, a strikingly rare event. We normally just compare periods of slower vs faster growth.)

This is what we mean by "alternate reality": hour after hour, day after day, fictional elements accumulate until the audience is living in another world.
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  • Doove
  • 11-29-2012, 02:05 PM

I mean, just look at this: GDP goes up and they simply *say* that it went down. No slip of the tongue, either: they do an entire segment and sit there talking about how it has gone down. (For extra Bizarro points, they're talking about a period of growth preceded by a genuine contraction, a strikingly rare event. We normally just compare periods of slower vs faster growth.)

This is what we mean by "alternate reality": hour after hour, day after day, fictional elements accumulate until the audience is living in another world. Originally Posted by HlavinKitheri
Only numbskulls care about such things.
jokacz's Avatar
I really dont give a shit eigher way

I will never be comfortable , and cant even equate in my little mind , taking anyones money just to piss it away on bloated programs..period.

my views arent born out of fox news , or ANY news organization..

I just dont care how "rich " anyone is, and I really dont care to try and understand how they earned it

its none of my fucking business

I dont have a lot of money, and I sure as hell dont want anyone to have to fork over theirs just because they happen to have more..

fucken heinous

disgusts me
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  • Doove
  • 11-29-2012, 04:40 PM
Oh really? Have you ever once bitched on here about our defense budget? Or are you unable to see past your FOX induced angry white-man's nose to see anything more than the social programs?

It's funny, one day a typical conservative will say "i think if people truly need help, they should get it", while the next day that same conservative will say "i can't see taking someone's money to give it to someone else".

In other words, when they need to, conservatives aren't immune to softening their stance (some would call it lying) so as to not expose themselves for the truly heartless person that they are.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... thats not FAIR!!!! WWWaaaaaaaa!!!

giimmeee money I cant make it on my own!! Im helpless wretch!!! LOL
Guest042416's Avatar
remember jon fox news had the polls before the election everyone was biased and wrong, fox news had it right and romney was up 7 nationally fair and balanced
they lost all thier creditbility, ik now msnbc goes the other way but fox news lost big time.
cnn, wolf is da man/.
I really dont give a shit eigher way

my views arent born out of fox news , or ANY news organization..

I just dont care how "rich " anyone is, and I really dont care to try and understand how they earned it
e Originally Posted by JONBALLS
remember jon fox news had the polls before the election everyone was biased and wrong, fox news had it right and romney was up 7 nationally fair and balanced
they lost all thier creditbility, ik now msnbc goes the other way but fox news lost big time.
cnn, wolf is da man/. Originally Posted by bjwstw
I dont care

you missed that part
If you don't understand why this is a redonkulous way to conduct a study of the media, Originally Posted by drluv1

Originally Posted by Doove
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-30-2012, 04:12 AM
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... thats not FAIR!!!! WWWaaaaaaaa!!!

giimmeee money I cant make it on my own!! Im helpless wretch!!! LOL Originally Posted by JONBALLS
You didn't answer the question.