Daughter of Random Thoughts

WMJ4657's Avatar
Anyone hear anything about a new LR pimp?

Rumor is he is only semi-talented, whatever that means 🤷♂️
Anyone hear anything about a new LR pimp?

Rumor is he is only semi-talented, whatever that means 🤷♂️ Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Semi-talented!!?? Kinda like putting a spreadsheet together to answer a conspiracy.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
I hear he thinks there are two silver chevy HHR,identical with tented windows and pictures of Jesus on the back of the cars one in each corner and there is a hit squad sent from a certian madam in NWA who has a hit list and he is at the top Lmao
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Yawl better watch it,or she will turn some Okies and Texans loose on yawl too,He was rumored to have said
Rip is that you
WMJ4657's Avatar
🤔 rude as fuck & then oh wait a minute I want to be nice 🤫

Market strategy or oh wait realized that plan wasn't working 🤷♂️
  • Sandy
  • 12-12-2021, 04:18 PM
Coochie is not a Christmas gift,

How are you going to give someone something opened, used and played with?
tuckahoe's Avatar
Coochie is not a Christmas gift,

How are you going to give someone something opened, used and played with? Originally Posted by Sandy
You mean like a Stradivarius? Or a '66 GTO?
How did I become the oldest one in the room so quickly...
WMJ4657's Avatar
How did I become the oldest one in the room so quickly... Originally Posted by Johnsson

Not sure you are
When you are afraid to make a post or comment on a thread it's time to say please delete my account.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Bacon your right
I just wish more
ladies would post
I believe they could/
would find some friends
I think many providers do not want to post because of there being so much drama on the board
CatMan4u's Avatar
I think many providers do not want to post because of there being so much drama on the board Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I fully agree
Some times I don't post for that very reason
My real world work is slowing down some and I am seriously looking to play some
austin88998833's Avatar
You mean like a Stradivarius? Or a '66 GTO? Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Maybe the Pontiac
