How many of us are left from ASPD?

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
I sincerely doubt you would be working at Starbucks. You might OWN Starbucks . . . . Originally Posted by TexTushHog

So Ginaxxx, how many Starbucks DO you own???Hmmmm?????? What a blast from the past. This thread may indeed be my legacy, or not. IDGAF!! Have fun with it
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-24-2014, 09:54 AM
So Ginaxxx, how many Starbucks DO you own???Hmmmm?????? What a blast from the past. This thread may indeed be my legacy, or not. IDGAF!! Have fun with it Originally Posted by Bob the Nailer
2002 ... a pleasure to be a part of your legacy, or not.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was among the first 100 registered members of ASPD, joining in December 1999, and was a bit of an unofficial ASPD historian.
To clarify/comment on a couple of things mentioned earlier in this thread...

ASPD was created the last week of November, 1999.
The first handle was registered November 26, 1999.

JerryD was never banished from ASPD, nor was he removed as a Mod. He resigned.
There were, at most, a very small handful of guys who claimed he was guilty of improprieties. Despite numerous pleas for anyone with information to come forward, not a single lady ever stepped forward to substantiate the rumors.
My experience with JerryD was that he was one of the most genuinely nice individuals I ever met or knew. Additionally, he was one of the most helpful hobbyists I knew in my 12 years or so involvement with the boards.
... Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
Deuce probably doesn't remember this but when I was new, I wrote to him asking for "provider" status. And he didn't give it to me quickly, like folks do these days.

It took some time. I remember being a bit frustrated and he wrote to me (from memory), "It doesn't make sense to make you a verified provider when you've only been active on this board for 2 days".

At the time, I didn't get it. Now, I do.

I met JerryD during my first days working. I have to concur. At that time, I didn't know any back gossip but he was always just wonderful. And he loves Pink Floyd, too!

ASPD is remembered with fondness. For whatever reason, I remember being a lot more uppity then! (I liked some of the vicious back and forths. We're a bit more tame here and overall, have less intellectual topics than before.)

Just my take on it. Could be looking back with some rose colored glasses on.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was on ASPD from 2000-2002...interesting but true...I met my husband there. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
You must have a very interesting history. Such an enigma!

TinMan's Avatar
I met JerryD during my first days working. I have to concur. At that time, I didn't know any back gossip but he was always just wonderful. And he loves Pink Floyd, too!

ASPD is remembered with fondness. For whatever reason, I remember being a lot more uppity then! (I liked some of the vicious back and forths. We're a bit more tame here and overall, have less intellectual topics than before.)

Just my take on it. Could be looking back with some rose colored glasses on.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
JerryD was one of those guys with an extraordinarily eclectic music collection. I have varied tastes, but he once shared some of his music with me (yeah, I know, getting a "mix tape" from another guy is super-gay, but deal with it), and I found that despite my pretty extensive collection, I didn't have a single track on that CD.

Ah, how I miss the old crew….
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I was on aspd for a year until it went away, I had 4 handles banned, my last handle was hawkeye9 they never realized I was back on then they went away and I appeared here. lol
You must have a very interesting history. Such an enigma!

Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Thanks, Elizabeth. It was another place and another time...but many of the great memories remain when I come here. Many familiar names...

I was there on ASPD. 2003ish, I think. same handle.
JerryD was one of those guys with an extraordinarily eclectic music collection. I have varied tastes, but he once shared some of his music with me (yeah, I know, getting a "mix tape" from another guy is super-gay, but deal with it), and I found that despite my pretty extensive collection, I didn't have a single track on that CD.

Ah, how I miss the old crew…. Originally Posted by TinMan
JerryD was a great guy, he took me to lunch during one of my rare trips to Texas. He made me a few mix CDs, too. OMG, I just remembered that! I have one in my car and until just this moment, I had forgotten where that had come from! Thanks for reminding me!

I left ASPD before there was any controversy about him. I can't remember any lady ever having an issue with him at all...
DallasDoc's Avatar
The ASPD days were the glory days.
We were a small community and had some amazing socials, even ones where it was just guys meeting for a beer and telling tales of their adventures.
The ladies were amazing (not that the ladies now aren't)
It was a different time, before the internet totally dominated everything. No smart phones, no texting, actual conversations.
The hobby is huge now, not very personal, but a great deal of variety... good and bad.
The ASPD days were the glory days.
We were a small community and had some amazing socials, even ones where it was just guys meeting for a beer and telling tales of their adventures.
The ladies were amazing (not that the ladies now aren't)
It was a different time, before the internet totally dominated everything. No smart phones, no texting, actual conversations.
The hobby is huge now, not very personal, but a great deal of variety... good and bad. Originally Posted by DallasDoc
I totally agree. It was such a different time. I lived in New Orleańs then. Lasies would come into town touring. We'd all meet for dinner and drinks. When I came to Houston for work, I was welcomed at socials and parties. Same with Dallas.

The board was a bit more equal in terms of the "gender power issues" with ladies playing a broader role because of Amber's leadership.

It's nice here. Just different.
AlanBedillionTrehern's Avatar
I was on ASPD from waay back. Under a different handle of course. Heck, I go back to the TSML days. Gawd, I'm old.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Can we just call you "Mississippi"?
I thought I'd already posted to your thread. I was on ASPD for I think...two to three years and then as ASPD was failing, I joined ECCIE. I was on a couple of other boards too but I can't remember when I stopped posting there. Long time ago. I remember in the very beginning when this place was so quiet, the crickets went someplace else.
parkerplayer's Avatar
lurked and joined since i don't know when.