Enough is Enough

Wakeup's Avatar
That's part of it...but a near miss to the part they all have in common...

Hint: it's not specific words they have in common...they are all predicated on the same concept...what are they all predicated on?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
My turn.......

In the end, it's his opinions and his attitude and shitty as they may be viewed he has a right to them. Why anyone would give a shit is beyond me. If you let him take up space rent free in your head and let him live the dream and Mr. Lukbak once said, that's your right too.

Ignore the bullshit, or play the game. Just don't complain and pout when you realize you've brought the wrong pieces to the board.
Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne


JaD riddle me this:

You Houston Modrards get together and get and Eccie ITtard to look up the ratio of Fucktard to Hooktard posts in the Houston Coed forum versus some of the other prominent Eccie cities coed forums and post the results back in this thread. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Dude..... I am FAR too lazy for that shit..... it would be a hand count as I see it so you can do it as easily as I..... But..... I suspect the numbers are probably not as skewed as you would like to think..... in fact.... I would dare to say Houston has more prominent and highly active women posters than most cities too... (ie LD, OH, BW, BA, etc...)
dearhunter's Avatar
bul·ly 1(b l ) </SPAN>
n. pl. bul·lies
1. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
2. A hired ruffian; a thug.
3. A pimp.
4. Archaic A fine person.
5. Archaic A sweetheart.

hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahaha
Wakeup's Avatar
Funny how that word used to have such a positive connotation...
dearhunter's Avatar
All you bitches were secretly grateful for Whale Wars and its effect of shutting down the incessant "look at me" bullshit from the pod.........a simple "thanck you" will suffice.........ijs
Sarunga's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Any way the Houston, "assholes" can make it to the Dallas board? You so called "asshole" guys are funny. Spread it around a bit to make this board more entertaining. Don't just keep it in Houston.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And any person who gets offended with what someone says with thousands of posts on a whore board should have their head examined. Let's face it, few of us have a great social life; because why the fuck would you be on here if you did?

Unless of course if you have part ownership.....And judging by the million posts by some of you clowns, I hope you do.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Dude..... I am FAR too lazy for that shit..... it would be a hand count as I see it so you can do it as easily as I..... But..... I suspect the numbers are probably not as skewed as you would like to think..... in fact.... I would dare to say Houston has more prominent and highly active women posters than most cities too... (ie LD, OH, BW, BA, etc...) Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Wait wait is that a list? You only need five more for a top ten with an open spot.
And any person who gets offended with what someone says with thousands of posts on a whore board should have their head examined.

Let's face it, few of us have a great social life; because why the fuck would you be on here if you did? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well, I think the reason people get offended is because the mean posts are either true, or partly true. Sometimes they're just plain childish and insensitive. Regardless there's nothing to get your panties all in a wad about.

I have a good social life. I have more money than time and when I want to fuck, I want to fuck, plain and simple. Beats browsing around looking for a pick-up. Efficiency my friend. And the site provides good entertainment just for the reason we're discussing.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Wait wait is that a list? You only need five more for a top ten with an open spot. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum

Again..... too lazy......
I don't know about you, but I'm gonna fuck Cherry Pop the Whore...unless she's fat...did we ever decide if she's fat-fat or just Wakeup fat? Originally Posted by riday
And here we have a winner, winner, chicken dinner! She's hot! THAT's the point.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
To you she is
Wakeup's Avatar
And to me she's just fat...which I'll tell her...

Anyone figured it out yet?