Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

JCM800's Avatar
<P>&lt;P&gt;wtf you think this is cover for bp and oil....fucking hush money &lt;/P&gt;. The most fucking state in the world</P> Originally Posted by CJOHN
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I would have put a cap in his ass and too
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-06-2013, 10:05 PM
Of course I won't "admit to any speculating" about the outcome of a trial when I don't know shit about the FACTS because I was not there ... that's YOUR luxury dimwit.

? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really? Sure looks like you are speculating in the post below.

That's what I did with regard to OJ.

In the meantime if some whining, drivel gets on here and tries to champion the "right" of a want-a-be "gangsta" to beat the crap out of a security guard, because the security guard is "following him" in a housing project, then I will respond in kind. Originally Posted by LexusLover
More speculating LexusLover? No bias right. want-a-be "gangsta'' no you're not biased/racist are you. Except towards ice cream flavors of course!

The prosecution will have difficult proving the media's version of "the story" ... which has continually "morphed" as new INFORMATION is discovered and/or released by less biased resources ....

... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like more speculating
blak_dynamite's Avatar
So we all know that reguardles of the out come of this case, Trayvon's credibility is shot. No matter if he was right or wrong. Unless they can prove that Zimmerman deliberately shot this kid, it will be hard to bring out the good. But with Trayvon being dead, we have to rely on the DA to shed light on the truth in this mess
Zimmerman and attorneys are wanting to prohibit words like "vigilante and profiling" To be used in the trial.
Budman's Avatar
So we all know that reguardles of the out come of this case, Trayvon's credibility is shot. No matter if he was right or wrong. Unless they can prove that Zimmerman deliberately shot this kid, it will be hard to bring out the good. But with Trayvon being dead, we have to rely on the DA to shed light on the truth in this mess Originally Posted by blak_dynamite
A couple of things I see wrong with this statement.

1. You imply that the DA has the corner on the truth and therefore the defense must be lying.

2. Do you really believe that lawyers are about getting the truth out there? They are about winning their case and in doing so will spin the facts to whatever direction helps them do just that regardless of the truth.

Many years ago I was on a jury to sentence a bank robber. I was amazed at the difference in how each side presented the "facts" about this individual. The prosecution made this guy out to be satan himself and the defense made it out like this poor soul was just having a bad day. Truth had nothing to do with it.
So sad that now everyone wants to say they would have killed this young man but the day he was kill by this guy he was unarmed with a drink in one hand & food in another... So its now ok to shoot because you don't want someone you don't know walking in the neighborhood... It does prove stereotyping still exsist... Because he looked like someone else... Really get all the facts about everything first... Now people want to talk about pass text & pics a kid had in his phone... most parents are unware of things their children do... I know when I was young I did a lot of dirt that my mom knewn nothing about... The day in question is what should be the concern... What did he do that day to cause someone to follow him... If you hear the 911 tapes the operator told the guy that killed him NOT TO FOLLOW HIM., did that man listen to authorities NO he did not... So now who is really at fault... We expect our kids to listen to police but he was a grown man not listening to police....
Budman's Avatar
So sad that now everyone wants to say they would have killed this young man but the day he was kill by this guy he was unarmed with a drink in one hand & food in another... So its nowvok to shoot because you don't want someone youbdon't know walkingvin the neighborhood... It does prove stereotyping still exsist... Because he looked like someone else... Really get all the facts about everything first... Now people want to talk about pass text & pics a kid had in his phone... most parents are unware of things their children do... I know when I was young I did a lot of dirt that my mom knewn nothing about... The day in question is what should be the concern... What did he do that day to cause someone to follow him... If you here the 911 tapes the operator t the guy that shoot him NOT TO FOLLOW HIM., did that man listen to authorities NO he did not... So now who is really at fault... We expect our kids to listen to police but he was a grown man not listening to police.... Originally Posted by BossLadyThick
That is fucking stupid. Nobody has said it is OK to shoot someone because they are just walking around the neighborhood. But when that same person starts beating the shit out of you then it is OK to shoot them. You also want to place the blame on GZ because he continued to follow TM even after the 911 operator told him not to. So it's not OK for GZ to walk around the neighborhood but it is OK for TM.
I agree he should not have followed him by I doubt he had the intention of killing him! They got into a scuffle and Zimmerman was getting his head beat against the ground so he shot him. In a stand your ground state you can shoot someone even if you have the ability to run, but with someone over top of you whipping your ass you cant run so he shot him. They have pictures of zimmerman right after the shooting and he had blood running from the back of his head, this to me, would suggest what Zimmerman is saying about Trayvon kicking his ass is truthful! The media posted a picture of a 13 yr old Trayvon and portrayed this as racist. The media twists the truth about everything! In no way would I have handled the situation like Zimmerman but I dont think he needs to go to prison over this. Just my opinion
A kid is not going to just walk up & beat the hell out of an adult.. Most of the other 911 calls by eyewitnesses say he didnt start with this grown man the man stop him & processed to mess with him the kid... I'm sure GZ was much stronger then this kid...If I was a kid knowing I have done nothing wrong & an adult is harassing me.. Following me throught the neighborhood yea I might prepare myself for war as a kid not know what is on this adult coming at me minded... Im going into full defense mood...A gun on an unarmed kid is to extreme...
Uncle Han's Avatar
A kid is not going to just walk up & beat the hell out of an adult.. Most of the other 911 calls by eyewitnesses say he didnt start with this grown man the man stop him & processed to mess with him the kid... I sure GZ was much stronger then this kid...If I was a kid knowing I have done nothing wrong & an adult is harassing me.. Following me throught the neighborhood yea I might prepare myself for war as a kid not know what is on this adult coming at me minded... Im going into full defense mood... Originally Posted by BossLadyThick
You are black. TM was black. Nuff said.
Budman's Avatar
A kid is not going to just walk up & beat the hell out of an adult.. Most of the other 911 calls by eyewitnesses say he didnt start with this grown man the man stop him & processed to mess with him the kid... I'm sure GZ was much stronger then this kid...If I was a kid knowing I have done nothing wrong & an adult is harassing me.. Following me throught the neighborhood yea I might prepare myself for war as a kid not know what is on this adult coming at me minded... Im going into full defense mood...A gun on an unarmed kid is to extreme... Originally Posted by BossLadyThick

You are a fucking moron. You talk like TM was this little kid. Based on reports he was between 6' to 6'3" tall and GZ was between 5'7" and 5'9" tall.
My man is Korean, rethink that comment... Thank you... If he was anything else I would still be saying the same thing... This is a kids life that was taken... I have a kid so it does make me wonder...
Uncle Han's Avatar
A "kid" going into "full defense mode" is running away. As if TM couldn't outrun tubby GZ! LOL!

The better issue to delve into is black people's racism. According to WTF, all black people are racist.
Name calling is childish.... Have a great day guys...