This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

sean rider's Avatar
I'm not defending !VI!. This isn't personal. I have no dog in this fight, and no horse in this race.

But when people are slinging stories and accusations that are *clearly simply false on basic publicly verifiable facts* I think it's a good idea to point that out.

The above is not, in any case, a general defense of !VI!. She is far from perfect. But it is about a very specific point. Did the pimp buy guns illegally, or did !VI! plant them on him in order to frame him? It's clearly the former. And it should have been clear for quite a while now.

And yet some insist on repeating clearly false narratives over and over again in order to attack !VI!. Do you think it's a coincidence that these same posters have bullied (to put it mildly) other providers as well?
chicagoboy's Avatar
This thread is about Kitty's (non-) retirement, not about !VI!. Please stop hijacking it.
She is now a science experiment in New Mexico!

Kitty enjoy your retirement! Please send that money when you get a chance.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-17-2016, 07:38 PM
I'm not defending !VI!. This isn't personal. I have no dog in this fight, and no horse in this race.

But when people are slinging stories and accusations that are *clearly simply false on basic publicly verifiable facts* I think it's a good idea to point that out.

The above is not, in any case, a general defense of !VI!. She is far from perfect. But it is about a very specific point. Did the pimp buy guns illegally, or did !VI! plant them on him in order to frame him? It's clearly the former. And it should have been clear for quite a while now. Originally Posted by sean rider
Sean, that is the matter for the prosecutor and police to decide who and what laws where broken. Some of these gentlemen may in fact not have the information to make a sensible determination on what happen. The investigating office will in fact get to the bottom of it without anyone's help from here. Unless they were
there. Until then, I makes more sense to sit back and watch the proceedings and let "justice" take its course before getting the rope and gathering at the town square.
Blazing saddles redux.. ^^^^
sean rider's Avatar
Sean, that is the matter for the prosecutor and police to decide who and what laws where broken. Originally Posted by motor
All I'm doing is transcribing publicly available facts here. I'm not pretending I have the power to make a legally binding decision.

But if you're so concerned about people entering opinions on this matter, why didn't you immediately object to Tony Gambino once again initiating falsehoods in this matter?

He gets to spout fictions, but only when I counter with facts it becomes objectionable? This is just another way of taking a side.

Sorry, but if someone here says the moon is made of green cheese, I'm going to post that it isn't.

If Tony stops spouting falsehoods I'll have no reason to, once again, post the facts.
All I'm doing is transcribing publicly available facts here. I'm not pretending I have the power to make a legally binding decision.

But if you're so concerned about people entering opinions on this matter, why didn't you immediately object to Tony Gambino once again initiating falsehoods in this matter?

He gets to spout fictions, but only when I counter with facts it becomes objectionable? This is just another way of taking a side.

Sorry, but if someone here says the moon is made of green cheese, I'm going to post that it isn't.

If Tony stops spouting falsehoods I'll have no reason to, once again, post the facts. Originally Posted by sean rider
your posting preliminary police reports that favor the whore, and your personal opinion. whatever your need is to defend the psychotic hooker is beyond me....but its disturbing, and frankly slightly and only one victim in this tale, the barney costume wearing guy that has made up trafficking charges about to be dismissed....hopefully he stays away from angry vengeful whores in the future.....but having met that nutcase at an amine gathering how could he have guessed?
TinMan's Avatar
Any idea, Sean, why there doesn't appear to be any hearings set in his case? It's been almost six months, and I can't imagine the ninja turtle's family has the funds to block the prosecution from getting a court date set. You'd let us know if the case was closed, wouldn't you?
ManSlut's Avatar
Who are you Sean Rider to the Hooker and Pimp involved in this Love Triangle? You seem to have personal involvement and a lot of insider information regarding these people, and please don't say it's all Public Record, that's total bullshit on most of the info you have been putting out there!

You come across as being Law Enforcement to me.
Any idea, Sean, why there doesn't appear to be any hearings set in his case? It's been almost six months, and I can't imagine the ninja turtle's family has the funds to block the prosecution from getting a court date set. You'd let us know if the case was closed, wouldn't you? Originally Posted by TinMan
EXACTLY! the feds got their headlines, and then they realized they're witness was bat shit crazy, and her own worst enemy and probably set barney/ninja turtle up....and they violated him and quietly backed away from the trafficking charges....easy to accuse anybody of anything but proving something that simple logic tells us isn't true.......even with the unlimited funds the feds have......they're not prosecuting a victim.
sean rider's Avatar
your posting preliminary police reports that favor the whore, and your personal opinion. whatever your need is to defend the psychotic hooker is beyond me....but its disturbing, and frankly slightly and only one victim in this tale, the barney costume wearing guy that has made up trafficking charges about to be dismissed....hopefully he stays away from angry vengeful whores in the future.....but having met that nutcase at an amine gathering how could he have guessed? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
It's not a preliminary police report. It is a "criminal complaint" that establishes the charges for a court trial. I.e. it's the final step necessitating an actual trial. This filing of formal charges was to the United States District Court specifying the violation of Title 18 US Code 922(n) sworn to and signed by a US Magistrate Judge.

The pimp was a criminal long before he met !VI! He was convicted of felony theft (value $1500-$20,000), and after released on parole, he broke parole.

He also was a pimp *before* he met !VI!. And pimping is a crime whether or not the provider is consensual.

It appears that he also committed acts of petty fraud in the cosplay community, and more significantly made death threats.

It may be that this guy is a wanna-be and something of a wuss...but he was also a convicted criminal before he met !VI!.
It's not a preliminary police report. It is a "criminal complaint" that establishes the charges for a court trial. I.e. it's the final step necessitating an actual trial. This filing of formal charges was to the United States District Court specifying the violation of Title 18 US Code 922(n) sworn to and signed by a US Magistrate Judge.

The pimp was a criminal long before he met !VI! He was convicted of felony theft (value $1500-$20,000), and after released on parole, he broke parole.

He also was a pimp *before* he met !VI!. And pimping is a crime whether or not the provider is consensual.

It appears that he also committed acts of petty fraud in the cosplay community, and more significantly made death threats.

It may be that this guy is a wanna-be and something of a wuss...but he was also a convicted criminal before he met !VI!. Originally Posted by sean rider
prove to us he was a pimp previously, and who hasn't said ill kill you to someone? im not buying he had been charged and convicted as a pimp prior to vi's fake accusation.....unless your talking about the made up hooker evie....or whatever......dude you are a creeper......and have a weird obsession with defending the evil whore that ruined this young mans life.......
sean rider's Avatar
Any idea, Sean, why there doesn't appear to be any hearings set in his case? It's been almost six months, and I can't imagine the ninja turtle's family has the funds to block the prosecution from getting a court date set. You'd let us know if the case was closed, wouldn't you? Originally Posted by TinMan
I've not been tracking the progress of the court case. As of today the pimp is still being held in the same federal facility he's been in since at least the end of July. Prior to that he was in state facilities under federal hold.

(end of facts. Start of speculation.)

I'm not surprised that someone who can't afford a fancy lawyer would find himself in jail for an extended period before finally getting a trial.

So far as I know he is *not* charged with sex trafficking, i.e. not going to trial for the allegations !VI! made. However, buying guns while breaking parole probably could have significant penalties, especially since that involved interstate commerce. I did a little web searching, and I'm obviously not a lawyer, but it looks to me like he could get up to 10 years.

So given a confession to a charge that could lead up to 10 years, perhaps they felt like they had enough and needn't bother with the allegations !VI! made.
sean rider's Avatar
And by the way, given that he's (assumption) only charged with his already confessed gun crimes, and (assumption) !VI!'s allegations are apparently not making it to court, the basis for most of the conflict being expressed here on this case dissolves away.

Which of !VI!'s allegations are true or not really has nothing to do with the fate of this guy. His fate is purely going to be fixed on the basis of whether or not he illegally purchased guns. All of the rest of the board dispute is irrelevant to his future.

I'll be happy to leave it at that. As will, apparently, the court.
I've not been tracking the progress of the court case. As of today the pimp is still being held in the same federal facility he's been in since at least the end of July. Prior to that he was in state facilities under federal hold.

(end of facts. Start of speculation.)

I'm not surprised that someone who can't afford a fancy lawyer would find himself in jail for an extended period before finally getting a trial.

So far as I know he is *not* charged with sex trafficking, i.e. not going to trail for the allegations !VI! made. However, buying guns while breaking parole probably could have significant penalties, especially since that involved interstate commerce. I did a little web searching, and I'm obviously not a lawyer, but it looks to me like he could get up to 10 years.

So given a confession to a charge that could lead up to 10 years, perhaps they felt like they had enough and needn't bother with the allegations !VI! made. Originally Posted by sean rider
the feds want joe public to know they are doing they're job they would never drop sex trafficking charges for gun charges....ive had gun charges.....he'll do 18 months max.....trafficking charges/and conviction gets news headlines/press and an attaboy from the general don't blow sunshine up our asses....they aren't charging him because your hero is a lying hateful bitch, and they don't want to reduce they're 97% conviction rate....she needs to be charged....and you need to do some soul searching as to why you need to defend this mean spirited evil theres that