What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

London Rayne's Avatar
For TN, KY, D.C. and VA it seems to be a great board with a tight knit group. If I lived in Texas I am sure Eccie would be my main outlet lol.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Babe I don't post "reviews" of men on my blog...I have some blog entries about my sexual encounters (some with clients, and some not)...A review states one's name....You will not find ANY client names on my blog or website....So what are you referring to exactly? I'm a bit confused....

I know what the advantages of having a review board are...I simply said I thought the ladies should be able to see and comment on what's been written about them ..I don't think that's asking too much..

As far as my clients go, I've had my blog up for about 9 months now, I have had no complaints and it does not affect my business, In fact I have guys telling me they wanted to see me because my blog was interesting to read...As for sexual encounters I mention on my blog, I don't mention names, and never would... Also I do allow comments on my blog, because I am open and enjoy feedback....Lots of providers have blogs out there, there's nothing wrong with me having one.

Have a lovely day!

Val Originally Posted by Valerie
The best analogy I can offer is performance reviews at work (think Fortune 500-type company). Every so often your manager goes and solicits "feedback" from people that work for you, you work for, work with etc. Some of it is on the record, some of it "off the record." If it wasn't for the off the record portion, the quality of the feedback would decline considerably. Is the system perfect? No. In isolated cases can an immature individual with an axe to grind get away with it? Sure. Can her peers see through the BS? Most of the time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2011, 09:21 PM
So having received 5 PM's from 5 different people over the last 18hrs about you and, I refuse to argue with you, because from what I was told, arguing with you is like beating a dead horse... Do you get a boner from the relentless arguing?...Later...

Val Originally Posted by Valerie
Hot damn, after a day af whale watching down in Cabo....this is what I log onto? where to start...
5 pms, my aren't you special. Look Val darling, all I tried to do was point out that the way you were going about the review process was counterproductive. I thought you might be trying to do something constructive in that regard,had I known that you were only interested in pms from vaginas that hide behind the pm curtain I would have continued to let you call names toward folks that had a different POV from yours and no say in actually changing that process. look I know pretty girls like yourself are not used to having anything you say challenged but I like to try and treat all folks as if they have a brain, I won't make that mistake again with you
Hot damn, after a day af whale watching down in Cabo....this is what I log onto? where to start...
5 pms, my aren't you special. Look Val darling, all I tried to do was point out that the way you were going about the review process was counterproductive. I thought you might be trying to do something constructive in that regard,had I known that you were only interested in pms from vaginas that hide behind the pm curtain I would have continued to let you call names toward folks that had a different POV from yours and no say in actually changing that process. look I know pretty girls like yourself are not used to having anything you say challenged but I like to try and treat all folks as if they have a brain, I won't make that mistake again with you Originally Posted by WTF
Actually only 1 of the 5PM's was from a female...the rest were guys!.....You 're just pissed because I called you on your sh*t....So in retaliation you imply that I have no brain (charming)..., quite the contrary ....Apparently you are one of those men who aren't used to being challenged by women? I bet the ladies just love you...

Oh BTW- Next time you are going to call me brainless, perhaps you should use proper capitalization after punctuations in your post.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2011, 12:10 PM
Actually only 1 of the 5PM's was from a female...the rest were guys!.....You 're just pissed because I called you on your sh*t....So in retaliation you imply that I have no brain (charming)..., quite the contrary ....Apparently you are one of those men who aren't used to being challenged by women? I bet the ladies just love you...
Originally Posted by Valerie
Well if you were so smart you'd know that my mention of vaginas was my way of calling those men, pussies for not having the balls to post on this thread and back up the fact that you think name calling will help change the review process. That was your intent wasn't it? Changing the review process? I loved being challenged by smart women,however nothing you have posted in this thread has given me any indication that you are one of them. My impression of you is that you have no desire in seeing both sides of an issue, you have never met a mirror you haven't fallen in love with and opposing views are not something that you happily let enter your world. Unfortunately ballless men reinforce such ignorant views.
Well if you were so smart you'd know that my mention of vaginas was my way of calling those men, pussies for not having the balls to post on this thread and back up the fact that you think name calling will help change the review process. That was your intent wasn't it? Changing the review process? I loved being challenged by smart women,however nothing you have posted in this thread has given me any indication that you are one of them. My impression of you is that you have no desire in seeing both sides of an issue, you have never met a mirror you haven't fallen in love with and opposing views are not something that you happily let enter your world. Unfortunately ballless men reinforce such ignorant views. Originally Posted by WTF
No, I don't think the guys who PM'd me were being "pussies"...They simply didn't want to talk shit about you for everyone else to read, not because they "have no balls", but because they were being decent men.

It's quite interesting that you continue to take shots at my intelligence level, especially since in almost every review I have (about 100), the clients comment on exactly how intelligent they think I am...You don't know me, although I can't help but find humor in the fact that someone who calls himself "WTF" telling me I don't have a brain.
John Bull's Avatar
Alright kids, enough with the kindergarten he says/she says. On to another subject, how about it?
discreetgent's Avatar
Alright kids, enough with the kindergarten he says/she says. On to another subject, how about it? Originally Posted by John Bull
So many subjects, so little time
Alright kids, enough with the kindergarten he says/she says. On to another subject, how about it? Originally Posted by John Bull
Brilliant Idea!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-24-2011, 06:33 PM
No, I don't think the guys who PM'd me were being "pussies"...They simply didn't want to talk shit about you for everyone else to read, not because they "have no balls", but because they were being decent men.

It's quite interesting that you continue to take shots at my intelligence level, especially since in almost every review I have (about 100), the clients comment on exactly how intelligent they think I am...You don't know me, . Originally Posted by Valerie
Interesting indeed...a woman who professes to wanting to be able to see reviews essentially hiding behind that very same secretive process via PM's. It seems you cry about fairness only when it suits your fancy. You do realize that I can not see the PM's of which you speak.....though I would have no trouble picking out the culprits both female and male.
In regards to your intelligence, I have no idea what it is but in this matter, dealing with me, it has not been used in a positive light at all. I apologize for having an opinion on it other than in this matter. I should not have been so bold as to broadcast that projection.

To wrap this up. I have neither agreed or disagreed with your stance on reviews (though I happen to agree with part of it). What I disagreed with was the way you were going about it. You seem not to have been able to absorb that fact. You then have proceeded to show that you are not interested in fairness in the review process by doing the exact same thing to me that you have been crying about in this thread, which is to comment publically about me on a review(PM) that I can not see. I assume your intelligence able enough to see that contradiction.

JB, my apologies but I thought I owed Val an apology for questioning her intelligence, no matter how much shit she talked, I should have stayed on point. My bad there.

Can we get back to the review process, why can't the ladies see reviews....I think from this thread alone, we know why they should not be allowed to post in them!
Interesting indeed...a woman who professes to wanting to be able to see reviews essentially hiding behind that very same secretive process via PM's. It seems you cry about fairness only when it suits your fancy. You do realize that I can not see the PM's of which you speak.....though I would have no trouble picking out the culprits both female and male.
In regards to your intelligence, I have no idea what it is but in this matter, dealing with me, it has not been used in a positive light at all. I apologize for having an opinion on it other than in this matter. I should not have been so bold as to broadcast that projection.

To wrap this up. I have neither agreed or disagreed with your stance on reviews (though I happen to agree with part of it). What I disagreed with was the way you were going about it. You seem not to have been able to absorb that fact. You then have proceeded to show that you are not interested in fairness in the review process by doing the exact same thing to me that you have been crying about in this thread, which is to comment publically about me on a review(PM) that I can not see. I assume your intelligence able enough to see that contradiction.

JB, my apologies but I thought I owed Val an apology for questioning her intelligence, no matter how much shit she talked, I should have stayed on point. My bad there.

Can we get back to the review process, why can't the ladies see reviews....I think from this thread alone, we know why they should not be allowed to post in them!
Originally Posted by WTF
WTF-.... The PM's I received from people on this thread are not the same as "reviews"...a review is when you've actually met the person...the people who PM'd me were just venting their personal opinions on you. I'm not contradicting myself at all....you're not a provider, you don't get proper reviews, so are you saying that every single PM about someone should be posted for everyone to see?.... I would never post my PM's on a public forum, for several reasons, and as much as you have irritated me, I would not post those PM's because they most likely would have hurt your feelings, and believe it or not, I actually have a heart..

I'm not quite sure how you are comparing providers getting reviews, to misc PM's? One of the reasons it is important for some of us ladiesto be able to see our reviews is because unlike you, this is our business, how we make money to provide for our families, and so hypothetically speaking, what if a lady had a bad false review posted about her? And she had no idea, so she lost bookings(money) because of it and couldn't pay her rent or bills? That's one reason why I think we should be able to view them...I can view my reviews on TER and e.com and there's no drama....I'm simply unclear as to how a PM about u (which is not being shared publicly) could affect you? Your not a provider, so a PM shouldn't cause you to miss out on an opportunity to make money, as a negative review would do if it was a provider...

Just saying......
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2011, 05:04 AM
WTF-.... The PM's I received from people on this thread are not the same as "reviews"...a review is when you've actually met the person...the people who PM'd me were just venting their personal opinions on you. I'm not contradicting myself at all....you're not a provider, you don't get proper reviews, so are you saying that every single PM about someone should be posted for everyone to see?.... I would never post my PM's on a public forum, for several reasons, and as much as you have irritated me, I would not post those PM's because they most likely would have hurt your feelings, and believe it or not, I actually have a heart..

...... Originally Posted by WTF
Originally Posted by Valerie

It is the exact same concept. Had you not made the fact that you received them and the general content of them public, then I would agree with you.

For example, had I stated that I got 3 PM's about you and all said that there was no use discussing anything with you because all you were interested in was talking about yourself blablabla.... Do you see how that gives me/them a way to insult you without having to take responsibility for the insult? So what I am saying is that you should not have reveled the fact that you had gotten them, you were the one that made them and their content public. All you did was hide the identity of who sent them. Without that context, I have no proper was to respond. (other than to call them chickenshits, for not having the balls to arguing the merits of our debate in public just like yourself and I were doing) Oh, I'm pretty sure its the usual suspects that I do not care for but they never like to discuss a topic, they are more interested in speaking without being challenged and hearing themselves speak. It is true, I like to debate, I liked to be challenged, it is the only way to properly vette one's views on subjects.

As to your concern about my feelings , I find that a bit hard to believe, my guess is that you are smart enough not to piss those folks who pm'd you off, you have shown no regard for my feelings thus far. You have my permission to post exactly who said what if that is in fact the case, my feelings be damned!. Let them then come on here and defend what they can't say to my face. How is that different from what you are arguing about in regards to reviews? Are you saying that because I am not a provider than my feelings are less relevant?

and so hypothetically speaking, what if a lady had a bad false review posted about her? And she had no idea, so she lost bookings(money) because of it and couldn't pay her rent or bills? That's one reason why I think we should be able to view them...I can view my reviews on TER and e.com and there's no drama.......... Originally Posted by WTF
Originally Posted by Valerie
And that is why I have been trying to say to you since I first entered the discussion...which was that there are things that I agree with you on, this being one of them. I agreed in fact so much that I suggested that instead of trading insults with people that did not agree with you in this thread nor had the power to make productive change to foresake that negative energy and kindly take the issue up with mangement in a reasoned discussion. One that did not fling insults.

I'm not quite sure how you are comparing providers getting reviews, to misc PM's? One of the reasons it is important for some of us ladiesto be able to see our reviews is because unlike you, this is our business, how we make money to provide for our families,

I'm simply unclear as to how a PM about u (which is not being shared publicly) could affect you? Your not a provider, so a PM shouldn't cause you to miss out on an opportunity to make money, as a negative review would do if it was a provider...

Just saying...... Originally Posted by WTF
Originally Posted by Valerie

The search for justice and truth is not contained in the shadows of innuendo or limited to making money.
When one speak ill of someone, at least they should have the decency to do it to their face. That is not what your PM folks have done. I give you credit, you have at least the balls to speak to my face and in doing so we may even be able to clear up any misunderstanding we may have had after our cooler heads prevail. That can not happen with little people that hide behind the PM system. My hat is off to you for at least making the effort. PM's have their proper place, IMHO this is not one of them.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Just in case folks were wondering or need a refresher..."PM" stands for "Private Message"....not sure why there is so much Public discussion of said messages????
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2011, 05:24 AM
[quote=atlcomedy;964536]Just in case folks were wondering or need a refresher..."PM" stands for "Private Message"....not sure why there is so much Public discussion of said messages????[/quote]

We already know what was said, we are now just looking for who said what!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Well well. I admit that this thread is far too long for me to read from start to finish. I just wanted to say that Valerie's showcase had me drooling like a Neanderthal and I'm sure she's quite intelligent.