This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

sean rider's Avatar
p.s. The charging document I refer to is available online. I can't, however, link to it without violating ECCIE rules on outing.
sean rider's Avatar
the feds want joe public to know they are doing they're job they would never drop sex trafficking charges for gun charges....ive had gun charges.....he'll do 18 months max.....trafficking charges/and conviction gets news headlines/press and an attaboy from the general don't blow sunshine up our asses....they aren't charging him because your hero is a lying hateful bitch, and they don't want to reduce they're 97% conviction rate....she needs to be charged....and you need to do some soul searching as to why you need to defend this mean spirited evil theres that Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
You are a troubled man. Seek therapy.
You are a troubled man. Seek therapy. Originally Posted by sean rider
maybe you can explain how i'm troubled? the obvious victim was barney, if the feds had even a shred of evidence otherwise....he'd be prosecuted in the media, that's what the fed does.....not trade 30-50 year sentences for some gun charges....that at most will get him 18 months......besides I don't care about any of these people, but ill defend him ....because its true the same way you'll defend her evil caught on film, filthy dorm room ass .......who's troubled?
look in a mirror
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-18-2016, 09:48 AM
All I'm doing is transcribing publicly available facts here. I'm not pretending I have the power to make a legally binding decision.

But if you're so concerned about people entering opinions on this matter, why didn't you immediately object to Tony Gambino once again initiating falsehoods in this matter?

He gets to spout fictions, but only when I counter with facts it becomes objectionable? This is just another way of taking a side.

Sorry, but if someone here says the moon is made of green cheese, I'm going to post that it isn't.

If Tony stops spouting falsehoods I'll have no reason to, once again, post the facts. Originally Posted by sean rider
Sean, I think you are confusing me with some other posters. I don't care what happens to VI, the pimp and even Kitty. My comment were based on the overwhelming need you seem to have to "set the record straight" You can post all you would like on the matter to set the record straight. I just thought it odd that you need to defend VI. And, like it or not you are defending her. I don't care that this is what you want to do. I don't care what the other posters say about her. You feel the need to make sure she is vindicated here, ok great. You answered my question and I have my own opinion on the subject.
ManSlut's Avatar
Who are you Sean Rider to the Hooker and Pimp involved in this Love Triangle? You seem to have personal involvement and a lot of insider information regarding these people, and please don't say it's all Public Record, that's total bullshit on most of the info you have been putting out there!

You come across as being Law Enforcement to me. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Que the crickets....chirp, chirp, chirp...

Thank you crickets!
sean rider's Avatar
I've explained this many times. It struck me as very odd that a woman would decide to leave the business and on her way out post pornographic films under her real life name, make posts here under her real life name, make posts other places under her real life name inviting guys to sneak in and rape her, and make yet other posts under her real life name inviting guys to her parent's real life address to come have sex with her.

A very strange way to leave the business indeed. To me it had outing written all over it. And I don't mean self-outing.

But perhaps the oddest part was the fact that so many guys here took it at face value. She's BSC right? So of course she's going to leave the business, but rather than make a clean getaway, after working in the business in relative stealth, out herself up and down the internet.


It seems some guys have such a strong need to vent their hatred that they will go to no end of twisted conspiracy thinking to make her the font of all evil, and her (felonious, death threat making, illegal gun buying, parole breaking, thieving) pimp of a boyfriend some poor victimized soul.

When I discovered that this pimp boyfriend had an earlier girlfriend he *also* pimped out, and *also* outed when she left him, it confirmed the narrative that seemed to me to be the likely case in the first place.

I'm not saying !VI! was a saint. They both seem pretty messed up. It seems unlikely to me that she was 100% forced into prostitution. Very unlikely. But when she left her pimp, he did what he did before except to an even greater extent. He outed her in the most devastating way possible. And along the way he illegally bought guns. And it's the gun charge that the feds are pressing.
You be one itellengent muther fugger
TinMan's Avatar
Sean, here's the thing. Those of us that have been active in the Dallas forums during the Age of Vi have no trouble believing that she'd self-immolate if it meant winning as she defines it. Until she testifies against him in a court of law, with a defense attorney cross-examining her, most of us are going to believe she did everything she said she would do. It's one of those "you had to be there" things.

Your arguments fall on deaf ears because until the April arrests, we never heard of you. We aren't the only ones. You've had several people in your posting history question your motives and identity. Me, personally...I think you're a 50-something college professor who used to be active in the hobby who for whatever reason went underground. I wouldn't be surprised if you were on Dick O'Stone's mailing list back in the day.

What doesn't make a lot of sense, and causes people to discount your arguments even further, is your rabid attraction to this subject, seemingly out of nowhere, and the fact that you comment on it every time it comes up. 100%, without fail. That would make sense if you were active on the Dallas forums and were perusing these fine threads for other material, but it's the only thing you've ever commented on, and you never miss a thread.

You've become so obsessed with the case that you went to another city's forum and asked people to private message you with any info they may have on the location where ninja turtle got busted. Damn, that's more than a casual interest.

Stay with it though. As someone invested in the Dallas hobby community I'm quite interested in how this case plays out. Just like I'm interested in who got pummeled at the end of last season's "Walking Dead". Not so interested I'm going to steal the script, but enough to tune in next Sunday.

Do ya feel me, bro?
ManSlut's Avatar
All this thread needs is for douchebag StephanieOTX to come in and say, "Sean, you're absolutely right about !VI!", like she'd met the red headed weak fuck artist!!...

I am curious Sean, at what point do you think the posts quit being !VI!'s? I always felt Wulf Princess' posts were way too aggressive for a chick and pretty stupid all the crazy ALERTS for someone hustling pussy. Your thoughts?

Please respond to TinMan's statements, they express my feelings as well, but I kind of have you pegged for someone teaching Criminal Justice classes at Sam Houston State University.

Curious too Sean, do you feel the case against the Pimp is not going to include Sex Trafficking, just a weapons charge and parole violations? That seems odd don't you think, why wouldn't the State or the Feds hit the loser hard? I feel sorry for anyone who's ever reviewed her, maybe they are building that case still?
sean rider's Avatar
Believe it or not, I really don't want to make this about me. But I do come from a culture where people do research, and then there is a rough and tumble of debate where theories and theorists do battle. You don't let bad arguments stand, you take them down wherever they pop up. I'm not saying I've succeeded, but if you wonder where my tenacity comes from, it comes from that culture.

I've started to learn how the docket systems work and what it takes to find out about when court cases come to trial and so on. Not that it is any big mystery. It's just new to me.

For now it appears the pimp is only up on gun charges. But there could well be other charges filed. I just don't know yet.

If I had to guess I'd say that (1) the authorities are more offended by violations of the parole system and illegal gun running, and (2) they find the sex trafficking allegations from !VI! as problematic and ambiguous as many posters here, and (3) they want to nail him on *something* for *some time* as efficiently as possible.

So this might well all add up to them saying "we've got an illegal gun charge confession, it's a slam dunk, and all the sex stuff is problematic and might not yield much of a sentence in the end anyway. So let's get him on the gun charges and call it a day."
sean rider's Avatar
You've become so obsessed with the case that you went to another city's forum and asked people to private message you with any info they may have on the location where ninja turtle got busted. Damn, that's more than a casual interest. Originally Posted by TinMan
This is a big remaining piece of the puzzle, or perhaps nothing at all.

The address of the arrest is a building that a year or so before was an asian spa with pay for play. Apparently the pimp, his new girlfriend, and two (apparently lesbian) female friends of the new girlfriend were living there. The new girlfriend apparently wanted nothing to do with the pimp's mess when she found out, ditto the two others as well. They all abandoned him.

So the question is this: was it merely a coincidence that the pimp was living in the former location of a prostitution operation, or did he have some connection with that operation and/or associates?

It *could* be a coincidence. But that's pretty long odds.
syeira pink's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
Then it ends up as I predicted. Vi is never called to task on her accusations, because they are very problematic. The Feds settle for the bird in hand, and Vi gets what she wants because the end result was what mattered: ninja turtle suffers.

Fade to black, and the audience is left to debate the meaning of the closing scene...just like "the Sopranos".
TheEccie214's Avatar
Attachment 579828 Originally Posted by syeira pink
Best post to this thread in a while.
sean rider's Avatar
Then it ends up as I predicted. Vi is never called to task on her accusations, because they are very problematic. The Feds settle for the bird in hand, and Vi gets what she wants because the end result was what mattered: ninja turtle suffers.

Fade to black, and the audience is left to debate the meaning of the closing scene...just like "the Sopranos". Originally Posted by TinMan
Well, that's not exactly what happens.

!VI! is not called to task, but her accusations have no effect either. It's a wash.

!VI! suffers due to being outed by the pimp, and so far there is no compensation for that. So she loses unfairly on that count.

The pimp suffers due to his own choice to break parole, buy guns, etc. He loses fairly on that count.

(But this assumes the outcome previously described.)