Enough is Enough

So what, Who cares?
Wakeup's Avatar
The funny thing about every definition of "bully" is that it's predicated on the "bully" being "stronger", or the one being bullied being "weaker" in some way...emotionally, physically, something...

Does anyone here, on an Internet forum, where you've never met me in person, believe that they're weaker than me?

The other interesting thing about it is that for me to be a bully, I have to have some self realization that the person I'm dealing with is weaker than me during the action...on the internet...with people I have no connection with IRL...

Let me know how I'm a bully again...please...

P.S.-Also, if anyone wants to circle back to how I adversely affect hooker's businesses, feel free, it always makes me chuckle...
So WU could we get a list of the top ten fattest providers ?
Wakeup's Avatar
How about a list of whores who hate me instead?
That's much more than 10 . But I'm thinking 90 % of those are fat .
Wakeup's Avatar
Actually no...but yes, most of them are fat...

So tell the truth , Gator's one of the fat ones right ?
blowpop's Avatar
SMH, the young punk assholes talk tough but they wear their self loathing tattooed on their foreheads. They can't hide it in their posts. Ignore. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Give this man a cigar. One thing in common about all bullies: They're driven by self-loathing, and often for a good reason. Having observed the behavior here for far too long, it's easy enough to draw conclusions.

Striking out against providers is right out of Sociopath 101, but doing it anonymously on a message board goes beyond pathetic. Wannabe tough guys who have no power in their real lives, acting all puffed up, trying to impress the other losers.
Okay. It took ma awhile to read this. So I just need to know where we're heading. Are we censoring the assholes so the eternally easy butt-hurt folks like pet-a-bear won't get their feels bruised? Or are we not suppose to be stating that Lemon Lime Strawberry Ocean Breeze Coca-Cola Slushee pussy slinger is considered obese by the CDC? Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
NO! You've got the cast of characters all fucking wrong !

Cherry Pop the Whore is a hottie with a cute showcase that makes sweet and whimsical, though not ditsy and ignorant, posts about skiing and walking in the esplanade smelling roses. If she were a distz, she'd post about rainbows and puppies.

Hanna the Dragon Twat is the fat bitch that falsely advertises. She'd do much better if she said she's a cutie BBW that caters to scat fetishes since she lets clients shit in her incall.

Peaches is the nobody from high school that peaked in the military that says like the most predictable shit in the whole fucking world and has a bull ring through his nose that his wife leads him around on. But he doesn't pay for anything - ya right!

I'm a loud mouth cunt who is a reformed whore that calls him on his repetitive, puerile and glory dayz wayz when I have time. I don't live on this mother fucker like he does.

Adabear is the guy that started this train wreck thread with good intentions.

JaD is the guy that tries to run interference for Peaches, but ends up fucking it up because he knows Peaches is a glory dayz nobody trying to recapture peak oil.

You're hopefully going to provide the gifs and smart ass commentary. Something this thread has been sorely lacking BTW.

No one ever said to censor the this' and that's of this board. All anybody ever said, except the bully who made it sound like he would be censored for saying the any variant of the verb to be, is when someone is obviously bullying someone, like saying non-sequitur things like "Fat...." as a response to "Hi everyone, I'm Cherry Pop the Whore and I love to ski." he should not be allowed to do so. That's all.

I can't very well correct something when I don't realize what I'm doing wrong...you assume I know what is wrong because you assume I think like you...I believe I've made it perfectly clear that I don't... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You know it is. You just don't care. There's a word for that.

You got a definition or list of actions that qualify what a bully is, or you just going to whine some more about the childishness of the board? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I already gave you one. Cherry Pop the Whore. She's the hot bitch everyone but you wants to fuck. More for them.

well one major distinction is with the words 'force' and 'threaten'. As I've been saying all along, he does neither. what you choose to do about what he says is entirely up to you. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
And you missed:

The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets. Justifications and rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of class, race, religion, gender, sexuality, appearance, behavior, or ability.[2][3] - Insert Whore here.

U.S. states have laws against it.[6] Bullying consists of four basic types of abuse – emotional (sometimes called relational), verbal, physical, and cyber.[7] It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation.
Bullying ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more complex bullying in which the bully may have one or more "lieutenants" who may seem to be willing to assist the primary bully in his or her bullying activities.

Using this definition, it's classic bullying. Cherry picking the definition doesn't change it.

Fair enough, I understand what you're saying. The guys may talk shit about whoever they choose, and when they start yes they do pile on thick, but in the end it is how the lady handles it that adversely downgrades her business. Yes their shit talk may embarrass her, it may get the mal-posters lemmings to dismiss her as a choice, but if a guy wants to see someone he will see her. The way she responds may make him choose not to. I'm sure it's happened to me before, but the way I see it is there is context to everything, and if one is so sensitive that what they read here insults their sensibilities so much... you're probably not my kinda guy. Most of what I type is in jest anyhow. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
And not everyone is as strong as you or I am. You know that. Don't let their smooth talk coerce you into blaming the victim too.
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One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power.

Using this definition, it's classic bullying. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I love it...you all are SO ate up with calling me a "bully" and trying to make it stick that you're going to submit that I, Wakeup, have social power over you here in these forums...

Heh...I just got hard...
blowpop's Avatar
Having a Hooker board effect your pussy slinging business adversely and getting banned from this board boil down to the same reason...... it's done by your own self. No one else is to blame if and when it happens. Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
That's one stance to take, and it's perhaps one I would take if I were in the impossible position of having the responsibility of moderate a board but not given the authority to dispatch the handful of assholes who live to fuck with the community.

(Come to think of it, that's the reason I stepped down from moderating another hobby board. I don't have a lot of patience with assholes.)

But don't discount the personalities involved here. On one hand, you've got guys of moderate intelligence who are desperate to be thought of as the smartest guys in the room, and they earn points with their bros by appearing to outsmart a provider. If she gets backed into a corner and says something, she gets penalized. He "wins".

On the other hand, you've got providers here that are advertising their businesses. And in any sort of social media, if you're a business, you've got different constraints than the customers do. Respond to an attack the wrong way, and it will cost you customers.

For the guys, it's all fun and games. For the women, it's their livelihood. Thus the guys can do whatever the hell they please without repercussion, but if a woman responds and puts him down like the little bitch that he his, she's now branded as a ballbuster, and her business could suffer.

It's a no-win situation for providers. They either suck up to these losers (hi, Val!) and become their favorites, or they risk being the object of attack, an attack that they cannot respond to without risking business.

Many choose simply not to participate, and in the current climate, that's probably the smart move for their livelihood. Don't participate, just post your ads, and keep your head down.

In short: "Know your place, woman." Is that what you really want to be seen as leading?

Bullies shouldn't be tolerated. Here they're encouraged. And this is the result.
Wakeup's Avatar
In short: "Know your place, woman." Originally Posted by blowpop
Got it in one! Well done BP! And here I thought your list had made you go all soft...
lets face it this is a site to hide behind....we will never cross paths with 80percent of the fuckers and hookers on this site. I can be the big man all i want. it is an opinionated site. if you don't like it don't read it....but i agree with the bs bashing and wanna be bullying.

if the provider has a preference then respect it and move on. likewise applies to you...us. let the facts be facts and the rest a fairytale. don't mess up my wet dream because you cannot read between the lines.
I love it...you all are SO ate up with calling me a "bully" and trying to make it stick that you're going to submit that I, Wakeup, have social power over you here in these forums...

Heh...I just got hard... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No, Peaches no. You have nothing over me. But not everybody's me are they? Please do save yourself the trouble of trying to turn that statement to your advantage. We've been through this before. I am not subject to the whims of others. You can't bully me because you aren't a socially desirable male if you don't have a envelope in your hand.

I've got shit to do now. Don't you have a job or something?
Wakeup's Avatar
It's always the same..."you don't have anything over me, but others aren't as strong as me"...everyone else is weaker than you, and hence, weaker than me and able to be bullied by me...how condescending of you toward everyone else...well done...

Instead of your condescension toward every other whore on the board who isn't as good as you...I'll offer up that no one here is weaker than I am in any way, so it's impossible for me to bully them in any way...how's that?