Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

Chung Tran's Avatar
Looks like this is the only thing the Judge has done right.

https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/09/30/...-murder-trial/ Originally Posted by CG2014
yes, and the idea that they can consider Manslaughter.. because murder aint happening!

I'm curious if the Judge will suffer any wrath from the community? I suspect she might, IF Amber is found not guilty of all charges. perhaps blamed for allowing the Castle Doctrine to be considered. although I think the State and the Man will be the object of scorn, before any attention would focus on the Judge, in particular.

random amusing thought...if a juror was a secret member here, and had ECCIE pulled up on his phone during deliberations, and taking notice of our posts, LOL
Well one thing is for sure. If they don’t throw the book at Amber the city will be questioned about “overtime/exhaustion” and if they had any knowledge of Amber fucking her bald married partner and that’s when the shit will fly until the city writes a check with 9 zeros.

It’s a multi-million dollar settlement anyway (more if victim had dependents) but I suspect quite a few million less if the city can avoid scrutiny.

And talk about bad decisions. Of all the dick in Dallas she chose bald married dick.
CG2014's Avatar
Live feed again since we started a new page.

CG2014's Avatar
They have changed the shot on the Live Feed.

They are now showing the Jury Call button.

We may have a verdict soon.

If they don't reach one by 5 pm, they will sequestered to try again tomorrow.

I am sure those 12 jurors and 4 alternates don't want to spend another night and day away from home.
What’s your bet?

I say she will get a conviction of manslaughter with 12 years and the city will pay $4 million to his family. I say this on the assumption that she is not eligible for acquittal.
CG2014's Avatar
I am not sure.

I expected OJ to be found guilty and I even bet with friends he will be found guilty and NOPE.

I also expected those 4 LAPD Officers to be found guilty in the Rodney King beating and I lost that bet too.
CG2014's Avatar
They changed the shot again from the red button back to the State Seal.
CG2014's Avatar
No verdict.

Jury will try again tomorrow starting at 8:30 am.
aRandyOne's Avatar

Random amusing thought...if a juror was a secret member here, and had ECCIE pulled up on his phone during deliberations, and taking notice of our posts, LOL Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If a jury is sequestered properly, they will not have access to the web. Dumb phones in the hotel rooms with a bailiff listening in used to be the SOP for a sequestered jury.

Judge may get some backlash from the "community organizers" and other activists regarding the jury charge. She may also have committed reversible error by not letting the jury hear Texas Ranger Armstrong's testimony.

I'm thinking a hung jury and another go around in 4 months.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Let me start out by saying that the news media is be THE worse way to learn what is really going on ina trial. But I’ve been very unimpressed by the prosecution. I’d think the odds of a murder-nviction are slim. Acquittal is 40-50% chance. And I don’t expect any protests or rioting no matter what the verdict. And I think that the legal community will rate the judge’s conduct of the trial as excellent. She did a fine job. Only ignorant soreheads will be critics.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I think Guilty manslaughter , Of course its still a 50/50 ,
I’m a bit surprised the Castle Doctrine can be considered for a defendant who was not in his or her domicile. Technically speaking she was a tenant so domicile must be defined. If she was inside HER apartment I think that’s a plausible defense. If she drew her service weapon in the hallway before entering the apartment the hallway is not her domicile. Like the pool, laundry and lobby she has rights to use/enjoy these areas but they do not “belong to her”. I don’t think they can prove the exact time or location she unholstered the weapon. That said she fired the shots inside his apartment. I support the castle doctrine but it seems loosely defined here.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2019, 10:01 AM
Oct. 1, 2019, 10:46 AM CDT
By Erik Ortiz
Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder on Tuesday for fatally shooting her neighbor, Botham Jean, after thinking he was an intruder when she mistakenly entered his apartment.
She faces a maximum of life in prison.
The jury was tasked with deciding whether or not Guyger, 31, acted reasonably when she used deadly force, and if the prosecution had proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she intentionally killed Jean or if a lesser charge of manslaughter, which involves reckless conduct, was warranted.
Deliberations began Monday afternoon after a week-long trial, which included the playing of the 911 call that Guyger made after shooting Jean and dramatic bodycam video from officers who responded to the scene.
Guyger was off duty but in uniform when she shot twice at Jean on Sept. 6, 2018, just before 10 p.m., striking him in the chest. She had worked a 13-1/2-hour shift on the Dallas Police Department's crime response team that day and parked on the fourth floor of the complex's garage.
She lived on the third floor, and Jean, a 26-year-old accountant and native of the island nation of St. Lucia, lived directly above her. The two did not know one another.
Prosecutors said Jean was watching television and eating ice cream in his living room when Guyger burst inside, likely scaring him. The trajectory of the bullet showed that he was either getting up from his couch or cowering when Guyger fired her service weapon, they added.
The fatal shooting, which has led to one of the most anticipated murder trials in Dallas in decades, became a flashpoint on issues of police use of force and racial bias. Guyger is white and Jean was black, and the Jean family has questioned whether Guyger would have shot him if he were a different race.
Testifying in her own defense last week, Guyger told jurors that she was scared for her life when she entered an apartment that she thought was hers and the man inside began coming toward her and yelling, "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

I never wanted to take an innocent person's life. I'm so sorry," Guyger said on the stand. "This is not about hate — it's about being scared."

Guyger admitted to giving Jean minimal life-saving aid because she had only one hand free while she called 911 and her state of mind was frantic.
Guyger, who was on the Dallas police force for more than four years, was fired from her job following the shooting. Toxicology results presented at trial showed she was not intoxicated during the shooting.
The defense brought on other tenants from the same apartment complex who testified that they also had parked on a different floor and gone to the wrong unit by mistake.
Guyger's attorneys also downplayed that she had been sharing sexually explicit text messages with her work partner and was on the phone with him just before the shooting, which was revealed during the opening of the trial.
Prosecutors used those messages to make the case that Guyger was not as fatigued that day as the defense had claimed, and that Guyger intended to see her partner later that night.
They also said Guyger was at fault for missing several clues that she was on the wrong floor and went to the wrong apartment, including a red doormat that Jean's apartment had and hers did not.
Chung Tran's Avatar
wow.. call me shocked.. no way should she have been found guilty of MURDER
  • cjoll
  • 10-01-2019, 10:08 AM
Murder. I’m surprised, I was happy the judge included manslaughter into the instructions and with that they still found her guilty of murder. I expect an appeal if she’s able to fund one but I don’t see this getting overturned. This is why I think Texas needs a murder 2. I’m happier with a murder charge than an acquittal since manslaughter wasn’t reached. Now on to sentencing, I expect it will be on the lower end.