Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jacuzzme's Avatar
What it destroys is the paltry amount of credibility democrats had left after crying wolf for 3 years. The “Trump’s spreading conspiracy theories” crowd, politicians and media, are hysterical. They yammer on for years that The President is in cahoots with Russia until Meuller comes up with bupkis, and still have the nads to call ANYONE a conspiracy theorist.

The timing on this is totally transparent. As soon as they see President Trump mention Crowdstrike the entirety of Washington looses their shit. The flak is heaviest when you’re over the target. I say put it all out there and let the chips fall where they may, but democrats can’t, and won’t. Their only hope is to try to get the President out through covert proceedings.
Whoa! Did I miss something? Did they vote in the House to impeach yet? If not, just tell me when the rubber hits the road. All this other crap is just political bullshittery.

. It's another busy week in the impeachment inquiry, with at least seven witnesses expected to testify before Congressional committees.

Here's a rundown of who we're expecting to testify:

Tomorrow: Bill Taylor, acting US ambassador to Ukraine

Wednesday: Philip Reeker, acting assistant secretary of European and Eurasian affairs with the State Department

Wednesday: Micheal Duffey, Office of Management and Budget associate director for national security programs

Thursday: Alexander Vindman, the director of European affairs with the National Security Council

Thursday: Laura Cooper, deputy assistant secretary of Defense

Friday: Suriya Jayanti, a foreign service officer stationed in Kiev

Friday: Timothy Morrison, a top Russia adviser at the National Security Council

But, but, but, the Durham report is going to send every deep state member and their dog to jail Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Jaxson66's Avatar
Whoa! Did I miss something? Did they vote in the House to impeach yet? If not, just tell me when the rubber hits the road. All this other crap is just political bullshittery. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

I would suggest you missed or choose to ignore a lot. Exactly which Article did you want to proceed with for your vote?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There are no articles to vote on, nor is there an impeachment. Are you on drugs or just lobotomized by propaganda?
Jaxson66's Avatar
What it destroys is the paltry amount of credibility democrats had left after crying wolf for 3 years. The “Trump’s spreading conspiracy theories” crowd, politicians and media, are hysterical. They yammer on for years that The President is in cahoots with Russia until Meuller comes up with bupkis, and still have the nads to call ANYONE a conspiracy theorist. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Kinda reminds me of the good ole days of endless email hearings, Benghazi witch-hunts, and constant disrespect of a decent man by the Freedom caucus and their shit eating supporters.

Get over it.
Jaxson66's Avatar
There are no articles to vote on, nor is there an impeachment. Are you on drugs or just lobotomized by propaganda? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
No shit genius, well from what I understand there is a impeachment inquiry that has had subpoenas, depositions, BCD testimony and its been on the tv and the internet. How could you miss it.

But I believe what I see and hear, not what some curbside carnival barker tells me to believe.
What the House Has Planned on Impeachment This Week

Viva La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
. It's another busy week in the impeachment inquiry, with at least seven witnesses expected to testify before Congressional committees.

Here's a rundown of who we're expecting to testify:

Tomorrow: Bill Taylor, acting US ambassador to Ukraine

Wednesday: Philip Reeker, acting assistant secretary of European and Eurasian affairs with the State Department

Wednesday: Micheal Duffey, Office of Management and Budget associate director for national security programs

Thursday: Alexander Vindman, the director of European affairs with the National Security Council

Thursday: Laura Cooper, deputy assistant secretary of Defense

Friday: Suriya Jayanti, a foreign service officer stationed in Kiev

Friday: Timothy Morrison, a top Russia adviser at the National Security Council

But, but, but, the Durham report is going to send every deep state member and their dog to jail Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So another play by play announcement of what's going to fail this week with the Dem agenda. You keep throwing what you seem to believe to be the next gotcha moment out there and they keep coming up flat. It's gotta suck to be you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
McConnell won't be in charge once the he is formally impeached. Unless Senate rules change. Can they just "move the basket" on this one before it starts?

In order to prevent the vice president, who formally presides over the Senate, from refusing to allow the chief justice to play his constitutional role, the Senate rules governing impeachment require the vice president to swear in the chief justice immediately after the House’s charges are announced on the floor. The rules then explicitly empower the chief justice to “direct all the forms of proceedings” during the trial. The Senate, in contrast, is granted the “power to enforce obedience” to all these rulings.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
McConnell won't be in charge once the he is formally impeached. Unless Senate rules change. Can they just "move the basket" on this one before it starts?

By BRUCE ACKERMAN Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

well thank you valued poster for that stunning insight into what we already knew! do you have any other brilliant contributions you'd like to share?
Jaxson66's Avatar
. 52% of Americans now support Trump's impeachment and removal

That fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is full of more shit than a porta potty at a Sturgis Ralley.
I B Hankering's Avatar
. 52% of Americans now support Trump's impeachment and removal

That fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is full of more shit than a porta potty at a Sturgis Ralley.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
eccieuser9500's Avatar
well thank you valued poster for that stunning insight into what we already knew! do you have any other brilliant contributions you'd like to share? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Not now. But McConnell needed to be reminded. Not sure if he is on this board. In the meantime, I will share this:

McConnell's past position will make it difficult for him to champion any motion to dismiss a Senate trial of articles against President Trump, and McConnell last week appeared to dissuade his colleagues from entertaining a dismissal.

The GOP leader told colleagues during a PowerPoint presentation that they would not be allowed to speak during the trial and that any motions to dismiss the impeachment articles would be reserved for Trump's defense team and the House Democratic impeachment managers, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who attended the meeting, told The Wall Street Journal.
Jaxson66's Avatar
US' top diplomat Taylor was told Trump wanted aid withheld until Ukraine said it would investigate Biden

But, but, but the Durham report
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So what? It’s perfectly legitimate to not enrich a country who attempted to fuck with our election.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So what? It’s perfectly legitimate to not enrich a country who attempted to fuck with our election. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well it seems that 52% of the population disagrees with the trump propaganda teams bullshit. I’m thinking we’re moving closer to the fat lying bastards resignation.