Providers who have been run off the board by trolls...

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  • WTF
  • 12-05-2015, 11:17 AM
Stale mate. The boredom from waiting is close at hand. Abandon thread...abandon thread! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Foxy gonna fuck around and get herself banned. Natalia too. Folks speculate what is in infoshare and they then confirm it!
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  • 12-05-2015, 11:19 AM
made good on her threats?
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
When someone does something mean to someone totally being aware of the fact and with the full intent to hurt the other person, for example baselessly and falsely accusing someone and affirming they did something when in reality you don't know and don't have any proof. Doing that to someone will eventually come back to you, it is called KARMA NOT a threat.

Threats are sending pms to people, so they can tell me "how you will not get over this" and "how you would get me back" and other shit along those lines that I don't remember and refused to try to remember. But maybe you do remember those pms you sent to people, well this is your chance why don't you directly tell me how you're going to get me back for the imaginary things I did to you ?
I ain't confirmed shit.
I confirmed he doesn't have access.

I'm gleaning.
Won't be me.
My bucket is STILL empty....
For now.
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  • 12-05-2015, 11:40 AM
If all of this is true, including WTF's allegations ... why has not one person posted a copy/paste of a post on Infoshare or in the public forum that she allegedly made or produce an e-mail proving the point.

I know, I know ... you can't post that on the open forum ... how convenient!

Post some proof. If it's not in writing and it's "someone told me" ... how do you know you're not being lied to by someone playing you the fool who will do their dirty work. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
He only assumes I looked up something in infoshare, to this day I have never searched his name there, but his physical traumas and insecurities that later came out, make him believe I did.
He cannot produce a quote or a link of me "physically describing him" because I never did. I have never seen this man.
But someone who has or knew about his physical appearance made a mean thread about it, who mostly likely is someone who is banned, and had access to that account they used, which was made in 2013, when I didn't even know eccie existed. Then they probably send him a disposable email saying that I did that. That's what the banned bitches do, that and create multiple handles and run with it until they can, they also do a lot of damage to people's personal life.
Which is very sad. He's so closed minded and blinded to the truth and prefers to take the easiest route and blame me and misdirect all his Hate towards me. By just reading his comments towards me you can see how full of hate he is.
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  • WTF
  • 12-05-2015, 11:41 AM
I ain't confirmed shit.
I confirmed he doesn't have access.

I'm gleaning.
Won't be me.
My bucket is STILL empty....
For now. Originally Posted by FoxyNC
How do you know he does not have access?

Had he....I'm gleaning that you confirmed that in infoshare they are blaming wu for her departure and he would have known that.
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  • 12-05-2015, 12:00 PM
Part 2- to Stinky

C44's accusations are as stupid as the other guy's, even according to him, he's going by what "2 providers" told him LOL
Maybe these "valuable sources" of him need to step their game up and try to keep up with me, instead of resourcing to make up rumors and talk shit about NATALIA MORI in their sessions. Jealousy is a bitch. They must suck and be boring AF BCD if they can't find anything better to do than have NATALIA MORI as their main topic.
It's been almost a year of this man making up shit about me and going in every forum bad mouthing me and it has never affected me.
So he can run with this one too if he likes. The fact the he thinks he's important or relevant enough in my life is hilarious though.
How do you know he does not have access?

Had he....I'm ASSUMING that you confirmed that in infoshare they are blaming wu for her departure and he would have known that. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 12-05-2015, 12:20 PM
Part 2- to Stinky
. Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Stinky ask her what her current bullshit alert on a hobbyist she has not even seen is. You will notice she has not addressed that...though she is probably complaining to infoshare Mods!
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  • WTF
  • 12-05-2015, 12:25 PM
FTFY Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Oh baby, I'm not assuming
What I gather from reading SOME of this is a lot of trolls and providers have way too much time on their hands. A lot of he say, she say.... Carry on.
I gotta agree with you there Paul.
I regret ever getting dragged into this mess.
Fucking drama queen attacks me putting a physical description of me online, it's kinda hard to just let the whore get away with that. And while she wants to act all innocent she is fully aware of her actions and wants me to post proof of it so I'll have to relive the while embarrassing shit pile again? I'd rather not. She knows what she did, others with their eyes open saw what she did. I'd rather let it die, but the potty mouthed drama whore keeps stirring shit up. Watch how she incites trouble with others, posting behind them taunting them, then pretends like she's being attacked. Its all spin to stir shit and get mindless drones following her around a hooker board.

Most of the shit she posts has no truth to it. Just keep your eyes open and see for yourself.
^^^ I have been reading.
Stinky ask her what her current bullshit alert on a hobbyist she has not even seen is. You will notice she has not addressed that...though she is probably complaining to infoshare Mods! Originally Posted by WTF
She cannot prove a negative (ie: that she did not post anything).

But, I still have not seen you provide one iota of evidence for what you claim. If what you claim is true, then you should be able to produce evidence. If you can't ... well, lying is permissible on this Board.

Ball's (or lack of balls) in your court. Prove to everyone that they should believe you.
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It's like wrestling with a hog in a bog. Even if you win you lose because - no matter what - the hog enjoys it.
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  • WTF
  • 12-05-2015, 05:24 PM

One more last thing for the ladies:
Whatever y'all do, DO NOT post anything on infoshare, I repeat DO NOT do it. It is not safe and it is not worth it, it will cost you more than what you can ever imagine.
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

But, I still have not seen you provide one iota of evidence for what you claim. If what you claim is true, then you should be able to produce evidence. If you can't ... well, lying is permissible on this Board.

Ball's (or lack of balls) in your court. Prove to everyone that they should believe you. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Nothing to do with has to do with common sense. I speculated that Natalia is posting bs alerts in infoshare . She responds by posting an alert on the open board about how unsafe infoshare is!

Damn Stinky if you can't follow that bouncing ball...I'll not waste time screen shooting her crap because i then would not only have to read it to you but then explain it to you too.

My guess is she could poison your dog and you'd call her a Vet. and the dog deserved it!