How many of us are left from ASPD?

TexasDave555's Avatar
Present 2003 ish.....
Since 2003..
Can we just call you "Mississippi"? Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Alan Bourdillion Ter-who?

Love that movie. Ride, boldy ride, boys and girls!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Glad somebody caught the reference.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Glad somebody caught the reference. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot

Dang, he beat me to it!! Dang coonass / french names
I enjoyed it. Used to go by Fiddler of Dooney.
Redbull's Avatar
Present before even ASPD and former voluntary problem solver (ie Mod) on ASPD now going by Redbull. namssa we need to talk and catch up !
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
Deuce probably doesn't remember this but when I was new, I wrote to him asking for "provider" status. And he didn't give it to me quickly, like folks do these days.

It took some time. I remember being a bit frustrated and he wrote to me (from memory), "It doesn't make sense to make you a verified provider when you've only been active on this board for 2 days".

At the time, I didn't get it. Now, I do.

I met JerryD during my first days working. I have to concur. At that time, I didn't know any back gossip but he was always just wonderful. And he loves Pink Floyd, too!

ASPD is remembered with fondness. For whatever reason, I remember being a lot more uppity then! (I liked some of the vicious back and forths. We're a bit more tame here and overall, have less intellectual topics than before.)

Just my take on it. Could be looking back with some rose colored glasses on.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I do remember you contacting me when you first started. I don't recall the provider status request specifically, but I do remember offering some friendly advice and encouragement.
Way back when, I wasn't a fan of staff certifying provider status, and Dallas was the last board on ASPD to require it for posting ads.

In regards to JerryD, in fairness, how could anyone not love Pink Floyd?
Like apparently many others, I also was the recipient of a CD from him. There was a lady (civilian) I was interested in that liked an obscure song. I contacted JerryD, told him of my interest in her and her interest in that song, and a few hours later he was in my office delivering a CD with that song and others she might like.
With that, he earned an Assist when I subsequently scored. One of many, I'm sure, during his illustrious career.
I do remember you contacting me when you first started. I don't recall the provider status request specifically, but I do remember offering some friendly advice and encouragement.
Way back when, I wasn't a fan of staff certifying provider status, and Dallas was the last board on ASPD to require it for posting ads.

In regards to JerryD, in fairness, how could anyone not love Pink Floyd?
Like apparently many others, I also was the recipient of a CD from him. There was a lady (civilian) I was interested in that liked an obscure song. I contacted JerryD, told him of my interest in her and her interest in that song, and a few hours later he was in my office delivering a CD with that song and others she might like.
With that, he earned an Assist when I subsequently scored. One of many, I'm sure, during his illustrious career. Originally Posted by Deuce Bigalow
That's the JerryD I remembered. I listened to my CD the other day after I realized where it came from! Memories.

Deuce, while we never met...I immediately recognized your name upon landing here. Very nice to see you.
Invisible1's Avatar
ASPD was awesome. I am still around.
In 2001 I stumbled across ASPD and my mongering changed forever, like moving from darkness to heavenly light.
erotiqus's Avatar
I found ASPD in 2006. I know my activity is not the same. That looks generally true for the site.
Secret Horned Frog's Avatar
I found out about ASPD around 2003. The first lady I saw from there was T of UBT. Brothercool and Roadking were the ones that did the reviews and got me to try her out. I still see her today. She has still hot and fun and not changed in the last 10 years. There are some ladies that retired that I d miss from back then. Lana Storm and Savannah of DFW ASPD days were two that I really enjoyed quite a bit. However, I did meet Terralynn from here to make up for it. Hopefully, I will find other a few other FBSM ladies like her that are good looking and drama free.
  • cosoj
  • 02-04-2014, 09:16 PM
2002 or 2003. It worked better.
Since 2004. ATF was Cori of Dallas/Brandi Dahl. Spent many unreal times with her at her place, my place, my office. Wish I could just talk to her again. She became a friend and I really do miss her.