Tucker Carlson Tonight

Presj22's Avatar
i find it amusing and typical that not one of the "Fucker Carlson" posters have watched nary one minute (by their own admission) of Carlson's show and yet you profess yourselves "experts" on Carlson's content.

who told you Carlson's content was "toxic racist hate mongering"? the same toxic racist hate mongering leftists who hate America and want it to become a third world banana republic. is that what you voted for?

is it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Remember all the leftists that were saying once Trump was elected “I’m going to Canada”? Well, there’s a solution for you. Don’t like the way the USA is going, then head on out. The Carlson racist hatemonger movement is up in the air now. Grab your cousin!

Don’t forget to be that Tucker and call your cousin a c*** lmao
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Knowing how upset you are, I suggest that you should waste another day or so of your life doing a cut and paste rehash of your GOAT’S career……..

No one watches any of the stuff you post anyway, but waste a few days reminiscing by yourself…..you will think you have done something worthwhile…..

elg……. Originally Posted by elghund

in other news .... i mean .. who saw this coming? bahahaaaaaaa

The Primetime Ratings Collapse at Fox News Has Begun


The ratings drop on Fox News has begun following the bombshell news that the network had cut ties with Tucker Carlson. The man who earned Fox solid ratings and was one of the few, if not the only, host to push back against the GOP on its bad plays was nixed following reported disputes with the company brass. Rupert Murdoch is reportedly one of many narratives behind Tucker’s dismissal, allegedly queasy over his commentaries about January 6. There were other rumors about how he wanted to do a segment on the Dominion lawsuit. Fox has moved on from following a $787 million settlement with the voting machine company slapping the news organization with a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit. Dominion’s legal action follows the network’s pervasive 2020 election coverage, where they alleged the company was part of the operation to rig the 2020 election.

Whatever the case, Tucker is gone, and the speculation regarding his departure will remain until he addresses it. Until then, Fox News has a serious staffing issue in finding an acceptable replacement, a search that will offer insight into how the network wants to move forward following the Dominion fiasco. The executives had to have known how this would have impacted the network. Fox lost $930 million when this news hit the wires, so the bleeding has begun. Can they recover (via Daily Caller):

Cable News Rankings Mon Apr 24 @TheFive
* @Maddow
* @SeanHannity
* @BretBaier

let's see how this works out for FOX in six months
rooster's Avatar
i find it amusing and typical that not one of the "Fucker Carlson" posters have watched nary one minute (by their own admission) of Carlson's show and yet you profess yourselves "experts" on Carlson's content.

who told you Carlson's content was "toxic racist hate mongering"? the same toxic racist hate mongering leftists who hate America and want it to become a third world banana republic. is that what you voted for?

is it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I've seen many, many hours of yer boy. No one told me that he was toxic, racist, and hate mongering. I've formed that opinion all on my own, using his own words against him.

Now...a word of advice, my friend. And I do consider you one, I would gladly have a gin and tonic with you any time. But this technique where you and your pals turn away criticism by saying "we aren't that way, you are" is getting really old. It's playground stuff. And it is horribly ineffective.

I defy you to find someone on the Left that has the access that Tucker has (oops! HAD!) and generates the criticism that he gets. C'mon. Find me an equivalent. They don't exist. Don Lemon don't count. He was a bit player who...though a fuck also...had nowhere near the influence that Tuck has (oops! I did it again. HAD! Gawd, I luv this).

The other argument that don't work: "they hate him cuz he's brave and is the only one who is willing to say these things."

No. We hate him because he is hateful. And hides behind arguments like that. But they are transparent. As is the one where he is just "entertainment." He is the king of dog-whistlers to haters. And there are tens of millions who hate him for that.

Don't support hate...an idea that is thousands of years old....but never gets old.

rooster's Avatar
"Don't support hate...an idea that is thousands of years old....but never gets old." Originally Posted by rooster
Pretty hard ta not hate haters though. I just realized how many times I said I "hate" Tuck and his kind above. Well...if yer gonna hate anybody....

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've seen many, many hours of yer boy. No one told me that he was toxic, racist, and hate mongering. I've formed that opinion all on my own, using his own words against him.

what words would that be? that the nation is being overrun by illegals by the left on purpose? is that "hateful" or fact? that if they were white euros from Canada as opposed to Hispanics from Mexico or South America it wouldn't be "racist" to oppose this massive illegal immigration "replacement"? which it is ..

Now...a word of advice, my friend. And I do consider you one, I would gladly have a gin and tonic with you any time. But this technique where you and your pals turn away criticism by saying "we aren't that way, you are" is getting really old. It's playground stuff. And it is horribly ineffective.

i like Tanqueray. Bombay will do as well.


the left isn't about debate or criticism. it's all about total authoritarian control of .. everything. pretty sure all those white highly educated slave owning expat Brits also known as the founding fathers would be aghast at America today and especially the massively oppressive and controlling Fed Gov they took great lengths to avoid and constrain. it's why they designed the United States of America as a Federal Republic with limited Federal Government and State's rights as the cornerstone of their vision.

I defy you to find someone on the Left that has the access that Tucker has (oops! HAD!) and generates the criticism that he gets. C'mon. Find me an equivalent. They don't exist. Don Lemon don't count. He was a bit player who...though a fuck also...had nowhere near the influence that Tuck has (oops! I did it again. HAD! Gawd, I luv this).

The other argument that don't work: "they hate him cuz he's brave and is the only one who is willing to say these things."

No. We hate him because he is hateful. And hides behind arguments like that. But they are transparent. As is the one where he is just "entertainment." He is the king of dog-whistlers to haters. And there are tens of millions who hate him for that.

Don't support hate...an idea that is thousands of years old....but never gets old.

. Originally Posted by rooster

what Carlson says is only "hateful" to the hateful far left and their agenda of hate and socialist authoritarian agenda. i presume you really don't support that agenda?
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Fox ratings tumble in Tucker Carlson slot after his firing


Thu, April 27, 2023 at 5:45 PM CDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of Fox News viewers are reacting to Tucker Carlson's firing by abandoning the network in his old time slot — at least temporarily.

Fox drew 1.33 million viewers for substitute host Brian Kilmeade in the 8 p.m. Eastern hour on Wednesday night, putting the network second to MSNBC's Chris Hayes in a competition Carlson used to dominate, the Nielsen company said.

That's down 56% from the 3.05 million viewers Carlson reached last Wednesday, Nielsen said. For all of 2022, Carlson averaged 3.03 million viewers, second only to Fox's “The Five” as the most popular program on cable television.

Carlson offered his own alternative to Kilmeade on Wednesday, posting a two-minute monologue on Twitter at 8 p.m. By Thursday afternoon, that video had been viewed 62.7 million times, according to Twitter.

76 million by today

Kilmeade had 1.7 million viewers on Tuesday and 2.59 million on Monday, when he told people who hadn't already heard the news that Carlson would no longer be there.

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Tucker Carlson

Carlson had 2.65 million viewers on Friday for what he didn't know at the time would be his last show on Fox. He was fired on Monday with no explanation given publicly, although there are no shortage of theories — including a former employee's lawsuit that cited a toxic work atmosphere at his show, offensive statements by Carlson that came out as part of the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox and his embrace of political conspiracy theories about the Jan. 6 insurrection.

The ratings slump echoes what happened at Fox following the 2020 election, when many viewers angered by the network's crucial election night declaration that Joe Biden had won Arizona followed then-President Donald Trump's advice to seek alternatives. That caused tremendous angst behind the scenes at Fox, which was illustrated in documents released as part of the Dominion case.

Asked for comment, Fox responded with a statement noting that Fox has been cable news' most-watched network for 21 years with its team “trusted more by viewers than any other news source.”

In the wake of Carlson's firing, viewing at the conservative network Newsmax has shot up for Eric Bolling, who hosts a show in the same 8 p.m. Eastern slot.

For example, Bolling had 510,000 viewers Wednesday night, compared to 168,000 on Wednesday a week ago, Nielsen said. On Tuesday, Bolling had 562,000 viewers, up from 122,000 the same day a week earlier.

The challenge for Newsmax will be making it last. Fox surged again following Biden's inauguration as president, and Newsmax couldn't keep up the momentum.
Presj22's Avatar
Shit, did you guys hear/read? Fox is gonna have a ‘soft’ ban on Trump on their network! What will you guys do without hearing Tucker talk about Trump?!? Originally Posted by Presj22
Soft….nah, they went hard bahahahahahahahhahahahahaha
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Shit, did you guys hear/read? Fox is gonna have a ‘soft’ ban on Trump on their network! What will you guys do without hearing Tucker talk about Trump?!? Originally Posted by Presj22
Soft….nah, they went hard bahahahahahahahhahahahahaha Originally Posted by Presj22

quoting yourself is not a good look.

anything to say about FOX dropping viewers in Carlson's slot like a lead zeppelin going down?

who didn't see that happening???
Presj22's Avatar
quoting yourself is not a good look.

anything to say about FOX dropping viewers in Carlson's slot like a lead zeppelin going down?

who didn't see that happening??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Being a Tucker Carlson fan isn’t a good look either

Well, Murdoch has more money than all of us AND Carlson combined. I’m sure he didn’t make it on a bunch of dumb decisions, so I bet he has a wise plan.