NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

I didn't dislike Kubiak but it was time for him to go.
I don't dislike Smith, I just think keeping him considering everything else was a bad decision. Originally Posted by boardman
I agree that it was time for Kubiak to go. He had lost control of the football team. Since Smith was joined at the hip with Kubes, I also believe he should have gone, as well. But obviously that didn't happen. We shall see how the O'Brien/Smith tandem works out over the course of the next year.
Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
It also scares me that BT(The Dopey Cum Bucket) now likes JFF. Originally Posted by Daddio
Not to worry "Sugar" Daddio! As usual, you're jumping to conclusions. I am not onboard the Johnny Football's bandwagon as of yet. I am still leaning toward a pass rushing specialist with our first pick, preferably by trading down and gaining an extra early draft pick. I doubt that I will change my mind prior to draft day but I suppose it is still a possibility.

Even if I were to hop on Johnny Football's bandwagon, it is apparent that you and I are looking at two distinctively different skill sets. For example, if the Texans decide to take Johnny Football I am only interested in how well he handles the quarterback position for the Texans.

On the other hand, it is quite obvious from the above referenced quote that your main interest deals specifically with the size of JFF's cock. To each his own, what the two of you do behind closed doors is of absolutely no concern to me.

To be completely honest, I believe "Sugar" Daddio probably needs to look elsewhere. I seriously doubt that JFF plays that way. "Sugar" Daddio, perhaps you should run an ad on Craigslist. You can probably find a shape and size that will suit your selective taste there.

Just sayin'
bambino's Avatar
Looks like the Vikings coach was not a big fan of JFFs pro day or JFF. Maybe it's a smoke screen but I thought the same thing. The black helmet, camos, hip hop music, celebrities. It was more of a production than a workout. So, BOB and Zimmer are prolly out.
Yawn, shit I just woke up, BT's attempts at rags put me to sleep like always.

BT, you said you are closer than ever to jumping on the JFF Bandwagon. Bandwagon is code for Cock from a Dick Smoker like you!!! So you really said, I am closer than ever to jumping on JFF's cock!!! Since Dopey has broken up with you and moved to Oakland you must find another "Bandwagon" to jump on and swallow. That's why you keep harping on and on and on about JFF's Girth!!

Bambino, what makes you think BOB didn't like the JFF pro day? I haven't seen anything that said as much, but could have missed it. I can see how an old school hard nosed coach like BOB may not like all the BS JFF brings to the table. I like hard nosed coaches and I hope BOB pans out to bee an ass kicker of a coach, not a pussy boy like we had before. I think McNuttless might like JFF as he probably invited his buddy George H Bush to the workout. I still think Long Dong Rick will fuck it up and take somebody else with the pick, the safe pick, but I think GHB might be lobbying McNuttless to take JFF. Can't wait for the draft to get here!!
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Yawn, shit I just woke up, BT's attempts at rags put me to sleep like always. Originally Posted by Daddio
"Sugar" Daddio was experiencing wet dreams of being BCD with JFF and the "cock." <-----"Sugar" Daddio
carkido45's Avatar
I didn't know Daddio was bi-sexual .
bambino's Avatar
Yawn, shit I just woke up, BT's attempts at rags put me to sleep like always.

BT, you said you are closer than ever to jumping on the JFF Bandwagon. Bandwagon is code for Cock from a Dick Smoker like you!!! So you really said, I am closer than ever to jumping on JFF's cock!!! Since Dopey has broken up with you and moved to Oakland you must find another "Bandwagon" to jump on and swallow. That's why you keep harping on and on and on about JFF's Girth!!

Bambino, what makes you think BOB didn't like the JFF pro day? I haven't seen anything that said as much, but could have missed it. I can see how an old school hard nosed coach like BOB may not like all the BS JFF brings to the table. I like hard nosed coaches and I hope BOB pans out to bee an ass kicker of a coach, not a pussy boy like we had before. I think McNuttless might like JFF as he probably invited his buddy George H Bush to the workout. I still think Long Dong Rick will fuck it up and take somebody else with the pick, the safe pick, but I think GHB might be lobbying McNuttless to take JFF. Can't wait for the draft to get here!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I didn't say BOB didn't like his pro day, I just don't think JFF is his type of QB. Size and style of play. That's pretty much a foregone conclusion. Zimmer didn't care for the Hollywood Stlye production. I'm not thinkin JFF is doing himself any favors with his public proclamations that not picking him is a mistake and the self promotion. But it only takes one team. My guess it will be a perennial loser like Oakland or Cleveland. They might want the hype that goes along with JFF.
TheDon's Avatar
I think he could go to Jacksonville, they will start selling out that stadium, and then the team will move to LA. Then we will see Johnny Holllywood.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
I didn't know Daddio was bi-sexual . Originally Posted by carkido45
You can tell from his quote found above that "Sugar" Daddio prides himself in being an Equal Opportunity 'Homo'!

JFF-----><-----"Sugar" Daddio

I still think Long Dong Rick Originally Posted by Daddio
You can tell from "Sugar" Daddio's actual quotes that "cock" and/or "dong" size is a very important part of "Sugar" Daddio's diet.
Well Carkiddo obviously doesn't know about my harem of Snatch in 2 States. Nor does he remember who the real sword swallower is = BigTex. BT sucked Dopey so good he crossed his eyes. BT is one that just can't stop talking about cock and how much he loves it!! Word on the street is that BT looks like an old fat wrinkly mayonnaise jar that Dopey discarded when he moved to Oakland. BT is a jilted lover that is scorned because his boy Dopey found another "Black Hole" he likes more than his sphincter!! Carry on Miracle Whip and try to write a comeback without professing your love for cock for once!!!
JFF could end up being Johnny London if the Jags take him!!
carkido45's Avatar
Well Carkiddo obviously doesn't know about my harem of Snatch in 2 States. Nor does he remember who the real sword swallower is = BigTex. BT sucked Dopey so good he crossed his eyes. BT is one that just can't stop talking about cock and how much he loves it!! Word on the street is that BT looks like an old fat wrinkly mayonnaise jar that Dopey discarded when he moved to Oakland. BT is a jilted lover that is scorned because his boy Dopey found another "Black Hole" he likes more than his sphincter!! Carry on Miracle Whip and try to write a comeback without professing your love for cock for once!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Nope ...up your game because what you got right now is lame .Sugar Daddio
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Long Dong Rick Originally Posted by Daddio
Nope ...up your game because what you got right now is lame .Sugar Daddio Originally Posted by carkido45
"Sugar" Daddio bottomed out long ago. (No pun intended) In order to "up" his game, he would have to find game to "up." Thus far, he has yet to find it!

The only "UP" "Sugar" Daddio seems to care about is how "UP" on the "cock" size chart does JFF and his ATF "Long Dong" rank.

As I previously stated, "Sugar" Daddio is an Equal Opportunity Homo.

It doesn't matter to him whether it's JFF's "cock" he is fantasizing about or Rick Smith's "Long Dong." He seems to love 'em all!
BigLouie's Avatar
Well things certainly are getting more interesting. The Texans were at Clowney's Pro day and worked him out and everyone seemed happy. Now word is that they are bringing not just Clowney but also all three QBs back for a visit at the facility. And then word that New England is bringing in both Bridgewater and Manziel for a visit. What is interesting is that I heard on one station today that each team is limited to just 30 visits with players so the Texans are using 4 of the 30 for their first pick and New England is using two of theirs for people who might not be there when they draft. Something is up for sure.
boardman's Avatar
What does NE know? Why have JFF visit when you have the 29th pick of the draft? Are they willing to trade all the way up to #1? That's the only way they could be assured of getting JFF. Perhaps they are looking to trade up to top ten and think JFF might still be there and want to know something about him in case he happened to be there. Either way they would be looking to trade up.

Is it possible that BOB has asked Belichick to interview him for a second opinion. From what I've heard players are not allowed to work out at the NFL facilities so these visits are not workouts but more like interviews.